30. Something happened.

"How can your love change so easily? Huh?" Is he being serious right now? Is he really giving me that disgusting look? Glaring at me like he's criticizing and judging my actions. He can't be serious, right?

"One minute you're acting like I did the worst thing by being with Lici," Lici? Seriously? You have got to be kidding me. "And then the next you are throwing yourself at the next rich man ready to accept you."

I sincerely cannot believe this is happening right now.

"Tell me the truth," he finally sits himself down where Duke had been sitting. "You were already seeing him while we were still married, right?" He asks the most dirty thing I think he can actually spew.

I look at him and the fact that I'm breathing in the same air with him leaves a distaste in my mouth. I feel nauseated immensely.