"Christina...Christina...Wake the hell up."

A small, cold hand lightly patted Christina's cheek as she didn't want to wake up.

"What's the matter, Malvin?"

"You always sleep too long. It's lunchtime I'll remind you."


The little brown-skinned boy grew impatient and began hitting the girl with his pillow.

"I'm coming, I said."

"That's what you say every time, but we miss lunch afterwards and..."

Malvin stopped his movement short when he saw the little girl with tears in her eyes. Had he been white, his red face would have been seen a mile away. He quickly turned around, convinced that she could see it.

"I'll be waiting for you outside your room."

Christina stopped crying as if she'd never done it before. She was very good at role-playing. She dressed hurriedly and ran out of her room ahead of Malvin, who was waiting by the door. Surprised, he too began to run after the girl he'd enjoyed for six short years. Together, they obviously arrived late at the canteen.

"Malvin, Christina, you're late again."

Mother Mathilde was there. She was the one who looked after the children in this little orphanage. From what they knew, she had always been kind and considerate to them.

"It's Malvin's fault."

"What? But you're the one who..."

Mathilde laid a hand on each of the children.

"It's not good to lie, Christina."

His smile released all the evil in the girl's small body.


"Right. I left your trays over there. Please eat because this will be the last time I do this."

The two children looked to the end of the table. There were indeed two trays waiting for them. They jumped for joy and went to eat, scrambling to get there. Although Malvin was clearly taking it easy.

"What do you think we're going to do today?"

"Probably some games, like yesterday."

"Again, but I'm sick of beating you Malvin, you're so lame."

"What, that's not true. I'm just letting you win."

They laughed and chatted for a long time before five more kids came into the room with a ball.

"Christina, Malvin, you're finally awake."

"I think we should say that to Christina."

"It was Malvin."

"It's not right to lie, Christina."

"You can talk the mother-loving one."

"What? It's not true."

"It's not right to lie, Arthur."

The little boy missing two teeth blushed. His short black hair waved in all directions as he shook his head.

"I...I...don't know what you're talking about."

"Is that true, Arthur?"

"Stay out of this, Anna. Love is a grown-up thing."

"What's love?"

"I don't know. Ask Malvin."

"What, me?"

"Well, yes. You know. Since you like Christina."

"I...I...Lori probably knows it."

"That's right. Lori, he's the oldest of us."

"They say the most aged, Rachel."

Lori was the oldest of the children. He was about to turn twelve and still hadn't been adopted. He wasn't looking for parents, patiently waiting until he turned eighteen to leave and help the orphanage. He often told stories when Mathilde wasn't around.

"Lori's not here, so explain Arthur. You're the second oldest."

"I'm not old. And for me love...it's...it's...having your heart go boom every time you see the person you love."


All the children replied in hearty tones, their eyes twinkling.

"Don't look at me like that. Say something Malvin."

"Huh? Well...for me...it's...something you can't describe in words. When you love, you love. And we don't really know why. What we know for sure is that we love. That's all."

Malvin finished his sentence with a big smile on his lips, thinking of Christina. She had watched him declare his love in an indirect way and was a little surprised on the spot. All the children looked at Malvin with admiration.

"Don't look at me like that."

Three other children arrived later to see why the others had gathered. They chatted a bit and watched Arthur tease Malvin. They were all happy together. They wouldn't want to replace that for the world. But that day....

...everything would change.

Lori entered the room exhausted. Blood was dripping from his forehead and running slightly into his right eye. He held his left shoulder and limped as he came. He collapsed at the bottom of the door after uttering a sentence that made all the children who had watched him, traumatized, tremble.

"Run away. This place wasn't a home."

All the children ran to him, and Arthur was the first to arrive. He held Lori in his arms and tried to pull him up. Blood was coming out of his mouth.

"Lori. Lori. What's the matter? Answer."

Malvin and Christina, who were still at the table, watched in shock, and Christina was the first to notice. Mother Mathilde was just outside the door, hidden in the shadows.


She didn't dare call out to her. The reason was simple. She looked even more evil than a demon. All the children took a step back as they watched her calmly re-enter the room. Despite the situation, she was smiling. But her smile had lost all its goodness.

"What's going on, kids?"

They were all speechless.

"You'd better get ready. Today, you're going to become IGA assassins."

She paused for a moment and her smile disappeared.

"At least, those who survive."

Suddenly, the house began to shake. A burning smell invaded the room. The children began to scream and Christina looked at her beloved mother, still in shock.

"Christina? Don't you want to survive?"

Christina's eyes now reflected not just her mother but a demon. Her smile was back on her face. An abominable smile. Suddenly she felt a warm hand grab her. Malvin cradled her behind him and shouted for her to flee.

"Run away. I'll take care of her."

Christina didn't understand. She couldn't hear. Arthur got to his feet too, carrying Lori, and began to run.

"Listen. We're not home anymore. The only concern we have now is running away."

The children started to get up after Arthur's speech and ran away with him. But little Anna was stuck, traumatized. Mathilde advanced silently toward her.

