Chapter 42

  Dinner was still in silence.

  Until midnight, when Alan was sleeping on the soft bed that Senis had specially taken out to dry in the sun, he still felt it was a little unreal. To be honest, everyone's reaction was completely beyond his expectations.

  It's like when you're reading a novel and a character points at you and scolds you, or when you're playing a game and a character leans out of the screen and slaps you in the face.

  In the dim bedroom, he opened his eyes clearly and spread his hands in front of his eyes.

  "Traveling through time is not playing a game, so this is how Paul and the others should react? The abnormal person is actually me, because I have always participated in Musashi Re:Zero as if I were playing a real life game, instead of completely immersing myself in this world. But even so."

  "Worried? We've only been together for three months. Even if I'm Philip's child, why is that so?"

  A moment of silence.

  " part of the family"

  "Tomorrow, I'll apologize to them."

  The darkness was silent again for a long while before the faint murmurs continued.



  In the end, Alan still didn't say the words of apology, because from then on, the next morning, everyone seemed to have returned to their previous state of getting along.

  There were still laughter and joy, still swordplay and magic learning, still going out to play with Sylphirudi under the big tree every day, and still the whispers coming from next door every night.

  The two silver coins salary was still paid every month as usual, on time and without delay.

  But Alan always felt something was wrong

  Just like that, time flew by as he practiced sword skills and learned Sylphyld's magic.

  Winter is here.

  Senis is pregnant.

  Please read on, and definitely turn to the last page!!

  Talk about the plot:

  Actually, the rhythm of this chapter is not in line with the rhythm of online novels, especially harem novels. Normally, it should be for Alan to yell "I just like Lokishi", then chase her to Ligate City and push her, then go back to flirt with other girls, and let Lokishi come back occasionally as a tool to have some fun in the Shura field. (For example, the book of chaotic times.)

  The question is, is it reasonable to write this way in this No-Zero fan fiction?

  Does Allen like Luo Qixi? ——Yes.

  Did Allen know that Luo Qixi liked him? ——It was impossible to be sure.

  In this case, I personally think that liking this kind of relationship should be a self-pushing process with fear of loss, rather than a stamp-collecting style of pushing girls on a whim. The latter is not "liking" but "liking to sleep with" .

  So, has Roxy officially retired before the Great Shift? — She retired, but not completely.

  Because the candy will not stop, as for how to distribute candy if people are not around? ——We will see it soon. (Music)

  I recommend a book, "Being a Funny Person in Naruto", which is a drastic change. All the characters are feminized, so funny!

  (End of this chapter)

Chapter 60: The butterfly's wings never stop fluttering. Is it luck? Or fate? [4k]

  It was just after dinner when Senis stroked her belly and announced the news of her pregnancy.

  Paul was obviously prepared, but he still couldn't contain his excitement. He was about to hug Senice, but he stopped himself and danced on the spot.

  Ever since Senis gave birth to Rudy, the couple has always wanted to have another child, and now this idea has finally come true.

  Rudy also looked at Senice with curiosity, and hurried to her side, and together with the excited Paul, he put his ear to Senice's belly.

  The latter showed a gentle expression and stroked Rudy's head.

  "That's great, Rudy, you're finally not alone."

  When she said this, she was suddenly stunned and looked at Alan, who was standing beside the others with his arms crossed and smiling in an ambiguous manner.

  "In this way, you will have another brother or sister. There will be a third child in the family to play with. You must fulfill your responsibilities as a big brother~"

  Rudy nodded, then turned his head to look at Allen, with some strange light flashing in his eyes.

  As Allen was quite far away, he did not hear clearly what Senice said. He felt as if they mentioned him. He put away his amused smile and tilted his head in confusion with a questioning look.

  Rudy smiled, without responding to Alan's questioning body language, and then put his head on Senis's belly again.

  "It's still not really true that Alan is my distant cousin. This guy is amazing. He is very sensitive when interacting with people. He can accurately grasp other people's emotional fluctuations and say nice things. But how should I put it? He is a little slow in his own emotions."

  'Is he lacking confidence? He didn't fully feel what Paul and Senis' attitude towards him was. I've heard from Paul before that his family situation was complicated and he was hunted by his biological father. Although I don't feel a lot of belonging to this family, his situation is different from mine. I was born again, but he was influenced by his original family. He is indifferent to family affection and is not good at dealing with other people's good feelings towards him?'

