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Am I the real culprit here?...

Dev :- what are you talking about Sunil? Why are you calling me lucifer? Isn't lucifer means the person who killed our members in the past mission. Just tell me about all info you collected upto now

Sunil :- it's about time to condect a meeting about this mission. Let's head to the meeting

Priya :- good morning! Senpai, how are you doing? Why are so sweety at the morning. Isnt you came with car

Dev :- it's nothing and now you have to head to meeting room Priya

Priya :- For what senpai?

Dev :- I think you didn't saw the rep sheet today. Isn't it?

Priya :- yeah, so what?

Dev :- what are you thinking if we get a mission it will be updated in the rep sheet

Priya :- I knew because we are the one who gives the missions

Dev :- what are you talking?

Priya inner feeling :- oh! Shit, I just slip the tongue

Dev :- oh! You told in the meaning where boss gives the mission, right?

Priya :- yeah, exactly

Dev :- I think your rep sheet is not updated. I will do it for you after the meeting

Priya :- OK, senpai

Priya inner feeling :- probably I should not give my rep sheet phone to him because my rep sheet and his rep sheet is different. As I am the member of arm detective group

Dev and priya went to meeting room with Sunil on dev's back

Dev is keap thinking about his situation. If anyone know he was from the spy foundation he probably eliminated

All the members of the unit 1 came to meeting room

As Sunil is one of the lutenent of unit 1. He will review the mission details

The lutenents will give the details of the mission and the leader of the unit will make a plan according to the information

Sunil :- all the members of the unit 1 is here. So I am starting to tell all the mission information I collected

As you all know the basic information about the mission. A important person of our organisation went to coma statue because of a spy called lucifer

Dev :- what is this, I didn't kill anyone after the pervious mission. Who did it?

Sunil :- this is only the basic info about the mission. But I collected some above it, this lucifer didn't came suddenly he was the one of the oldest spy agent in the foundation. But we have a doubt that why he is now concentrated on the organisation. For that, I have a answer he keep showing himself from the pervious mission

He killed so many members from our organisation in the pervious mission. And he killed the member who worked on the pervious mission too....

Dev :- this makes me in a very wrost situation because that member is very important in the organisation

Sunil :- he is the leader of the unit 2 leader Mr. Arjun Sharma. We know that he is the member of our boss family.

So boss took this mission very personally and makes us to work very hard for it.

And now, who is this lucifer? May be he is the one in this room or anyone in the organisation. Or may be he is the leader of a very important unit.

According to my Investigation, may be I know the culprit. To my source, the lucifer is non-after the our leader of unit 1

Mr. Dev Kishan...

Everyone point your weapon towards sir. Oh! Sorry, point your weapon towards lucifer....

{how Sunil know dev is lucifer? What happen now? How dev will escape from this matter?}. Stay tuned to know more