"Malvin. "

"Got it."

Malvin jumped toward Anna to grab her. Anna looked at her mother, hoping it was all a joke.


But in a flash, her head flew toward Malvin, who hadn't managed to catch her before. No one had seen Mathilde's gesture, but everyone had seen Anna's head fly like a soccer ball. In fact, her head rolled right next to the ball. Rachel screamed at the sight. So did the other children. Malvin stood in shock. Christina didn't move. Only Arthur gritted his teeth and pushed everyone to the other side.

"Come on."

Malvin raised his head from his knees in front of Anna's lifeless body. He saw Mother Mathilde advancing towards him and noticed a white line coming towards her body. In no time at all, under the effect of the fear of dying, he dodged the blow and stood up in front of his mother.

"Interesting, Malvin. I hope with all my heart you survive."

Malvin gritted his teeth in turn and began to run. This woman was no longer his mother, she never had been. He grabbed Christina, who had been left behind and had been watching the scene all along.

"Let's move."

They began to run through the house they knew so well. Or maybe, not so well. Come to think of it, they'd never had access to every room in the house. The house itself was a mystery. But Malvin hardly stopped. He had to get her out of here. He took every turn. Left, then right, then found himself in front of a door, which he passed through without even opening. They were outside at last. The snow welcomed them with open arms. But suddenly, a white line came towards Malvin's gorge. Again, under the influence of death, he dodged the sickle.

"Interesting, kid. All that carrying a person."

Barely outside, a person was waiting for them. Malvin was shocked by the sight. Seven children lay motionless on the ground. He could tell just by looking, four of them were dead. Only Arthur, Lori and Rachel were struggling not to die. Christina saw them too. Malvin suddenly let go of her.

"This orphanage is more interesting than I expected. You five show promise."

A man in a black suit with a katana and a gun was waiting for them. He had the beginnings of a beard and a cigarette in his mouth. He wore a bob on his head that hid his eyes.

"Don't worry,. Show what you're really worth and I'll judge for myself whether I kill you or not."

Malvin was flabbergasted. He stood up and stood on guard as if he were an expert.

"I must protect her."

"I see. Beautiful ideals often lead to beautiful ends."

Malvin charged at the man in the suit with all his rage. But unfortunately, even though it was obvious, he was no match for him.

"I've got to protect her. I've got to protect her. I must...protect...her."

No matter how hard he shouted, nothing could reach the man in front of him. Christina feared for Malvin's life.

"You know waving your fist around like that doesn't help."

The man began to adjust his sword and correct Malvin's movements.

"Raise your chest. Don't swing your fists. Put your hips into it. Stay focused. You don't have the strength to let your feelings out in a fight, so concentrate."

Malvin hated this behavior but listened to his instructions to the letter. Each of his moves improved with time. Mother Mathilde calmly left the house. She had blood on her dress.

"Ichimaru. I think I've already told you that we don't play with recruits."

"Ah. There you go, the educator."

"I'm not kidding."

"I know. I know."

Malvin sensed the danger.

"Sorry, kid, but I'm done playing. Don't worry, you're caught."

In one swift stroke, Malvin was pierced through the shoulder. Christina screamed.


In a second movement, he was stunned with a kick. The man got up quietly and looked at Christina, who had tears in her eyes.

"Sorry, kid. Was that your boyfriend? Huh?"

However, amid the snow and blood, a sudden wave of wind pushed the man in the suit backwards.

"What the?"

Mathilde was equally surprised. The source of the wind was none other than Christina, who let out a terrifying scream of fright. The snow around her was thrown up and her scream made Ichimaru's ears bleed.

"Say, educator. You didn't tell me you'd raised a monster."

"The reason is that I didn't even know. She was normal before."

Christina stopped screaming and collapsed to her knees on the floor.

"It looks like it's over, I'm going to see if she's still alive. She could be u...."

In the blink of an eye, both reacted to the threat Christina posed. But it was already too late. The little girl had plunged a knife into the man's leg.

"She...isn't conscious?"

Indeed, it wasn't even little Christina before them anymore. It was a sad little monster crying with a bloody knife in her hand. She was no longer conscious.

"It's all nonsense."

"I'm starting to worry about you, do you realize that?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll take care of it."

No sooner had he finished his sentence than he had to parry a magnificent stab right in front of his face. He pushed the child back with force ten meters away, but she came charging back just as fast. Like a flying insect, she charged and was repulsed every time.

"It's amazing that a girl her age has so much energy to spare."

"Don't lose your concentration. You could die today."

"Me? Die?"

The atmosphere changed again. Ichimaru changed his fighting style. He grabbed his katana and disappeared into thin air. The moment he reappeared was the moment the little monster realized he was dead.

"Don't forget what they call me."

"Ah. Right, then. The strongest of assassins."

In a flash, Christina's monster disappeared. The real monster was none other than this man. The strongest assassin in the world. Kuronoe Ichimaru.

"I've got a kid who really likes to fight. He would have liked to meet you."

He was now stepping over the body of the little monster and his friends.

"Very well, then. I'll take you five."