  Thinking of this, Rudy glanced at Allen, who was also a time traveler, with a little pity. In the latter's increasingly puzzled eyes,

  Paul lifted her off Senis.

  Then he happily took Rudy's place and crawled on his wife's legs with his face.


  Rudy: .

  At this moment, Lilia finally finished washing the dishes and came out of the kitchen. She glanced at Paul and bowed her head.

  "Congratulations, ma'am."

  Senis stroked Paul's head and joked with a smile.

  "You're welcome~ Lilia has been here for more than five years. How about I find someone in the village to keep you company? You'd be lonely if you were alone, right?"

  Lilia looked at the hem of her maid uniform and said with lowered eyebrows.

  "Thank you, ma'am. I don't have any idea about this for now. I am at a loss about the future."

  "Yeah, Lilia, you used to be a noble guard. There may be no suitable candidate in the village. At least he has to be as famous as Paul to be worthy of Lilia, right? Paul, do you think we should ask Philip for help? Would it be more suitable for Lilia to find a young noble?"

  Paul raised his eyes and quickly glanced at Lilia, and found that she was looking down, with her red hair slightly covering her vision, her eyelids drooping, and her red pupils looking at him. The moment their eyes met, they quickly looked away.

  Paul's face froze. He recalled his past experience of violating Lilia and harassing her from time to time. He couldn't help but feel a little flustered.

  "Ah, well, I think so too. Lilia is really good. Ha. Haha."

  Alan stood aside, crossing his arms and watching the interaction between the two, a smile slowly forming on the corners of his mouth.

  Is it coming? The cheating incident in the original novel.

  The timing is right this time, so there shouldn't be another butterfly effect, right?

  Knock, knock, knock. There was a rapid knock on the door.

  Alan was stunned and turned to look at the door. This plot, which did not appear in the original book, subconsciously reminded him of Loki's late-night visit a month ago.

  "Is this possible? This can't be some weird butterfly effect again, right?"

  Just when Allen was confused and puzzled, unexpectedly, Senice and Paul started talking calmly.

  "Is Lorz here?"

  "Ah, it should be him."

  Under Alan's puzzled gaze, Lilia had already opened the door.

  Sure enough, it was the blond and long-eared Roltz outside the door. He nodded to Lilia, then looked at Rudy and Allen in the room, smiled and stepped aside to make room.

  A small figure emerged from behind.

  It was Sylphy. She was wearing winter clothes that had never appeared in the plot. The furry collars on both sides of her coat surrounded her little face. The tip of her nose was red because of the cold wind, and her red pupils under her long eyelashes reflected Alan's figure.

  "Good morning, Alan."

  Rudy came over unhappily.

  "Hey, Sylphy, why are you only saying hello to Eren?"

  "Sorry, Rudy, good morning."

  Alan couldn't help but smile when he saw Sylphy's appearance. It had snowed for more than ten days in a row since the beginning of winter, and he had never seen Sylphy. Now seeing her wearing thick winter clothes that had never appeared in the anime, he thought she was very cute.

  Alan reached out and embraced Rudy, and casually touched Sylphy's head.

  "Good morning, Sylphy. This is the first time I see you wearing winter clothes. You look so cute."

  Sylphy's ears twitched.

  ".Thank you for the compliment."

  It is worth mentioning that during the past six months of getting along with Sylphy, thanks to Alan's early intervention, she did not suffer bullying for a year as in the original work. She also felt friendship in advance, and her timid character gradually faded away. She has become closer to the image of the gentle and considerate White Mother in the original plot.

  Even now, when I hear Allen's compliments from time to time, I won't be too flustered or shy. I can accept them gracefully and express my gratitude.

  When Roltz saw this scene, he couldn't help but smile, then he looked up and said to Paul who had walked up to him.

  "The snow has stopped. It's time to prepare to clear out the monsters."


  There are few monsters in the Kingdom of Asura because the monsters in the surrounding villages fall into a period of fatigue in winter, and the knights of each village often lead a siege on a regular basis. This is the national policy of Asura to ensure the prosperity of the commodity economy.

  This kind of thing doesn't even need to be mentioned deliberately in the original plot, because it has nothing to do with Rudy, but we can get a glimpse of it from clues, such as:

  The book collection in Rudy's house: "The Monster Ecology and Weaknesses in Fitoya Territory".

