A day with a Mermaid!

It's been five days since Justin first gathering quest and unlocking his core. Since then he's been training and learning as much as he can about the world he now needs to call home! And with this particular day comes a day with Nina one of the three maids signed to Justin.

Nina being a specialist of water magic, illusion magic, and sound magic. She is teaching Justin all these particular magics to help him in his future travels.

Master how envious your learning so much so fast! Justin smirks at Nina's outburst. Well Nina your a good teacher and and very knowledgeable about your field of practice.

Nina blushes at the praise and starts to getting a bit shy. Justin sees this and smiles. He pleases his hand on the top of Nina's head and stroke set softly. Justin then looks to Nina and asks. Hey Nina why don't we go into the city and get lunch the two of us? Nina with her face even redder than before nods softly with a small voice. Yes please master that would be nice.

The two get in to a carriage and head to the market place for lunch mean while Lily, Lasha, Maya, Hilda, and Ginger are sitting at a round table talking about there new favorite subject Justin.

Lily with a soft smile looks at the girls and asks. So girls what do you think of Justin.

Maya speaks up with a blush. Honestly I think he is dreamy and he is a gentlemen. Ginger enthusiastic as ever raises her hand. I agree he is gentle and and a ray of sunshine in my eyes! Hilda chuckles at that and nods. Justin has air above him that draws you in. Lasha blushes and speaks her mind. His bravery is admirable and his eyes are to die for. Lily nods with a beaming smile. Well then how should we divide up his time? Ginger raises her hand and speaks. Well me and Hilda are a package deal and we talked about that last night. Maya looks to Ginger. Yes I heard you too talk about that in the middle of your moaning. Hilda blushes a little scratching your cheek. Well your more then welcome to join next time. Maya shakes her head no think you I can wait. Lasha blushes at that then looks at Maya. Well it's not that bad with woman you know me and Lily engaging in intimacy from time to time. Maya shakes her head agen. No than you I like to be embraced by men. Lily shakes her head and at the conversation with a slight blush on her cheeks. Any ways Justin is a flirt but hasn't made a move on any of us but does look form at us every so often. Hilda laughs at that! Yes I caught him looking at my butt not too long ago. Maya blushes even harder at that. Yes he also catches glimpses of my breasts too. Ginger smiles at that. He does seem interested in all of us at some aspect. Lily nods and puts both hands down on the table. Ok girls then we must win him over then. All the girls in unison all look at each other and nod their heads. We agree!

Around this time the five girls are having this talk Justin sneezes. Master are you ok? Justin wipes his nose and looks at Nina. Yah I'm good that was just sudden and I'm getting this feeling about to get taken advantage of at some point. Nina confused of the situation shrugs her shoulders with the smile.

Where would like to go master now we have eaten? Justin thinks and then nods his head. Well let's head to the guild I want to see what quests are up today. Nina nods her head and walks next to Justin with a beaming smile.

How ever at that moment Justin walks in to a man in full plate armor! Justin regains his balance and turns to the man. I sorry sir that was my fault hope your ok. The man in the armor glares at Justin. You I know you! With his armored finger pointed at Justin!

You're that bastard that was with princess and Lady Lasha! Justin not liking how this man is talking to him looks at him up and down.

Oh yah I know you're that knight Captain umm Attilius I believe! Attilius with a scale on his face put his hand on a sword handle! You will gravel at my feet and apology and your maid will be coming with me. Justin with an erased eyebrow looks Attilius and then at Nina then back! Umm well no don't think accused to your request.

Attilius with a devilish grin on his face asks. Oh is that so well then maybe a night in the dungeon will change your mind! As he raises his hand as numerous armed knights congregate around him. Justin looking at this situation realizes that he's in a bad spot.

( Justin's mindscape) Well this is bad not going quite the way I was hoping for. Now how do I get me and Nina out of this situation. Oh I know ambush and distraction then book it out of here! ( End of Justin's mindscape).

