"So… why are you still holding that?" Sapphire asked, narrowing her eyes as she fixed her gaze on the bluish orb in Vergil's hands.
"I just find it fascinating that a dragon is sealed inside this, that's all," Vergil replied with a nonchalant smile. He spun the orb between his fingers, admiring the shimmering nuances that seemed to hold a miniature storm within. "It's amazing how magic can contain something so powerful... the Platinum Dragon Empress. Not something you see every day."
Sapphire, hearing the title, raised an eyebrow and, with a firm motion, snatched the orb from his hands. "The Platinum Dragon Empress?" she repeated in a dry tone, holding the orb with a critical look before placing it beside her. "Are you really finding another woman interesting right in front of me, Vergil?"