1. Stripped of your position.

"I can give you what you need. Revenge over your cheating husband, your cunning cousin, your wicked aunt and the entire Gold group. I can give you just that. So marry me." This strange man is saying to me.

"Marry me Champagne, and vengeance will be yours." This really isn't making sense.

{Just yesterday}

"And to My granddaughter Champagne Gold Fletcher, daughter of my late son Robert Aaron Gold Jr. and his wife Alison Gold, I strip her of the position of CEO of Gold Foods and—"

At first I completely forget that my name is Champagne Gold Fletcher, but then my eyes meet that of my aunt and uncle who are smirking at me in a very uncomfortable manner and the words of the lawyer are slowly sinking into my head and I realize that he just called my name and the Gold subsidiary that I am in charge of.

"Sorry, did you just say something? I was lost in thought so I—"

"Mrs Fletcher," The lawyer addresses me by my married name. Attorney Languein is a man who has worked for my grandfather for years. A moderately sized man over sixty who had lost half the hair on his head from a younger age thanks to hereditary baldness.

As far as I know, he is a honest and firm man who is a brilliant speaker and always talks in a way that is clear and understandable even for a little girl and yet for the first time in a long time, I am not understanding a word this man is saying.

"Your grandfather, may his soul rest in perfect peace, according to his will has left you nothing."

Indeed , what the hell is he saying?! "From the moment this will is being read, you are to be stripped of all authority as CEO, of course this part has already been discussed with the board of directors and it was a unanimous decision that you be stripped of your position as Chief Executive Officer of Gold Foods. But if you will allow me continue further into the will, you will learn that you will still be retained in the company, just not as CEO and—"

My entire body is starting to tremble as I slowly rise to my feet wondering, what the heck is he saying!!!

Gold Food is my life! My blood, sweat, and tears! Gold Food is my everything!!! I dedicated everything I had into Gold Food!!! I spent months begging grandfather to allow me venture into a new subsidiary of Gold group, a subsidiary that produced edibles! It took me months and countless proposals to finally win him over before he finally agreed. That was how Gold Foods came to being! I started that business from scratch!

Yes, it is a subsidiary of Gold group, but it is mine!! It belongs to me! Why would grandpa do this to me?! Grandpa did not hate me, he was the only one who loved me! So how come?! Why would grandpa do this to me!!

"Mr Languein, please if you don't mind, my husband and I have important places to be, can you wrap this up." My aunt is saying. I can see the glint in her eyes. She is not even trying to hide it. She never liked me, so it is only natural that she is ecstatic right now.

"Aunt Evelyn!" I scream, "No one is continuing anything unless Attorney Languein explains exactly what is going on to me!!" Yes, this is probably the first time I have yelled at her, that is why she and her husband are both looking at me with shock in their eyes.

"Honey, I think she has run mad." Aunt Evelyn says. Yes, maybe I have! You cannot strip me of my position and not expect me to run mad!!! "Champagne have you forgotten who you are talking to! Where are your manners?!"

"To hell with manners! I need explanations!" I turn to Attorney Languein, desperately waiting for a response.

"Mrs Fletcher, according to the information we've received, you have not been playing your role as CEO. Reports show all the idea you paraded about actually belonged to the COO, therefore she has been unanimously chosen by the board to take over from—"

I suddenly feel a huge blow in my chest, the blow is so heavy and painful that I want to cry, but I have to hold back. I really should hold back these tears.

I can't, so I burst into laughter instead. To think they would choose the COO over me, isn't it quite laughable.

It is, especially when you know who the COO is… My dear cousin, Alicia Gold. Everyone's first love, everyone's most adored human, and everyone's heartthrob.

So this was their plan all along… I cannot believe grandpa did this to me! He knew how hard I worked so why did he do this to me?!

Now that I think about it, I can't help but laugh. I always wondered why grandfather insisted on having Alicia work with me in Gold Foods, when there were other parts of the family business she could invest her time and energy in.

Now I see it, his love was fake. To think the one person who I thought was always on my side actually hated me… God please help me, I want to cry. Please stop me from crying.

This was their plan all along? Have me work my ass out, build Gold foods to what it is today and then throw me out like nothing!

How can they do this to me?! How can people who are supposed to be my family hate me to this point? What did I ever do to them? What threat could an orphan possibly pose for them to hate and hurt me this way?!

God! Please don't let me cry now! "Attorney Languein, I have heard all you have said, but I cannot still be thrown out like this. You said it was a unanimous decision by the board, how is that possible when I am a member of the board and own 18% of shares I inherited from my late father and 10% that I painstakingly garnered myself, which is a total of 28%. I still have a say in the busi—"

I pause as the sudden laughter of my aunt and her husband shocks me. Why the laughter?

"Mrs Fletcher, it would seem there is a problem, but from what I know, you have no single share in any part of Gold group."

"What?" What did he just say? What the heck is he saying?

"From what I know, you recently transferred all your shares to Mr. Rowan Fletcher."

"What? W_what are you talking about? Rowan Fletcher, as in my husband, Rowan?"