
This was nothing. Before this, Ella had broken 3 bones while doing such stunts. which resolves itself with time. This was a mere scratch compared to all those. All this was related to her daily work and was a small part of it.

"Do you really need to do this stunt double job, Ella?" Chloe asked. "This so dangerous, Ella." Chloe said.

"Well, there is going to be an audition for supporting actress this afternoon. If I get selected by them, then I can officially join the cast." Ella said.

"Nothing can happen to this girl." But Chloe could clearly see the excitement on Ella's face. And she had no other option but to support her. She wanted Ella to become successful in her career as soon as possible.

"Well, good luck, Ella." Chloe wished Ella.

It was already late afternoon when Ella finished her work. Ella and Chloe took Cherry to a nice and quiet hotel for lunch. Ella had gone to the bathroom, and when she returned, she accidentally went to the wrong private room.

As soon as she opened the door of the room, she found two people inside the room. An old man with a beard and a beautiful girl were sitting inside and eating their food. That man and that girl both looked very close to each other. But seeing Ella coming in, they both quickly separated from each other. And started looking towards Ella.

'Ohh, what is happening...' Ella thought. As soon as Ella realized her mistake, she started apologizing. She recognized that girl, she is America's famous actress Raina Mathew. Ella had seen Raina's performance in many American films. She loved her acting skills. And she learned a lot from her too.

It was a matter of great luck for her to meet a famous and her favorite actress. And of course, she was not going to miss any opportunity to get her autograph.

"I.. I am sorry... but are you Raina?" Ella stood near the door and started asking. "I have seen many of your films and I like your performances very much.... can I have your autograph please..PLEASE..." Ella was feeling happy in her heart and was also smiling.

As soon as she saw Raina coming towards her, Raina had no other choice but to take out her pen and give her an autograph.

When Raina gave her the autograph, Ella once again started saying. "Miss Raina, let me tell you one thing, you look even more beautiful in reality than on screen.... Can I also take a selfie with you??..Please" Ella said.

Raina was feeling a bit strange but she agreed to take a selfie. Immediately after taking the photo, Raina told Ella. "Look, I hope you don't share this photo on the internet. I don't want anyone to have any misconception regarding this photo."

"No problem, don't worry, I'll keep it to myself." Ella put her phone on her bag and when she turned to go, she looked at that man, don't know why but he seemed familiar. But she couldn't even say anything to him.

The man was looking a little irritated the whole time, maybe he didn't like Ella's sudden arrival. After all, who would like it if someone comes and disturbs your private time?

After all, if he was a director, he would not have been careful while spending such personal time with the film's actress. And if the news had gone out, it would have become a scandal.

The media just needs something to create a ruckus, especially about celebrities. Ella had no idea that he was a director. And she never thought that in this way she would get a chance to meet her favorite actress.

After lunch Ella quickly reached her audition venue. And she sent Cherry back with Chloe. That audition was based on the drama of Sleeping Beauty. Industry's famous director Rahim Khan and his professional team were ready to produce the famous drama of American literature into a film.

There was a rumor in the industry that Raina was Rahim's favorite lead actress. Ella was wondering whether Raina will be in this film or not. Will she work in this film or not?

But Ella was not really worried at all about who will be the lead actress of this. She was just going to audition for a small role. She was a palace maid to whom some lines from the script were to be said. Even though her character's role on screen was for a very short period of time, but in the end a role is a role, whether it is small or big.

Ella was excited to work with the director of the film and not in the actual role. She had a lot of interest in working with Rahim Khan. He is a genius and highly respected in the entertainment industry. Any actor who gets a chance to work in his film, even if it is a small role, has a lot of chances of becoming famous. That's why this audition was very important for Ella.

If Ella had been selected in this audition, it would have been a big debut for her in this industry. This will greatly benefit her career.