Picking herbs and learning magic! Part 1

Hey Justin come on already we are running late! If we don't get to command we're going through get chooded out again! Justin looks at Hannah with a smile! Yah yah I hear you let's go! Hannah looks at Justin with a smile and States! Hey you looks exhausted. Did I make you work to hard last night? Justin laughs out loud. Yah well you squeezed me dry last night! So yah a little tired but I'll be okay! Hannah giggles and grabs Justin's right arm and drags Justin along! Well let's get this mission done so we can come back!

Annabelle knocks on Justin's door! Master are you awake? As she waits for Justin's reply Annabelle notices that the door is unlocked. Master sorry for barging in but the mistress is calling for you! As Anabelle walks in she see Justin in the bed still asleep. She walks to the edge of the big bed and leans over to shake Justin as Justin's eye open and he looks at her. Justin grabs Annabelle hand and holds it to his chest! Good morning Anabelle dear you ready to start the day? Anabelle's face goes completely red and she is speechless! Justin chuckles at that and lets her hand go and looks out the window. What Justin sees is the morning light coming through the window. Justin gets up and heads to the closest to get dressed. Oh Annabelle your coming with us today aren't you? Annabelle gets her self back on track and looks at Justin! Yes master Raina said it be good for me to come with you because I have a lot of knowledge about herbs! Justin nods his head and grabs his rifle and ammo rig. Justin starts setting it up and getting the appropriate amount of ammo fixed to it. Annabelle looks at it curiously and asks. Master Justin is it ok if I ask what all that is?

Justin smile and explain what his ammo rig does and all the magazines are and tells her about the rife. Annabelle nods her head and looks over to the coffee table in the middle of the room! Oh master Justin what about that thing are you bringing that too? Justin looks and sees his 1911 there and nods! Yup never go anywhere with out it and walks over to it picking it up and doing a last minute check over then grabbing the holster placing his pistol in it. He walks back to Annabelle and takes the clothes she had for him! Justin looks at him self in the mirror and checking to see if anything's out of place.

However he looks behind him at Annabelle and can see the same look on her face as Raina and Lily did the day before! Hey Annabelle Let me guess all this is an eyesore?

Annabelle look at Justin and nods. Yes master I see why Raina asked me to place an order for that gear we are having made for you!

All these is very ugly on you. At least you have black clothes on. Justin looks back at him self he has a black and white tunic with black leather pants, belt and black boots. On Justin's chest this is his dark green ammo rig his dark green utility belt and ammo pouches and attached to his right leg is as pistol with a dark green holster. Justin never thought about it being ugly before however he also knows nothing of fashion. Well anyways let get to it he grabbed his rifle bring the swing over his head and right arm and fixes the rifle to his front. As they head out of the room they run in to Lasha. Lasha waves to them and gives a look over to Justin while scrunching her nose and disapproval. Justin sees this holding out his arms to each side as to say (what?). Lasha shakes her head and starts walking down the stairs. Justin looks back at Annabelle with a dejective look on his face. Annabelle with an apologetic smile usher's Justin down the stairs.

As they get to the bottom Justin sees Lily and the other three girls all ready to go out. When the girls notice just and they all have the same scrunched up face as Lasha. Agen Justin notices it immediately. Ok what with all the looks I'm getting this morning? All girl look at each other and back at him and in unison they say. Why do you have all that ugly gear on you? Justin taken back from that puts his hand on his face and groans! I don't understand what you girls are getting at. Doesn't functionality trump aesthetics? I mean as long as your gear does what it's intended who cares what it looks like! All the girls look at him shaking their heads and Lily points to Lasha! Look at Lash when she goes out she takes both functionality and aesthetics into consideration. Her gear functions appropriately and the aesthetics make her look professional. She then points to Justin however your gear makes you unprofessional! All the girls nod their heads and saying unison!

Agreed! Justin completely downfounded still doesn't understand the mindset these women are trying to put on him. Justin just closes his eyes and gives up knowing if he's trying to understand these women he'll fail every time.

As the girls try to explain to Justin what he's doing wrong they all make their way out of the villa deciding to go on foot to the Westgate to start Justin's herb gathering quest and to help him unlock his Mana!

Justin holding up his right hand to stop the girl five girls and speaks up! Ok ok look girls I understand and I see the error of my ways you girls are right and I'm wrong! Justin trying to sound as sincere as possible! The girls all look at Justin with raised eyebrows at him. However Justin looks on hoping his deterrence works! Ginger jumps on Justin's back and leans in left of his face looking at Justin's left side profile questioningly! Are you deferring the conversation saying that we're right so that way you can stop getting lectured? Justin in complete shock looks at the boisterous scout hanging on him!

(Justin's mindscape) What the hell out of this chick figure out exactly what I was trying to do? No no chill not the first time you've been called out for this! Ok Justin think how do you get this situation stop being so bad? Oh compliment and change the subject! (End of Justin's mindscape.)

