
Chapter Sixty-Three: Stubborn

Seraphina's POV

I had a lot of fun with Samira yesterday.

That was all that should matter.

Not Percy flipping out on me—or was it me who flipped out on him? Not being grounded for two days and missing school. Not missing dinner and breakfast.

How could they treat me like a damn child? I was an adult! And I didn't mean it like I was mentally twenty-one, but eighteen was an adult!

I fell on the bed and rolled about, kicking the bedhead. I knew Third could hear it all, but he didn't react.

"I'll just die so y'all can have peace since I'm the trouble in your lives!" I yelled.

Still silence.

I really hated how quiet he could be when I needed him to react. After half an hour, with my stomach starting to do the hula, I crept to the door.

"What?" he asked when I knocked. He was seated in front of the door to keep me from going out.