
After hugging Adeline, Dimitri kneeled on one knee. He intended to imitate the knights from the stories he heard. They kneel and kiss the back of the hand of the lady they dedicated themselves to. He was neither a knight nor was she a lady. Adeline just took it as a child playing around, she was flattered a bit. Her ears and cheeks turned red.

When he swore to protect her forever she heard the Goddess from above, "And I acknowledge this oath, he shall face divine retribution if he goes back on his words."

Adeline couldn't help but gasp. 

'Stop playing around! He is a child!'

'But he said the oath! My job is to hold him accountable, take your problems up with someone else, humph!' With that, the Goddess poofed out of existence leaving Adeline frustrated.

His head was tilted to the side and he stared at Adeline in confusion, did she not like him doing this? He was very worried. Perhaps he should've asked for her permission first.