
"Wow, what fine craftsmanship. This technique is impressive, say, how did you accomplish this?"

Aaron whispered to Adeline, "Quick, now is the time!"

Both of them slipped away once they were sure that their Master was distracted. Adeline headed towards the back alley as described in the book. Aaron knew full well that his master was obsessed with swords.

He used the same technique he would use to get out of training. He would let his master go on and on about swords and waste time.

When Aaron told her that his Master had this habit, it immediately clicked, there was a weaponsmith who crafted swords using techniques from his hometown. Dimitri recognised that they had the same roots based on the sword's build. 

It was offhandedly mentioned in the novel that Dimitri hired that weaponsmith and created swords that could be imbued with magic using magic crystals, which meant that ordinary people without magic could use magic.

This happened when he was already part of the mage tower so she didn't know if Dimitri knew him yet but it was a good place to start. Adeline frowned for a second after making this plan. It seemed a bit too convenient.

"It's not convenience, you're just that smart!"


Adeline yelped. Luckily no one was around her at the moment. That damned Goddess startled her again.

"You- I thought you said you couldn't read my mind!"

"I didn't then but now, I unlocked new powers. I can read your mind."

"Wow, then read my mind now." Adeline smiled at her coldly.

"I don't wanna." The Goddess knew Adeline was cursing her.

"Is it not too much of a coincidence? Whenever I have an issue, there is always a plot point ready that makes my life easier, AND I seem to remember it right at that moment. Do you have something to do with this?"

Adeline could've sworn that she hadn't read about this before, but suddenly it was ingrained into her mind. Dimitri DID make these swords, there was a weaponsmith connected to him that would help her distract Aaron's master while she looked for Dimitri.


After getting no reply from the Goddess she felt like throwing something.

"Hey! Are you still there?!"

"Oh sorry, I fell asleep. What was your question?"

'Ugh, forget it. The Goddess is doing this on purpose. She is hiding things from me.' She thought to herself. Adeline didn't know how much she could trust this 'godly figure'.

"Well, I don't wanna hide things from you, but I have no choice." Her voice sounded like she was sobbing but Adeline knew it was all lies.


"Stop reading my mind and get lost!"

She didn't want to waste her time on this Goddess. Based on all the interactions she had, she didn't have a good impression of her. Instead of fixing her own dumb story she dragged her into this mess and expected her to change the ending. 

After Adeline yelled at her, she didn't hear anything back for a while so she concluded that the Goddess was gone. She still didn't know when the Goddess could contact her, was there a requirement that had to be met?

Or was it that the Goddess was watching her now but she chose when to contact her on a whim? Too many questions but no answers. If what she recalled about the weaponsmith is in fact true, then it was a good lead to follow and find Dimitri.

She had no other choice, there weren't many leads to go on. She vaguely remembered his appearance but that was his adult form and he had magic to change his appearance. Now, it could be anybody's guess. 

Still, she had to try. He was the only sane one among the male leads.

In a dark alley sat Dimitri with two other children, both younger than him. His stomach growled in hunger, he didn't want to share what little food he managed to rummage but seeing their sunken cheeks something tugged at his heart.

He knew he would regret it but still, he shared what he had. Seeing those two young ones eat it with teary eyes would've made him feel warm if not for the hunger that burnt his stomach.

It wasn't enough to fill him before he shared it, he knew he would have to spend another night hungry. In the distance rang a small bell, it was the dinner bell for the children of the orphanage.

The orphanages, however, took in only the children of the empire, not refugees. He went into thought about his past and his old home.

Beyond the Lunaria Empire exist two other Kingdoms, Verdentia and Azuretellus, they weren't big enough to be called an Empire but they had enough influence and trade. They were neighbouring kingdoms too.

The Emperor wasn't interested in conquering them and expanding the Empire, one can't say the same thing about the other two kingdoms. On one such siege to capture neighbouring lands Dimitri's hometown was pillaged.

He along with many other villagers was able to escape to the Lunaria empire hoping for a peaceful life but fate had other plans.