I feigned a pout, crossing my arms. "Paris was work. You were on vacation."
"Work, huh?" he teased, raising an eyebrow. "Well, don't worry. Big brother's coming back to smother you with love. Overdose levels."
His words brought a genuine laugh to my lips. In the background, I heard our mother's voice, faint but affectionate, calling out a message for me.
"Mom says she loves you," Grant relayed with a grin.
I smiled softly, my heart warming despite myself. "I love you too, Momma," I called out, hoping she could hear me.
"What about Dad?" I asked, noting his absence from the conversation.
Grant rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Out doing 'old man stuff' with his new Maldives buddies. Something about catching up, I think."
I shook my head, amused despite myself. "Sounds like him."
My Dad had always been the sociable one, making friends wherever he went.