Chapter 22

  Paul blinked, and suddenly realized that Alan had a deep understanding of the Water God Style, and he said this as if to ask for advice on the Sword God Style, which he was obviously not very good at.

  "That's good, but I have to make it clear in advance that I am a person of intuition and may not be good at teaching these theoretical knowledge."

  "That's much better than me just guessing."

  The three of them each brought a small stool and sat in a circle. The country wind kept blowing around them, feeling very warm, just like the smiling face of Senis who was looking down from the window on the second floor with her chin in her hand.

  Alan looked at Paul, who was looking at him with his arms folded across his chest and a sad face without saying a word, and his expression was a little serious.

  His current Sword God Style is still at the intermediate level. As a person who has read the novel, he should not remain at this level. The problem is that the description of the sword training method in the novel is too stream-of-consciousness. If it were not for the systematic training and study of the Water God Style since childhood, it would be difficult for him to realize the advanced level by relying solely on the description in the book.

  Thinking of this, he turned to Rudy and said.

  "I don't know if the master has thoroughly analyzed the three sword styles for you before. I am more proficient in the Water God Style and the Northern God Style, so I will tell you the detailed characteristics of these styles first."

  Rudy blinked.

  "Actually, I know."

  Alan smiled nonchalantly and asked.

  "Then what do you think is the core of the Water God Style?"

  Rudy scratched his face.


  Alan shook his head.

  "That is a form of expression. The essence of the Water God Style is perception."

  Paul raised his eyebrows when he said this.

  '.This kid is quite interesting.'

  But Rudy looked confused.


  "Yes, perception."

  As Allen spoke, he let out a long sigh, his breathing gradually calmed down, and his mentality was as calm as the surface of the water without wind.

  In his five senses, the rustling of leaves, the smell of soil, the smile on Paul's lips, Rudius's raised brows, and the movement of his own hair being blown by the wind were all clearly displayed in his five senses.

  He opened his eyes and looked at Rudy again, stretched out his arm and pointed two fingers in front of Rudy, and said to him as he looked puzzled.

  "Perceive all the information about the surrounding environment: the direction of the wind, the source of the sound, the vibration of the air, the shape of objects, and if you go deeper, you can even feel the burst of murderous intent and the flow of magic power."

  As he spoke, a fallen leaf landed accurately between Allen's fingers, and his fingers trembled slightly.

  At the same time, the unfinished words fell.

  "Then, based on the information obtained, make the most appropriate response at the moment, find the opponent's flaws, and launch a fatal counterattack."

  Under Rudy's surprised and Paul's admiring gazes, the leaf instantly broke into two pieces between Allen's fingers and slid down from both sides of his fingertips and fingerbacks.

  The process was so smooth that Rudy even thought that the leaves hit Alan's fingers on their own initiative, ushering in his own 'ending'.

  He broke free from his panic and suddenly realized the illogical part of Alan's words, so he asked.

  "I understand the first part, which means that you need to keep your mind calm and analyze a lot of information about your opponent in a short period of time, and then choose the most suitable counterattack. I understand the killing intent as murderous aura, but what about the flow of magic power? Can this also be felt by people who are not magicians themselves?"

  Alan smiled.


  Rudy's eyes widened and he looked at Alan, who sheepishly withdrew his fingers and touched his nose.

  "But... I can't do it under normal circumstances right now."

  Rudy's face fell.

  "Then you are not here to deceive me"

  "He didn't lie to you."

  Rudy turned to look at Paul who suddenly interrupted, and Paul nodded to Allen with a serious expression.

  "It is rumored that a high-level Water God Swordsman can indeed achieve this, but to be honest, I have never seen it."

  Rudy frowned.

  "Isn't that just a rumor? How is this possible?"

  "I saw it with my own eyes."

  Rudy and Paul looked at Allen who had spoken at the same time, but the latter did not look at them. He just glanced down at the knife at his waist, and after a slight pause, he spoke.

  "The Water God of Asura Capital, the Water God Ryu Sodojo - Her Majesty the Water God - Leda Lia, she can do it perfectly."

Chapter 31 I See, I Cut

  Rudy blinked when he heard that.

  "The Water God-class swordsman, the chief Water God-style leader of a school, is called Leda Lia? It sounds like a very majestic and tall queen name. First of all, we can rule out that she is an old woman. Alan is so lucky to have met such a person."

  "Alan, have you ever seen such a great person? Have you ever seen her perform swordsmanship?"

  Alan looked up at him.

  "Well, I guess I'm lucky."

  Paul glanced at Allen meaningfully.

  Alan gripped the hilt of the knife and continued speaking.

  "This is my opinion on the Water God Style. As for the Sword God Style, I don't know much yet."

  After saying that, he looked up at Paul, and Paul's mouth twitched when he saw this.

  "Well, I'm a feeler. If I have to say what the key is, it's 'intuition'."

