Turret confusion.
An approaching enemy ship.
Although Yamato is now in combat readiness, it looks like it won't be able to fire its main guns for some time.
However, the battleship Nagato, on Yamato's port side, entered into combat with an enemy light cruiser.
The 41cm cannon targets the enemy.
Even a battleship would be rendered unable to fight if it received a direct hit from a cannon whose power was second only to that of Yamato.
The four main guns in two bays mounted on the ship's bow opened fire.
Two of the four shots hit the target, and the enemy sank.
The 41cm cannon is indeed powerful.
"Battery control post from bridge, two enemy battleships spotted!"
The ships are Washington and South Dakota.
It is equipped with triple 40.6 cm cannons, the same level as the Nagato.
"Prepare for artillery battle! Full rudder to starboard! Fire the third and fourth main guns!!"
Nagato slowly turns around to intercept with its rear main guns.
At that moment, the enemy battleship opened fire.
Nagato was hit once by a shell in the fourth main gun turret and twice by a shell in the rear bridge, rendering her unable to fight.
Just as the enemy was about to deliver the finishing blow.
"Main guns salvo, fire!"
Yamato's main guns, having finally finished loading, began to fire.
The South Dakota was hit by five shots and was heavily damaged, sinking bow-first within a few minutes.
Another ship... Washington is "Hiei" and "Kirishima".
A concentrated attack caused fires, and they deployed a smoke screen and retreated.
Then Nagato returned to the Truk Islands for repairs and Yamatounder his command naturalization The fleet headed for the enemy aircraft carrier.