  You have to know that books in the world of Musashi Re:Zero are very expensive. The fact that he has such a book at home means that he definitely didn't buy it as a children's book.

  Speaking of this, logically speaking, the monster clearance should not have any intersection with Rudy in the original storyline or now.

  However, in the past six months, Allen's father often fell ill, and because he was worried about Sylphy, he dragged Rudy to deliver food to Lortz, so he also helped hunt many monsters that escaped from the forest. Correspondingly, Rudy would also act as a chef to clean up the mess. Over time, most of the adult men in the village realized one thing.

  That is, although Alan and Rudy are both under ten years old, they cannot be simply regarded as children. In some aspects, they are even more capable than adults.

  Naturally, they were fortunate enough to be able to participate in the preliminary preparations for clearing out the monsters, and Paul himself believed that boys should go out and gain more experience, so naturally he took Alan and Rudy with him to go and see what was going on.

  At the edge of the forest, the dense leaves of the summer have completely fallen off, and the woods are wrapped in a thick coat of snow, with each tree clearly separated, allowing people to clearly see the scenes deep in the forest, unlike in other seasons when the shadows are hazy and unclear in the dense shade of the trees.

  The men of Buena village pulled the specially lengthened and widened thorn nets, stepped on the thick snow, tied them tightly to the tree trunks in the forest one by one, and then gradually surrounded the entire edge of the forest.

  This is to avoid a formal extermination of the monsters, which would cause escaped monsters to sneak into the village.

  Alan and Paul stood at the front of the team to keep watch, preventing monsters from suddenly jumping out from under the snow and hurting people, while the two little ones were at the end of the crowd, watching everyone's activities from a distance.

  "Uncle, does this kind of cleanup happen every year? I haven't heard of it before."

  Paul looked around with the sword in his hand.

  "You won't see this kind of scene in the capital. Why, is it new?"

  "Not bad. Then, what is that?"

  Paul was stunned for a moment and looked at Allen, only to find that he was pointing his finger at a corner deep in the bare forest in the distance. Between the tree trunks, a simple wooden house revealed its mottled eaves.

  "Uh, the safe house."

  "A safe house?"

  "Yes, it is a temporary shelter specially prepared for hunters passing through the forest in winter or caravans that stray into the forest when encountering a blizzard."

  "Temporary shelter?"

  "Don't underestimate the wide view now. When it snows in the Red Dragon Mountains, it often snows for a month. At that time, it is almost impossible to distinguish east, west, south, and north in the forest. If someone gets lost in the blizzard and enters the forest by mistake, and the carriage is trapped in the snow, it is easy to die in the wind and snow. Therefore, the kingdom ordered the construction of many small shelters like this in the woods to deal with such situations."

  Alan was stunned when he heard this, and recalled the scene of driving his fighting spirit through the forest in the snow last year. Before he was assassinated last winter, his original plan was to travel by carriage.

  "When the winter wind blows, the updraft on the hillside will easily cause snow to fall, and the carriage will definitely not be able to move on the road."

  "I overlooked this point when I made the previous arrangements. So, if nothing unexpected had happened and I had continued on my journey as planned, would I have been delayed by the carriage? I certainly wouldn't have been able to make a timely judgment to abandon the carriage and continue on foot in the forest, but I would have chosen to wait for the snowstorm to end."

  "Maybe we'll stop to rest after we find a shelter. If the snow has been falling for a long time, and we find that the carriage can't move, it will probably take a long time. It would be faster to travel on foot using fighting spirit."

  'If I did that, I might not have been able to meet Luo Qixi. If I hadn't met Luo Qixi, my score would probably have been hovering around the passing line at best. It was a close call. Although it was very tiring to drive my fighting spirit through the snow to travel, the result of the assassination turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Blessings often come with misfortunes, and misfortunes often come with blessings?'

  'Good luck.'

  At the edge of the area several dozen meters away from the two men, Roltz was setting up a net with three people around him.

  "Hey, Lorce, are you digging a little too deep this year? It's several dozen meters deeper than in previous years. Isn't it dangerous?"

  A bearded man nearby scratched his head as he tied the net to the tree trunk and said with some worry.

  Roltz said seriously.

  "It's okay. In previous years, Paul was the only senior swordsman, so we were more cautious. This year, we have Alan, so even if we awaken some monsters in the east, we can quickly deal with them."


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