  Rudy's eyes lit up when he heard this.

  "Intuition, sounds amazing"

  Alan's forehead twitched slightly.

  "Brother Paul, your intuition is similar to feeling, right? Are you sure it's not your own intuition?"

  Paul looked up and saw Senice's smiling face upstairs. He smiled at his wife and then spoke.

  "To be precise, it is combat instinct, which manifests itself in..."

  When he said this, his expression became serious, as if he had changed his expression.

  "The sword is faster than the mind."

  Rudy was very supportive and started clapping immediately, very quickly.

  And Alan was somewhat helpless.

  He had heard this no less than twenty times, but it was so stream-of-consciousness that he didn't get the point at all.

  He could understand the intuition of fighting, but was it concentration that made the sword faster than his thoughts? However, every time he fought, he felt that he was very focused.

  He shook his head and was about to ask something, but then Rudy asked seriously.

  "What about Beishenliu?"

  Alan looked at him in surprise, and he blinked at Alan, then glanced at Paul.

  Paul was frowning and thinking hard, and he was almost pulling his hair out.

  Alan cleared his throat upon seeing this.

  "Words from the Northern Gods"

  Before he finished speaking, Paul immediately relaxed his brows and looked at Allen as if relieved.

  Alan paused for a moment, realizing that he could not get any useful information out of Paul, and continued with a slightly helpless tone.

  "Beishenryu is different from the other two swordsmanship schools. It does not have a strict 'first principle', and there are many schools, each with its own focus."

  "Here, let's take the most popular Beishenliu Qiba School as an example. Qiba School is not like Shuishenliu who first analyzes the opponent's information, nor is it like Jianshenliu who stabs the opponent's stomach without thinking. Instead, it relies entirely on the situation at the time to make the best and most effective means to defeat the enemy."

  Rudy frowned.

  "This sounds a bit like the Water God Style. Choose the most suitable response for the current situation."

  "No, the means are completely different."

  At this point, Alan suddenly remembered that Rudy would have a lot of clashes with the Beishenliu in the future, so he blinked and spoke.

  "Give me an example."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Allen quickly drew his knife and slashed at Rudy. The latter was startled and subconsciously dodged to the place where his center of gravity was shifted.

  Then he stumbled over something.

  He looked in astonishment at Alan's sword hanging in the air with no intention of cutting down, then looked at his legs that were silently stretched to his side, and scolded him angrily.

  "You are despicable!"

  Alan nodded.

  "Yes! It's despicable. As long as I can win, I will use any means. To be honest, I wanted to kick you in the lower body."

  "don't want!"

  Rudy immediately covered his crotch with his hands, and then his pupils constricted.

  Alan's palm knife was already suspended in front of his pupils.

  Allen slapped Rudy on the head with his backhand, then leisurely withdrew his hand and motioned Rudy to sit down. However, the latter immediately hugged his bench and angrily scolded Allen.

  "Are you going to hit my stool again?"

  Alan's mouth twitched.

  'It was prejudged.'

  "No, it's really over. Anyway, I've given you an example, right? The Beishenliu Qiba School is a school that uses any means to win, using everything they can. Provoking with words, injuring with hidden weapons, and pointing east and hitting west are all manifestations of this. Be careful if you encounter it next time."

  Rudy nodded and sat down.

  Just as he sat down, Alan flicked his finger on a fallen leaf, and the leaf swirled and hit Rudy's forehead with a snap.

  Rudy glared at Alan.

  Alan smiled back.

  "If it was the Qiba Sect of the Northern God School, this would be a hidden weapon."

  But at this moment, the two of them felt a burning gaze.

  Alan turned to look at Paul in surprise, and the latter spoke with a serious face.

  "Alan, don't swing a sword at your family, even if it's just an example."

  Alan was a little dazed, but he felt that Paul was indeed very serious, so he nodded.

  ".Yes, sorry."

  Paul nodded for Allen to continue, but the latter changed the subject.

  "I have basically summarized it. Master, you should be able to see that I don't know much about the Sword God Style, so I still have some questions for you. Just answer them. There is no need to summarize them specifically."

  Paul's brows twitched, realizing that he couldn't avoid this today, and could only put on a stern face and act like an adult.


  The words are concise.

  "First, the Sword God Style. I heard that some people said that the Sword God Style training requires one to do one's best and focus on swinging the sword every day. It is even said that some people can use this to practice to the point of learning the Sword God Style's secret technique - the Light Sword? Is this true?"

  Paul looked confused and didn't know what to say when he heard this, and muttered quietly.

  "This sounds like Gilenu's way of practicing swordsmanship. Hmm. How should I put it?"

  Alan smiled and answered in his heart.

  "Yes, it is one of the methods used by Gileno and Alice to practice the Sword God Style, Paul."

  Paul said after a while, frowning.


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