
Maybe approaching him slowly was the better idea. For him to be in a better mood he shouldn't be on the streets. She took Aaron and went into the orphanage. The lady in charge saw them and ignored them. What could two children possibly want from her?


Adeline coughed loudly to get her attention. The lady rolled her eyes but started to walk towards them. It was clear from her attitude that she didn't really care about anything.

She was only in it for the money, the Emperor allocated money to go to orphanages based on the number of children they housed. Because of this, the number of people willing to house orphans rose substantially.

They didn't do it because of their kind hearts, they only did it for the money. They simply provided the children the bare minimum and cashed in whatever was left. 

The Emperor didn't care about how this scheme could be misused, it gave him a good reputation among the people and that was all he cared about.

Even though the orphans didn't live in the best conditions, they lived better than the refugees. It showed the stark difference in how people treated their fellow citizens and those who 'leeched' off of their resources. 

Adeline knew that if she started sponsoring this orphanage, there was a high chance that the money she would spend wouldn't even reach Dimitri.

So to make sure this lady does exactly as she instructed Adeline dug out the emblem of the House of Kendrick. She didn't reveal it yet, she turned to Aaron and told him to go bring his Master. 

"Just tell him I ran off and to come pick me up here." 

Adeline didn't bother acting like a child. She told him with a straight face to do as she said. Aaron unconsciously followed her, her aura didn't seem like that of a child anymore. After Aaron left the orphanage, Adeline turned to the lady who was quickly turning impatient.

"Another child left behind? The rooms are full kid, we can't take in any more. But since you are so young I think we can make space. Be grateful you ran into one of the good ones."

The lady thought the children were orphans and the oldest left the youngest as he was unable to take care of her anymore.

Every word uttered by her reeked of manipulation, she wanted to make sure this child knew her place and wouldn't ask for too much, she should be grateful that anyone wanted to take her in.

Seeing the sad state of affairs Adeline couldn't help but get angry. She decided to help out the people in this orphanage at any cost. 

The emblem that she held in her hand was strongly imprinted on her skin. Her fist was balled so tight that she unconsciously hurt herself.

Facing the lady, she took off her hood to reveal her pink hair. This territory was technically within the capital and not under the Marquess' domain but there wouldn't be anyone who wouldn't recognise her hair.

Showing the emblem in her hand she ordered, "There is a kid outside in the alley. Bring him in and take good care of him." She emphasised on the word 'good'.

Seeing the seal of the House of Kendrick the lady immediately changed her tune, she was much more submissive, and there was no trace of her previous impatience. "But, he is one of those people."

Why wouldn't she have taken an orphan in if not for the fact that he was a refugee? She wouldn't have missed out on the extra money if she had no other choice. There was no law prohibiting taking them in but it was like an unknown rule to ignore them and pretend they were dead.

"This is an order directly from the House of Kendrick. Do you have a problem with it?"

'Noble children sure are different...' Adeline was not like any of the kids she looked after, what five-year-old had such an imposing tone? She wouldn't dare to disobey the Marquess so she decided to do as she was told. 

"My Lady!" Aaron's Master came bursting in. He was sweaty and agitated. He couldn't imagine what could've happened if he had lost the precious daughter of the Marquess.

"Sorry for running off..." She said in a childlike tone, she shot a glance at the lady who had her head down. "This kind lady brought me in after she found me. I think she should be rewarded." There was a shift in her tone that the owner of the orphanage immediately recognised and gulped. This was compensation for taking care of the boy, this was also hush money. 

"Oh... I..." She stuttered, her voice sounded weak.

"No, I insist. Please tell Father to reward this lady."

Once they were in the carriage, the Master couldn't help but reprimand Aaron, "You couldn't catch up to a child? Seems like I have to increase your training."

Aaron's jaw dropped. He truly understood the meaning of being an older sibling, sometimes you take the fall for your sibling's naughty actions. 

Adeline could only offer a meek apology. She mouthed the words 'Sorry' and 'Thank you'.

She thought that Dimitri could experience some warmth that would soften up his tough exterior but there were still hurdles she had to face before the fish caught the bait.