Chapter 3:-Shadows of the past

Sophia woke with a start, the remnants of a nightmare clinging to her mind. She sat up in bed, her heart pounding as she tried to shake off the dark images that had plagued her sleep. The memories of her past were never far away, always lurking in the corners of her mind, waiting for moments like this to resurface.

She ran a hand through her tousled hair, taking a deep breath. The room was still dark, the first light of dawn just beginning to creep through the curtains. It was too early to be awake, but she knew there was no going back to sleep now. The dream had seen to that.

With a sigh, Sophia climbed out of bed and walked to the window, pulling the curtains aside to let in the morning light. Her apartment was small but cozy, a far cry from the sprawling estate she had grown up in. Here, she felt safe—hidden away from the world she had left behind.

But safety was an illusion, she reminded herself. She had learned that lesson the hard way.

As she stood by the window, watching the city slowly come to life, her thoughts drifted to Luca. The memory of their encounter the day before lingered in her mind, unsettling and confusing her in ways she couldn't quite explain. There was something about him—something that tugged at her, even as her instincts screamed at her to keep her distance.

She shook her head, trying to push the thoughts away. It was foolish to dwell on someone she barely knew, especially when she had so much else to worry about. But Luca's presence had awakened something in her, a sense of familiarity that she couldn't shake.

And that scared her more than anything.

Sophia spent the morning going through her usual routine, trying to distract herself with the mundane tasks of everyday life. But no matter how hard she tried, her mind kept wandering back to Luca and the strange sense of connection she felt with him. It was as if he had stirred something in her, something she had buried deep within herself years ago.

By the time she arrived on campus for her afternoon class, the unease had settled into a dull ache in her chest. She walked to the lecture hall, hoping to lose herself in the class and forget about Luca, at least for a little while. But as she entered the room, she felt her heart skip a beat.

He was there.

Luca was seated near the front of the room, his eyes fixed on the professor as if he hadn't noticed her. But Sophia knew better. She could feel his presence, the same magnetic pull that had unsettled her the day before. For a moment, she considered turning around and walking out, but she forced herself to stay. She wouldn't let him intimidate her.

Not again.

Sophia took a seat a few rows back, keeping her distance but unable to stop herself from glancing in his direction. Luca seemed focused on the lecture, but she knew he was aware of her. She could feel his gaze on her, even when he wasn't looking.

As the lecture progressed, Sophia tried to concentrate, but her thoughts kept drifting. She couldn't shake the feeling that Luca's presence in her life was more than just a coincidence. The way he had appeared at the coffee shop, and now in her class—it was too much to be mere chance.

When the class finally ended, Sophia gathered her things quickly, determined to leave before Luca could approach her. But as she stood to leave, she felt a hand on her arm. She turned to find Luca standing there, his expression unreadable.

"Sophia," he said, his voice low and steady, "can we talk?"

She hesitated, every instinct telling her to say no, to walk away and never look back. But something in his eyes stopped her—a flicker of vulnerability that made her pause. Against her better judgment, she nodded.

"Let's go somewhere quieter," Luca suggested, gesturing toward the door.

Sophia followed him out of the lecture hall, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and curiosity. They walked in silence until they reached a secluded courtyard on the edge of the campus. the afternoon sun filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground.

Luca turned to face her, his expression serious. "I've been wanting to talk to you since yesterday," he began, his voice careful, as if he were choosing his words with great care. "There's something about you that… I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like we've met before."

Sophia's breath caught in her throat. She had felt the same thing—the strange sense of familiarity, as if their lives had been intertwined long before they had ever met. But she couldn't admit that, not without revealing more than she was willing to.

"I don't think we have," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "I think you're mistaken."

Luca's gaze didn't waver. "Maybe. But I can't shake the feeling that there's something… different about you."

Sophia looked away, unable to meet his intense gaze. "You're imagining things," she said, her voice firmer this time. "I'm just an ordinary girl, trying to live a normal life."

But even as she said the words, she knew they were a lie. She wasn't ordinary, and her life was anything but normal. The shadows of her past were always there, lurking just beneath the surface, threatening to pull her back into the darkness she had fought so hard to escape.

Luca watched her for a moment, his eyes searching hers as if he could see right through her defenses. Finally, he sighed and took a step back, giving her the space she so desperately needed.

"Maybe you're right," he said softly, though there was doubt in his voice. "But if you ever want to talk… I'm here."

Sophia nodded, grateful for the distance he was giving her but still unnerved by the strange connection between them. "Thanks," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

As Luca turned to leave, Sophia felt a pang of regret—a small part of her wanting to reach out, to tell him the truth about who she was. But she knew she couldn't. Not yet. Not when the stakes were so high.

For now, all she could do was keep her distance and hope that whatever had drawn Luca to her would eventually fade away. But deep down, she knew it wouldn't be that simple. Their lives were connected in ways she couldn't yet understand, and whatever lay ahead, it would be far more dangerous than she could ever imagine.