
Vergil snapped his fingers, and a swiveling chair made of demonic energy materialized behind him. He sat down like a true executive, crossing his legs and resting his elbows on an invisible desk he had just conjured. "Ladies, let's get straight to the point. I know you have doubts, concerns, and maybe even a slight inclination to call me crazy. But listen carefully, because what I'm about to offer is... irresistible."

Zex rolled her eyes and muttered, "This is getting more ridiculous by the second."

Vergil ignored the comment. With a dramatic gesture, he made a folder filled with glowing papers appear. "Official employment contract. Signed by me, Vergil Lucifer, CEO of your new life."

Iridia eyed the folder suspiciously but couldn't hide her curiosity. "And what exactly is in this contract?"