There was only silence. What else did she expect from a statue? That was all this Goddess was, a statue, a rock, not worthy of being a Goddess!
And now, here she was again.
History was repeating itself.
She refused to let that happen.
Annora refused to lose again.
Her fingers curled into fists as she wiped the tears from her face, her sorrow quickly hardening into hatred.
If the Goddess wouldn't answer her, then she would take matters into her own hands.
She would not let Adeline win.
Even if she had to burn everything down to the ground.
Dimitri was already gone.
Adeline stared at the horizon, knowing that he had left for the Mage Tower, and there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't reach him, couldn't talk to him, couldn't even confirm if he would listen to her if she tried.
Even if she went all the way to the tower, there was no guarantee that she would see him.