Special Tutoring From Kim Seok-Min

Ryu Ji-ho could still vividly remember the times when people used him for their own benefit. Those memories lingered in the back of his mind like stubborn shadows that refused to fade. He had grown so accustomed to being taken advantage of that it hardly surprised him anymore.

But in the midst of the monotony, especially when he found himself listening to English learning tapes, something unexpected happened. "This is so boring," Ji-ho thought with a sigh as he slumped in his chair, the droning voice on the tape doing little to spark his interest. On days like this, he'd much rather tune into AFKN, the American radio station, and lose himself in the latest pop hits.

Time marched on, and about a month later, something strange happened. Ji-ho noticed that he actually started missing those English tapes if he skipped a session. Somehow, without even realizing it, the tedious task had become a habit—one that seemed to stick to him like glue.