10. Mother of my kids.

Duke Grand? A sudden amusement washes over me and I burst into laughter. I can't believe it. I place my hands over my face as I try to hold my laugh. I look at him and he looks confused with his outstretched hand returning to his waist.

"I am s_ so sorry." I apologize as I try to calm my laugh. "I did not mean to laugh." But I don't think I have laughed this hard in a long time.

"Could you elaborate on what in particular has caused this outburst?" He asks. Is he angry? I don't think so.

"It's just, Duke Grand? Like Grand Duke." I say and laugh at my words.

"Well that's a lot of laughter coming from someone whose name is Champagne Gold." He says with both his brows raised and an unamused face, or is he pretending to be unamused?

"Touché." I say.

Either way, I should stop. It's rude to laugh at a person's name. But he won't understand that I wasn't laughing at his name per say, I was laughing because when I opened my eyes after almost getting hit by a truck, I thought to myself that it would be nice to meet a grand duke if I was transmigrated, like it always happens in those stories.

And in a twist of events, I wasn't reincarnated or transmigrated. Instead, I am being offered revenge through a marriage, by a man whose name is actually Grand Duke.

"Sorry. It's just I wished for a Grand Duke in my drunken state and actually got a Duke Grand, I just—"

"Ah, I see." He says, did he just chuckle? "So what do you say Pagne? Will you marry me? Especially now that it turns out I am what you wished for?"

W_what I wished for? Why did he have to put it like that? I'm getting that weird feeling in the pit of my stomach again.

"Why would you want to marry me? You don't even know me. And besides, this will not be a love marriage, it's basically a contract Marriage."

"You can say that if it makes you feel better." He shrugs.

"But in a contract, the parties involved usually have something to gain. If I'm the one getting revenge, what do you get from the marriage? Or is it that you just want to be married? I've read things like this in books a lot. Do you maybe need a wife to get your inheritance from your parents? Is it something like that?"

He suddenly laughs… he really is good looking. "No, it's nothing like that, dearest." D_dearest? First it was Pagne, now it's dearest? Who is this weird man?

Once again, he sits himself down on the bed. I want to shift back again, but I realize there's no more bed to shift to.

"Do you like children?" That is totally out of context. Completely out of context!! What's with the random question.

"I_ I mean, is there anyone who hates them?" I ask in turn.

"I used to." He mutters with his head turned to the side.

"So you like children."

"O_of course. I'm even in the children's department in my church. Although I do prefer children between ages 0-5, because at that age, they are practically angels. Pure souls."

My eyes suddenly open wide as I remember something.

"Ah, that's right!!! Grandpa's will was read on Saturday, yesterday! Today is Sunday!!! I should be in church!" I scream as I remember.

"Relax. It's way past church hours." He points at the clock. He's right, it's past five in the evening.

"Also, someone named Mary already called," He points and I turn my head to see my phone on the shelf, "wondering why you weren't in church, she says she's a member of your church. I told her you had a little accident and would call her when you woke up."

Oh, Mary must have been worried and—

"Now back to the subject on ground. You do like kids, that's good to know. Because more than a wife, I want a mother for my kids."