Chapter 14: The Challenge

Káòù drifts into a restless sleep, his mind clouded with unease. Suddenly, he's thrust into a chaotic dreamscape. He finds himself in the midst of a fierce battle, the ground beneath him trembling with every explosion. Around him, the air is thick with acrid smoke that stings his eyes, and the sounds of terror are a relentless cacophony—screams of anguish blending with the harsh rattle of gunfire. Shadows dart around him like frantic, dark phantoms, their faces hidden and indistinguishable, lost in the swirling chaos. The scene is a violent blur, with figures moving rapidly, their movements jerky and erratic, as if caught in a nightmarish dance of fear and destruction.

The sky above is a roiling expanse of dark clouds, flashing intermittently with bursts of fiery light from distant explosions. Each tremor sends shivers through the earth, adding to the disorienting maelstrom. Káòù tries to make sense of the scene, but the chaos is overwhelming. His heart pounds in his chest, and every attempt to focus only plunges him deeper into confusion. The dreamscape seems endless, a tangled web of terror and noise, leaving him feeling lost and powerless amidst the storm of violence surrounding him.

Amidst the deafening cacophony, Káòù hears a faint, distant call of his name. The voice is barely audible, struggling to rise above the thunderous gunfire and the frantic shouts around him. He strains to catch the sound, his ears desperate for clarity, but the barrage of noise makes it nearly impossible. The voices around him are a muddled jumble, their words lost in the storm of chaos. He tries to focus, to grasp the source of the calling, but the effort feels futile as the din swallows everything in its path.

Suddenly, as if a switch has been flipped, the relentless noise vanishes, leaving behind an eerie, oppressive silence. The stillness hangs heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the earlier tumult. In the midst of this void, a man's voice cuts through with surprising clarity and authority: "Wake up." The command is sharp and direct, slicing through the silence like a knife. The dreamscape falters, and Káòù is left with the lingering echo of the voice, a tether pulling him back from the edge of the nightmare.

Káòù jolts awake, his head pounding with a relentless ache. Disoriented, he blinks into the dim light and takes in his surroundings. He's encircled by stern-faced guards, their sharp eyes watching his every move. The familiar presence of his maids is conspicuously absent, leaving him with a rising tide of panic. His mind races, desperately trying to piece together what has happened and why he's here.

Amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, one stands out—a guard with a distinctive mark on his cheek, a stark scar that makes him easy to recognize. This is the same guard who had accompanied him during his first encounter with Lady Adélá. The sight of him triggers a flurry of questions in Káòù's mind, adding to his confusion and fear. The once chaotic dream now seems a distant memory as he grapples with the reality of his new predicament.

Káòṣù: (voice trembling with urgency, demands) Where are my maids?

The guard's expression remains unchanging, his eyes fixed straight ahead with an unyielding detachment. The silence stretches, amplifying Káòù's mounting anxiety. Before he can repeat his question, a new sound breaks through the tensiona familiar voice, speaking in Yoruba, cuts through the silence.

Voice: "e fáà jáde."

The words, clear and authoritative, resonate in the air.

It's Lady Adélá's voice that cuts through Káòù's confusion, sharp and commanding. At her command, the guards spring into action, grabbing Káòù roughly. Two of them clutch him like iron chains, making him feel trapped. He tries to fight back, but their hold is firm and unyielding. They drag him through the corridors, his body bouncing and jerking like a rag doll with every step.

Káòù struggles, but more guards join in, their movements quick and precise. They overpower him with practiced ease, leaving him with no control. The walls blur as he is pulled along, and his own frantic breathing seems lost in the noise of footsteps and rustling uniforms. No matter how hard he fights, it feels like he's caught in a powerful current, being dragged toward the woman who has control over his life

Thrown roughly to the ground, Káòù looks up, ready to fight, but he's struck by a wave of fear. Lady Adélá sits under a tent, her eyes sharp and unyielding, like twin blades cutting through the darkness. The weight of her stare is overwhelming. Káòù, now shirtless and exposed, feels vulnerable and small. He lowers his head, trying to shield himself from her piercing gaze.

Surrounded by a ring of guards, he senses a mix of fear and disgust in their eyes, adding to his sense of unease. He struggles to understand why he's ended up in this humiliating situation, but the unsettling truth is clear: something has gone terribly wrong. The tension in the air is thick, and Káòù's mind races, trying to piece together the events that led him here, as he waits for the inevitable confrontation.

