A lying fallen angel

Azazel looked at Vergil with curiosity, crossing his arms while his carefree smile remained. "Interesting. And what exactly do you want with me, Demon King? Any special reason for bringing this poor fool here?" He pointed with his head at the fallen fallen angel on the ground, who was weakly groaning.

Vergil, still imposing, took a step forward, causing his aura to intensify slightly. "No beating around the bush, Azazel. I want the list. All the fallen angels who are on the run and causing trouble."

Azazel raised an eyebrow, surprised, but still maintaining his casual composure. "A list? You want the list of all my 'rebellious children'? And what exactly are you going to do with it, hmm? Planning to finally fulfill our contract?" He let out a short laugh, clearly finding the demand rather bold.