Male Leads Meet

Adeline's heart started beating fast, she didn't expect for the main characters to meet this early but it happened. Watching it unfold in front of her was not thrilling, it was downright horrifying...

"You- stay away from Linny." Dimitri stepped forward thinking he was protecting her.

"Hah, who do you think you are to order me, the Crown Prince?" First Benedict and now another? Cassian couldn't help but narrow his eyes, it was hard for him to control his powers. There was a chill in the air that made everyone shiver. Only he knew that he was the reason for this change in the environment. More and more flies started to buzz around her, it was annoying. 

"You should let her decide what she wants." Benedict came to her defence and took her hand which made Dimitri and Cassian grit their teeth, both were unwilling to back down.