A little picnic

While Aaron got ready Adeline decided to check up on Alaric. She wanted to help him prepare the spread but before that, she was notified that there was a special letter for her.

She didn't know why the butler took the time to mention it since she asked him to refuse any invitations she received. After making her first appearance, she quickly shot to fame among the society. 

Her mother's genes helped her gain the title "flower of society" in the story, and it wasn't so different this time either. Coupled with the fact that the Crown Prince escorted her, she became the talk of the town. 

Numerous letters and invitations poured in the other day, Adeline didn't care much about the society so she decided to refuse them all. She wasn't the most talented in palace intrigue, she didn't want to invite trouble.

She would have to deal with them eventually anyway. It's best to enjoy herself for as long as she can without worry.

"My Lady, this letter has the stamp of the Northern Duke, we don't have the authority to refuse it outright."

Adeline's ears perked upon hearing that the letter was from the Northern Duke. Benedict took the time to write to her even though his house would be in chaos. 

"Dear Lady Adeline, I want to thank you for helping me yesterday. My mother had been sick for a long time and because of you, I was able to create cherished memories with her. 

One day, I would like to invite you to the Northern Duchy. I would love to show you the garden my mother held close to her heart.

Yours friendly, Benedict Rolfe."

Adeline couldn't help but smile. He trusted her enough to spill the secret of his mother's health condition. Right now, the situation up North isn't a favourable one, that was why he was being ambiguous with the date when he invited her to his manor.

She especially liked that he ended it with 'yours friendly'. They were now friends. She was able to meet and make friends with two out of the four male leads. She didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. As long as she doesn't get too involved with them, it should be fine, right?

Since she met two of them, why shouldn't she attempt to contact the other two? If she was able to establish a favourable relationship with them, her future might be a little bit safer. 

*knock knock*

"Let's go Linny, Alaric is waiting for us." He opened the door and brought her back to the present. She was drowning in worries but thankfully he came at the right time. 

"Why are you frowning like an old man?"

Adeline looked around and then pointed to herself as if to say, 'Who? Me?'

She didn't know she had such a sombre expression on her face. Ignorance is indeed bliss, look at her worrying her life away while the people around her were blissfully unaware. 

She slapped her cheeks to wake herself up and trotted over to the door. 

"Alright, let's go!"

There were numerous servants in the garden getting the place ready for the picnic. 

The siblings rarely got together due to the conflicts in schedules, they had to make sure everything went well. The chefs prepared food that wasn't too messy and easy to eat for the picnic. Everything was perfect.

Alaric thanked everyone for their work and dismissed them. He didn't want people interrupting their time. 

"Brother!" Adeline ran up to him as fast as her little legs could take her. He immediately caught her and lifted her up. 

"You will be entering society soon, you can't act like this in front of others, okay?"

Though his words sounded like reprimands he lifted her up and didn't put her down. 

"But there are no 'others' here so it's okay." Adeline firmly stood her ground. 

Aaron didn't mind their sappy behaviour. He was more interested in the food before him. There were so many pastries that his master would disapprove of. Forbidden food was even more enticing.

He was almost drooling by now. He picked up a pastry and tasted it, he could almost cry!

'We should have picnics more often.'

She spent a lot of time with Aaron but not much time with Alaric. On one hand, she was afraid that he would notice the changes in her, he was older and though they didn't spend too much time together, he was very perceptive.

On the other hand, she really wanted to make this chance at life count. She didn't want to lead a miserable life like her last one. She wanted to spend time with her loving brothers and her caring but emotionally stupid dad.

"There's a swing there, push me please." There was a swing attached to a tree nearby, it looked so inconspicuous that she would've missed it. The swing lost most of its colours because of the changing weather and it looked like no one used it for years.

Seeing the swing Alaric stopped right in his tracks. He stood still for a second without answering her. It was the swing his mother used. After her passing, no one touched it. He felt that his mother's favourite swing shouldn't be left like that. She wouldn't like it. 

With a hint of nostalgia, he walked over to it. The times have changed, and they should change with it too.