8. Will you marry me?

I ask this because I really cannot understand why you will jump in front of a moving truck to kill yourself because of people like that." He says. "Albeit I'm partially to blame for advising a drunk woman to jump into the middle of a busy road, I should have been more careful with my words last night."

"N_no, it is not your fault." I say. Why would he blame himself? It's not like he was the one who pushed me into the road. On the contrary, he saved me.

"No, the blame is still on me, but that is not the point here. To be honest, I had someone run a background check on you," He had someone run a background check on me? But why?

"Mrs Champagne Gold Fletcher, oh, scratch that. Miss Champagne Gold," He corrects himself, and I can't help but laugh at myself. I'm back to being a miss, "you went to Cloaks university, a very difficult university to enter," he walks over to a wooden desk that's resting against the wall in front of me and sits himself down there with his hands crossed over his chest and his right leg crossed over the other.

"You came out with a degree in Business Management, you were number three among the top five best graduating students of your year, then you went on to get a Masters in Business Administration, you are young and beautiful, so why? I understand in your life, you were unfortunate to meet a horrible family and a horrible husband, but you are young and beautiful and talented, so I don't understand why you will allow all that to waste and choose to die instead of planning ways to get back at them."

At first, I couldn't bring myself to look at this man, but right now, I can't take my eyes off him. I can't do that because I don't know the answer to his questions. Why did I try to kill myself? Yes, I was drunk, but still… I had tried to kill myself. Why?

"Because I'm tired." Yes, indeed I am. "I_ I am so tired of trying so hard." My voice is starting to shake and I know the tears are coming. "I've been trying hard for so long. I tried hard to study, I_ I tried hard to stay in grandpa's favor," The tears finally fall as I think of grandpa's betrayal.

"I tried hard to_ to_ to make my aunt like me, I tried hard to get my cousin to not hate me, I tried hard to impress my husband and keep him satisfied," The image of their naked flesh rubbing against each other flashes in front of my eyes and I can no longer hold back the choking sobs either.

My knees fold up and my trembling hands wrap around them.

"I tried hard to persuade grandfather to agree to Gold foods, I tried so damn hard to build it to what it is today and then in one day," Dear God it hurts. It hurts so damn much that I can't stop bawling in front of a stranger whose name I don't even know.

"Just in one day, everything comes crashing down. I have nothing to live for. Everything has been taken from me. How do I start again in this world? Where do I begin? I'll be twenty-nine in two weeks time, I'm old now. So where do I start from?! How can I start over again?!"

At this point, I'm just screaming and crying foolishly. I hate myself like this. But I can't help it either. It hurts so much. It all hurts so much. "I'd rather take my chances with Truck-kun." I say with a dry laugh. "At least I'll have a chance of being reborn into a better family, or thrown into a different world, or taken back in time to before I gave my trust to all these people in my life."

I place my head on my knees and curl even more, "I'm just so tired."

What follows my outburst is silence. Long seconds of silence. The only thing I can hear is the ticking sound of the hands of the clock on the wall, but then like a distant melody being carried by the wind, I hear him say something.

"Will you marry me?"

Slowly, very slowly, my head lifts from my knees and my eyes fall on the six feet something man sitting there. I watch as he uncrosses his legs and rises slowly from the table. His hands fall to his side and with slow and magnificent strides, he reaches the edge of my bed, his hands rests on the footboard and those light gray eyes that look so unreal are staring at me intently.

"Rather than leaving your fate to rebirth or transmigration, marry me and get your revenge on them all."

Now this… this is very unexpected.