144. Side Story 8: Alan's
{Earlier that morning before church}
"Your boyfriend won't eat that! It looks like shit."
"Jonathan!! You take that back or I will punch some holes in your teeth."
"What? I'm not lying. What's with the ugly decorations on the cookies. They look horrible. Although your cookie does tastes good, your boyfriend won't bother trying them when he sees them."
"He is not my boyfriend and get out of here!" Janey firmly says to her brother with a threatening spoon in her hand, gesturing that she would throw it at him if he didn't get out of the kitchen. And the boy seemed to get the message as he ran off.
However, her brother's words were now stamped into her brain, and she could not take them out. She knew her cookies tasted great, but the reason her brother said it looked like shit was because of the chocolate toppings she used to decorate the cookies. He always called them shit. Yet he would gobble the whole thing up.