Lady Adélá: (voice pierces the heavy silence, every word dripping with authority and elegance.) "Many of you may be wondering about the unexpected and peculiar guest now within our realm, particularly here in our esteemed palace. Some of you are already familiar with his identity, while others remain uncertain. Allow me to clarify: his name is Káòù. He arrived in our domain alongside the British. We apprehended him and conducted a thorough investigation. He asserts that he was being chased and is unaware of how he entered our realm."

Her tone is unwavering and commanding, each word delivered with a grace that commands respect. As she speaks, Káòù lies on the ground, feeling the full impact of her poised authority. The guards around him shift uncomfortably, their expressions a blend of intrigue and concern. The air is charged with a palpable tension, and Káòù's mind races, grappling with the unsettling realization that his situation is more dire than he had imagined.

The guards murmur among themselves, casting curious glances at Káòù. Their whispers create a low, buzzing noise in the tense silence.

Lady Adéọlá: (commands) "Enough."

At her sharp command, the murmurs instantly fade, and a heavy silence settles over the room.

Lady Adélá: (speaks with confidence and elegance)  "You see, our young man here, Káòù, is indeed a unique individual, so unique to the extent of having a special name ."

From the back of the crowd, a guard speaks up, his tone sceptical.

Guard: "What makes him so special that he has a special name? He's just like us, only with different eyes."

The guard's question hangs in the air, a direct challenge that makes everyone pause. Lady Adélá's eyes narrow slightly, her expression sharpening as she prepares to respond. Her demeanour remains steady and confident, a striking contrast to the growing murmurs from the crowd.

As the murmurs swell, echoing the guard's scepticism, Lady Adélá raises her hand, commanding silence with a single, authoritative gesture. The room quiets again, the crowd's attention refocusing on her.

Lady Adéọlá: (speaks with a blend of elegance and firmness, her gaze sweeping across the room with a look of unshakable certainty) "Well, because he has caught the attention of the special ones and the grand general is watching him. Everyone knows that the grand general never misses anything. And not only did he catch the eye of one or two, but all the special ones have noticed him. This means he is an exceptionally powerful individual. So why shouldn't he have a special name?"

The statement settles over the crowd, adding weight to her argument and reinforcing Káòù's extraordinary status.

The revelation causes a ripple of surprise among the guards, their murmurs growing louder with renewed curiosity and scepticism. Another guard, his brow furrowed with suspicion, speaks up.

Guard: "If he is so powerful and special, why can't he use his power to free himself?"

Lady Adéọlá: (eyes narrow expression sharpening with a hint of irritation as she responds with a tone that is both dismissive and authoritative) "Who told you he is a prisoner? Is he tied with chains? He is not a prisoner; he is our guest. So, why should he try to free himself or use his powers when he is not in danger? He does not need to use his powers, even if he tries, he can't, due to the gifts Ifádànà bestowed upon him."

Káòù glances down at the beads encircling his wrists, a dawning realization hitting him: these are the reason he cannot access his powers. He recalls the imposing figure of Ifádànà as the enigmatic man in white or the mini-giant he encountered in the hall. He is uncertain who among them possesses the power to place such restrictions on him, but the man in white had exuded an aura of formidable strength. The way that being had dealt with him left a lasting impression of power and control, though Káòù still can't be certain who is behind it.

A wave of embarrassment washes over him as he remembers the humiliating scene. His cheeks flush with the sting of his own helplessness. Resolutely, he vows to himself to become stronger, to elevate his abilities to a level where he can stand equal to those who have subdued him. As he takes in the scene around him, he notices the respect the guards display towards Ifádànà, evident in the reverence etched on their faces. This respect, combined with his own sense of inadequacy, fuels his determination to improve and reclaim his strength.

Another guard speaks from behind his tone dripping with scepticism,

Guard: "Since his beast is already tamed, what is his use?"

Lady Adéọlá: (smile; icy and calculated, her eyes glinting with a steely resolve replies coldly.) "We are about to find out."

With a swift snap of her fingers, a guard emerges from the shadows, his arms loaded with an arsenal: a gleaming sword, a polished spear, a hefty axe, and a simple stick. The other guards each armed and ready, form a tight circle around Káòù. The air crackles with anticipation as Káòù realizes he's on the brink of a formidable challengea contest where he must demonstrate his strength and skill.

