Secrete behind that brooch?

The two things Ella's mother had left for her were Violin and a brooch. A brooch is actually a pin for women to adorn themselves. Which is often worn by women of big house.

Ella's mother Elliana was a famous violinist. In the house and outside the country. But later, her mother left the music career and entered her foot in the entertainment industry so that she could be able to help Mathew to be a successful director.

But in the end, Elliana never thought that after marring Mathew. He will turn out to be such a bad person. This secret brooch will start a bad relationship with Elliana and Mathew's domestic violence.

From the start, Mathew always thought that Elliana had an affair with that person who had given her that broach. Every time Mathew used to beat Elliana so that he could find out who that person was. Although Elliana would rather be beaten than tell anything to him.

Even in her last moments, Elliana was holding that brooch in her hands. Only for this reason, Ella was also very curious to know who had given this brooch to Elliana. Who was that person whom Elliana could risk her life to save?

After packing everything, Ella took her bag and went downstairs. Mathew and Amelia were nowhere to be seen. Only Nova came to Ella and started saying.

"Ella, why are you being too stubborn? Do you know that if you ask for forgiveness, dad will forgive you?" Nova said.

"Sorry, but there is no such word like sorry in my dictionary. Do you understand?" Ella said to Nova and walked ahead.

"Are you really leaving this house?" Nova asked.

"Weren't you waiting for something like this to happen?" Ella asked while looking towards Nova.

Nova's heartbeat almost stopped. It seemed like she was regretting something. Ella picked up her things and went straight out of the house. She never looked back. She was proud of not going against her words.

She knew that this was her best and right decision in the last 12 years. It is better to leave that house with dignity than to live in a house of backstabbing people. While passing through the garden, Ella looked back and saw that someone was calling her. It was Ella's grandfather.

His grandfather was sitting on his wheelchair, and he started coming towards her while smiling.

"Ella, are you going to college?" He asked.

"Yes, grandpa." Ella said while smiling.

In the entire Lopez family, Ella's grandfather was the only one who truly loved her, but the only sad part was that he was really old. He had problems in his eyes, and he also had Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's patients often forget things and to recognize people. He no longer had the courage to take household decisions or protect Ella as like he used to do.

"My Ella has grown so much that now she had started to go college." Ella's grandfather said while putting his hands on Ella's head as giving her blessings. He always used to say like this because Ella is still a kid in his eyes.

"Yes, Grandpa, I had started going to college. I am so busy with my college work. That's why in future I will come very little to meet you at home." While saying these words, Ella's nose turned red, and her eyes were teary. She was crying.

Today, when she was leaving her house, she might never come back here again. When will she be able to see her grandfather again in the future? She was hoping in her mind that this wouldn't be her last chance to meet her grandfather.

"College is very important dear. Your old.. grandfather can't be able to help you anymore. Here I have some money saved for you... buy something and eat it. Look how thin you have become." Ella's grandfather took out some money from his pocket and put the money in Ella's hand.

Ella felt heaviness in her heart as soon as she held the money in her hand. Holding back her sadness and tears, she hugged her grandfather.

"Grandpa, you have a long life ahead of you. And you have to wait for your Ella to become something so that she could give you a good life." Ella said while almost crying.

"Very good, dear. Your grandfather will wait for you. Don't cry, my child. Don't cry.." Grandfather said.

Ella's grandfather was looking very happy. Tears of happiness were flowing from his eyes. Even the wrinkles on his face were smiling.

After saying goodbye to her grandfather, Ella came out of the house. She had already decided her next step.