Justin composes himself and smiles genuinely! Well my little red rose I really don't know what you're talking about but you lovely ladys must be right if you're informing me why aesthetics and functionality are very important! Ginger's face turns red and positions herself on Justin's left shoulder while holding her face! Justin surprised on how light Ginger has a question that pops into his mind he turns to his right and asks Lily and Maya. Hey you guys keep telling me that you're going to unlock my mana what did you mean by that? Lily looks to Maya and holds out her left hand and speaks out! Well professor Maya I think you're the best to explain this.

Maya takes a deep breath and explains.

Well all life in this world has the capability of wielding magic but it takes an outside force to unlock it and stimulate one's magic core. Guinness world usually everyone gets there magic unlocked by the age's of five to seven. In your case because you don't come from this world we have a different way of doing it. Justin thinks about that. Ok so does that mean everybody has their own ways of unlocking one's magic core.

Maya smiles and nods her head yes. She points to Lasha and explains. Let's take Lash for example most elf tribes will take two pilgrimages a year to the Temple of the nature goddess found at the foot of the world tree. They hold a ceremony there and have the elfin children having their magic cores unlocked drink from the spring of the world tree. Lasha nods her head and adds to that.

Yes we go to the city of Sharia to pay homage to the goddess of nature hydmay. After the ceremony we drink from the springs that unlock our magic course. Maya nods and then points to herself! We humans will normally go to the local temples for the priests and princesses do our own ceremony where they unlock our magic cores.

Lily nods but thinks about it then asked the group. Now that you point that out should we bring Justin to the temple? Lasha shakes her head no and explains how the head priest would never accept Justin in to the temple being an otherworlder and he is far too old to go through the ceremony.

Hilda and Annabelle nods to that and Maya adds! Not just that but we don't know ho strong his magic core is. We could cause an incident if we brought him there. Justin hearing this it's kind of confused and not sure what to ask.

Lily thinks about it and nods. Ok you have a point but at least you know how to unlock people's magic cores yourself. Maya nods and looks at Justin. You see sir Justin we would do it the normal way however only a hand full of people know your from another world, and you just to old to take the ceremony. Now that doesn't mean we can't do it though once we get out of the city we will unlock your magic core and stimulate your magic circuits. Justin isn't sure what that means but doesn't voice out his question.

30 minutes later they make it out of the city and head to where they can find the herbs and a place where they are out of site to start unlocking Justin's magic core.

Justin looks around at the forest around them and with Ginger still on his left shoulder looks up to her. Hey Ginger is there any monsters in this area? Ginger looks down at Justin and thinks then closes her eyes stretching out her senses. No not for about 10 leagues west of us! Justin impressed with protection skills now wants to learn how to use that ability.

Justin then looks around and then out of nowhere Hilda grabs his right arm holding it tight against her ample chest. Justin smiles and asks Hilda. What's up Hilda any thing wrong? Hilda smiles and shakes her head no and response! I just wanted to hold your arm that's it! Justin chuckles at that and nods his head! That's ok with me I'm not complaining.

Lasha rushes over and grabs Hilda with an angry face! Can you not start Hilda that's very indecent. Hilda looks at Lasha with a devilish smile. What are you jealous Lash? Ginger adds to that with a smirk! Oh she is soo jealous right now look at her face it's beet red! Lasha looks to Ginger! Hey and why are you still on Justin's shoulder get off? As the three bicker at one another. Justin is smiling holding back his lagher! Lily, Maya and Anabelle walk behind the four then look at each other and giggle. Knowing that Hilda and Ginger have been trying to get a rise out of Justin end up getting a rise out of Lasha instead. Finding the four funny Lily smiles at the four and states to the other two. I feel that we have interesting times coming in our futures. They look at each other and they nod in agreement.

As the seven travel for another hour they make it to the spot that they've been looking for. Ginger gets off of Justin's shoulder and Hilda let's go of Justin's arm. Maya walks up to Justin and places her hand on his chest and looks up is in to his eyes! Well it's time you ready to unlock you magic core? Justin smiles and nods his head! Being a little nervous takes a deep breath and nods! Let's do this thing! Maya smiles at Justin and pulls at a white wand from a inner pocket in her robe and waves it in a circle and points to the ground! The ground raises slightly and makes a stone table. Justin sees this and laughs and had to ask a stupid question! Hey Maya you're not going to chant Kali ma are you? Referencing Indiana Jones with a chuckle. Maya tilts her head to the side confused at Justin's question. What's that? Never heard such a silly thing. Justin laughs at Maya confusion and asks. Ok so I'm guessing I need to lay down there? Maya comes out of her stooper and looks at Justin and nods! Yes and can you take off your tunica as well? Justin complies and takes off his rifle ammo rig and tunic handing them to Annabelle and getting on the stone table. Maya looked at Justin and smiles. Now this shouldn't hurt but I will warn you there's going to be some discomfort. Justin nods and Maya starts chanting!

Oh spirits of nature I call upon they! Oh spirits I ask of they grant him power and hold him in your worm embrace? Oh spirits may you share your power with they? As Maya finishes her chance her wand starts to glows a bright white light. Maya then taps the center of Justin's chest as magic starts gathering around Justin! Before they all knew it and over abundance of magic accumulated around them! Then out of nowhere an explosion!


A/N.. sorry guys more is coming see you then!