Amidst the tension, Káòù's gaze shifts to a figure seated nearby in resplendent white armour, echoing the grandeur of General kwlụọcha. The man's imposing presence and watchful eyes suggest he is another high-ranking official, his silence a silent judgment that heightens the gravity of the moment. The scene is set like a stage, with Káòù at its centre, bracing himself for the trial ahead.

Lady Adélá's voice cuts through the tension with a crisp, authoritative tone.

Lady Adélá: "To determine whether this half-caste will be an asset or a liability, we will test his battle experience. While he has displayed certain qualities, I want to see just how capable he truly is. So, who among you is ready to challenge him? Step forward."

Her words ring out, clear and commanding, setting the stage for a dramatic display of skill. The guards exchange glances, their faces a mixture of eagerness and apprehension. The challenge has been laid, and the anticipation in the air is palpable. Each guard's eyes flicker with the prospect of proving themselves, as they await the brave soul who will step forward to face Káòù in the impending test of strength and prowess.

Káòù's heart pounds in his chest, a storm of excitement and dread swirling within him. This contest signifies that Lady Adélá has heard his unspoken plea to no longer be idle, granting him the chance to prove himself.

As he stands amidst the tense silence, he mutters to himself, a flicker of unexpected gratitude softening his features, "So she's not as heartless as I thought."

Before he can fully process this, Lady Adélá's voice rings out, commanding and clear.

Lady Adélá: "Káòù, choose a weapon. In this contest, you will face any guards who step forward. Be aware—they do not like you, and they will not hold back."

Her words cut through the air, setting the stage for the fierce test of skill and endurance that waits. Káòù's gaze sweeps over the array of weapons, each one a potential key to his survival, as he prepares for the challenge ahead.

Káòṣù rises to his feet with a determined smile, a surge of energy coursing through him.

Káòṣù: "What is the prize, My Lady?"

Lady Adéọlá returns his smile with one of her own, her expression warm but firm.

Lady Adélá: "Well as you can see, your adorable maids are not with you any longer, that was because I ordered them not to serve you anymore, I have some issues with them but I can give them to you back.... if you defeat 20 soldiers, you will also be appointed as the captain of the guards. But if you lose, you will forfeit your status and protections. You will be reduced to the rank of a normal soldier, working as hard as the rest, and you will lose access to your maids."

Káòù is taken aback, his eyes widening with shock. He realizes that Lady Adélá is making him gamble everything he holds dear, especially his beloved maids.

Káòù: "What if I refuse?"

Lady Adélá's eyes harden, her gaze unyielding and stern.

Lady Adélá: "Then you will not see your maids again, and your situation will become even worse. You currently live like a prince in a strange land, but that can change in an instant. I will make your life so miserable you will have to commit suicide but I will not let you die, because I am not allowed to do that yet, so I will make sure you curse both death and life."

Her words are a stark warning, underscoring the gravity of his predicament.

Káòù's internal resolve hardens as he processes her response. He mutters to himself, his expression darkening, "I take it back. She is heartless." The reality of his situation settles in, and he braces himself for the challenge ahead.

Káòù realizes he has no choice but to accept Lady Adélá's offer. Standing tall, he steels himself, ready to confront whatever lies ahead, determined to prove his worth and win back his maids.

Káòù: "I accept your offer."

Lady Adélá's lips curl into a cold, satisfied smile, her laughter echoing through the tense room.

Lady Adélá: "Very well. May the 20 soldiers step forward."

As she speaks, the 20 soldiers approach, their movements precise and purposeful. The man in white armour, seated beside Lady Adélá, turns to her with a curious expression.

Man in White Armor: "What is his special name

Lady Adélá's eyes sparkle with a hint of mischief as she replies.

Lady Adélá: "Oh, silly me I almost forgot. They call him 'The One-Man Army.'"

The guards around them gasp in shock, their eyes widening at the name. The air crackles with a renewed sense of anticipation.

Lady Adélá: "So let's see what the One-Man Army is capable of."

Káòù stands ready, his posture confident as he prepares to face the challenge. With a detesrmined smirk, he addresses the soldiers.

Káòù: "Shall we begin?"

His smirk conveys a clear message: he is ready to face this battle head-on, driven by the promise of reclaiming his maids and proving his strength.