Chapter 27:-The Betrayal

The forest was silent now, save for the distant echoes of gunfire that had faded into an eerie stillness. The Romani had retreated deeper into the woods, moving swiftly and quietly, their movements careful and precise. Every snap of a twig underfoot, every rustle of leaves felt like a betrayal in the thick, tense silence.

Sophia's heart was pounding in her chest as she ran alongside Luca, the adrenaline coursing through her veins making her hyper-aware of every movement around them. Her mind was a whirl of confusion and fear. How had Matteo known they were coming? Who could have betrayed them?

They finally reached the clearing where the backup safe house was supposed to be located. The small cabin was hidden among the trees, its wooden exterior blending seamlessly with the forest. It looked abandoned, like it hadn't been used in years, but that was what made it the perfect hideout. Alessandro motioned for everyone to take cover and approached the cabin cautiously.

Sophia's breath caught in her throat as she watched her brother approach the door, his gun raised and ready. She could see the tension in his shoulders, the way his muscles were coiled tight, ready to spring into action at any moment.

Alessandro slowly opened the door, his eyes scanning the interior for any sign of danger. The cabin was empty, its furniture covered in a thick layer of dust, the air stale and musty. He turned back to the group and gave a quick nod, signaling them to come inside.

Sophia followed Luca into the cabin, her senses on high alert. The rest of the Romani filed in behind them, their faces drawn and tense. They were all thinking the same thing—how had things gone so wrong so quickly?

Alessandro closed the door behind them and turned to face the group, his expression grim. "Alright, we're safe for now. But we need to figure out what the hell just happened back there."

Marco stepped forward, his face pale and drawn. "Matteo was waiting for us. Someone tipped him off."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the group, and Sophia felt a chill run down her spine. A mole. Someone in their ranks had betrayed them. Her eyes instinctively flicked to Luca, who was leaning against the wall, his face unreadable.

Luca met her gaze, his expression calm but guarded. "It wasn't me," he said quietly, as if reading her thoughts.

Sophia didn't reply, her mind racing. She wanted to believe him, but the doubts lingered, nagging at her like a persistent itch she couldn't scratch.

Alessandro's voice cut through the silence, his tone sharp and authoritative. "We need to figure out who's been feeding Matteo information. Until we do, we can't trust anyone. Not even each other."

Sophia nodded, her jaw tight. She could feel the tension in the room, the unspoken suspicion hanging heavy in the air. They were all on edge, and it wouldn't take much to push them over.

Antonio stepped forward, his voice low and measured. "We can't start pointing fingers without proof. Let's take a step back and think this through. We need to figure out who had access to our plans, who knew where we'd be today."

Sophia glanced around the room, her mind racing as she tried to piece together the puzzle. Who could have known? Who had been in a position to betray them? Her eyes landed on Marco, who was staring intently at the floor, his hands clenched into fists.

"Marco," Sophia said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Where were you yesterday afternoon?"

Marco's head snapped up, his eyes wide with surprise. "What? I was here, with the rest of you. Why?"

Sophia's heart was pounding in her chest, her instincts screaming at her that something wasn't right. "I saw you leaving the estate yesterday. You said you were going to check on the supply runs. But no one saw you come back."

Marco's face paled, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape. "I… I was checking on the supply runs. I swear!"

Alessandro's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing. "And did you see anything unusual? Anyone who shouldn't have been there?"

Marco swallowed hard, his eyes shifting nervously. "No… no, I didn't see anything. Everything was fine."

Sophia felt a cold knot of fear tighten in her chest. She could see the panic in Marco's eyes, the way he was struggling to come up with a plausible explanation. He was hiding something. She was sure of it.

"Marco," she said quietly, her voice trembling slightly. "If you know something, you need to tell us. Now."

Marco shook his head, his expression desperate. "I don't know anything! I swear!"

But Sophia wasn't convinced. She took a step forward, her eyes locked on Marco's. "Tell me the truth, Marco. Were you the one who tipped off Matteo?"

Marco's face twisted in fear and anger. "No! I would never betray the family!"

Sophia's heart was racing, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and suspicion. She wanted to believe him, but the evidence was mounting, and she couldn't ignore it any longer.

Alessandro stepped forward, his voice cold and hard. "Marco, if you're lying to us, now is the time to come clean. We can still make this right, but you need to be honest with us."

Marco's eyes darted around the room, his breath coming in short, panicked gasps. "I didn't do it! I didn't betray you!"

Sophia's heart ached as she watched Marco, torn between loyalty to her family and the nagging doubt that he was hiding something. She wanted to believe him, to trust him, but the evidence was damning, and she couldn't ignore it any longer.

Before she could say anything else, a loud bang echoed through the cabin, followed by a sharp, searing pain in her side. She gasped, her hand flying to her ribs as she stumbled backward, her vision blurring.

Luca was at her side in an instant, his face a mask of shock and fear. "Sophia!" he shouted, his voice filled with panic.

Sophia blinked, trying to focus on Luca's face as the pain radiated through her body. She could feel the warmth of blood seeping through her fingers, her vision darkening at the edges.

"Get her out of here!" Alessandro shouted, his voice distant and muffled. "We're under attack!"

Luca scooped Sophia up in his arms, his grip tight and steady as he carried her towards the back door. Sophia's head lolled against his shoulder, her eyes fluttering shut as she fought to stay conscious.

"Stay with me, Sophia," Luca whispered, his voice tight with fear. "I'm not losing you. Not now, not ever."

Sophia's vision darkened, the sounds of gunfire and shouting fading into the distance. She felt Luca's arms around her, his heartbeat steady against her cheek, and she clung to that feeling, holding on to it as tightly as she could.

As the darkness closed in around her, Sophia's last thought was of Luca, his face etched with worry and determination. She wanted to believe he was on her side, that he would protect her no matter what.

But as the world slipped away, she couldn't shake the nagging doubt that had been growing in her mind. Was Luca truly her ally, or had he been playing a dangerous game all along?

And then, there was nothing but darkness.