-Damage and expansion-

The situation was dire. There were less than half of the Zero fighters escorting them. It would take time for them to return. However, the American fighter squadrons gradually closed the distance, and soon they were close enough to see the Ki-ei with the naked eye.

"Rear machine gun, enemy approaching, prepare to fire!!"

Even the new bombers and torpedo bombers were not good at aerial combat. Especially now they were carrying bombs and torpedoes. No matter how hard they tried, it was useless.

A large number of enemy fighter planes were closing in directly behind the attack force, and it looked like they were about to open fire with their machine guns.

"The Zero Fighter Squadron isn't here yet!?"

"Sorry, I'm heading there full speed, but it will take 5 minutes! Please hold on until then!!"

And then, finally, machine gun fire began from the fighter plane.

-- Captain of the "Suisei" Carrier Bomber --

"All planes! If we stay together like this we'll only get shot down! Disperse, and any surviving planes, retreat to the skies above the fleet! Hurry!"

"Rear machine gun, fire away!!!"

Finally, the air battle began. Despite the valiant efforts of the escorting Zero Fighters, the rear gunners could see several planes bursting into flames and crashing.

- Zero Fighter Squadron Commander's Plane -

"That's strange! They're not Corsairs! They're faster than him!"

However, the experienced pilots who had survived various battlefields from Pearl Harbor to now overwhelmed the US fighter pilots who had no combat experience and shot down several planes. However, the enemy was more than twice our number. No ace pilot could take on two or three planes. One by one, the precious ace pilots were lost off the coast of Hawaii.

-Bridge of the aircraft carrier Musashi-

"Chief, the enemy has launched a new type of fighter jet, and our attack forces are being destroyed one-sidedly!"

"What happened to the fighter squadron?!"

"And they took advantage of the opportunity when we descended to low altitude to intercept enemy torpedo boats!!"

The situation was terrible.

However, there is no chance of sending any more reinforcements.

If things continue like this, the entire attack force will be wiped out!!