Justin smirks at Attilius and points his finger in his face's. Well Attilius your mother smiles like a horse ass! Attilius with a dumbfounded expression on his face quickly changes the anger! What did you just say about my moth gah! Before he can finish this question in anger Justin swiftly kicks him in the balls.

As Attilius drops to his knees Justin turns around and with a princess carry picks up Nina in his arms and activates his body strengthening magic and dashes off. Attilius with trained words points at Justin! Stop... Your... Dodging... Men... Go get him now!

The knights all come to and chase after Justin and Nina!

Justin looks over his shoulder with a frown speaking his thoughts out loud! Ok why the fuck are theys guys so fast with all that fucking armor on? This is why I fly fuck I miss my Harmony! Nina looks up to Justin's face with a blush. Master they are Royal knights you're in big trouble now.

Justin looks down with a smile. It's ok I'll lose them soon and we'll head back to the villa! As Justin dashes throw the city going through alleyways.

Justin spots the carriage him and Nina had took. He looks down and asks Nina. Is it possible that you could throw up one of your illusions and place ice behind us as we run?

Nina looks up to Justin and nods. Nina looks ahead and points that an alleyway. Master take that alleyway take a sharp left and then take another sharp right. Justin trusting Nina words and bolts to the alleyway Nina pointed to.

As Justin gets to the alleyway he jumps to the

Left alleyway in to a smaller alleyway makes a short adjustment and skids a bit and turns to a right down another small alleyway and bolts straight down it.

Nina then closes her eyes and starts singing a tone and the air around Justin cold and damp.

As he hears the sound as if he is under water.

The path in front of Justin starts coming in the waves as if he's under the sea and the sun's reflecting the waves off the ocean floor.

As Nina stops singing she looks up at Justin withal a smile. Master keep running forwards to the carriage that will stop all of our pursuers.

Justin nods and kicks it into high gear straight to the carriage.

As the two make it to the carriage they have the driver take them back to the villa.

Justin breathes a sigh of relief and notices that he still has Nina in his embrace. How ever with Nina now in his lap. Justin gos to sit her next to him here's a small voice from Nina asking a question.

Master may I make the request of staying here for a little bit longer. Justin with h a small smile on his face response. Sure we alcan stay like this for as long as you like!

Nina rests her head on Justin's shoulder and speaks. Master your talent for magic is remarkable. In only 5 days since you unlocked your magic core you can do this much we the out any effort. Justin chuckles at that and shakes his head. It's because I have a lot of really good teachers back at the Villa all of you have been helping me out a lot. Nina with a big smile on her face moves her face to Justin's cheek and kisses it!

15 minutes later they make it to the villa Justin helps Nina from the carriage and sees the girls out side waiting for them and notices on Lily's face that she never given Justin before.

Oh shit Nina you weren't kidding I am in big trouble huh? Nina with a apologetic smile nods quietly.

Lily walks up and looks Justin in the face and asks. Oh my dear Captain Thomas what is it that you have done to knight Captain Attilius today?

Justin take a deep breath and explains from beginning to end the altercation what happened not leaving out anything.

Nina collaborating exactly the same thing while taking a knee in front of Lily.

Lily knowing what the two send was the truth now has blood lust seeping out of her body.

With cooled and in different eyes speaks up. Everyone it time we go to the Palace I have a knight Captain to kill! They all get into carriages with 50 rangers riding on horseback behind them heading towards the palace.

As Justin is looking at Lily he then gets a thought and looks back to Nina.

Hey Nina what was that spell that you cast in the alleyway? Nina looks up to Justin with a smile on her face. Master I'm happy you asked. It's an illusion trap spell using water and voice magic it's called ocean floor. It's a mid-level illusion magic that I developed on my own. Justin surprised at that tilt his head to the side. Okay so how do you apply voice magic and water magic together. Nina puts a finger up in the air and explains. Master you're slightly mistaken. It's three magics in one illusion magic, water magic, and voice magic. By manipulating the water vapors in the air into a raindrops manipulating those raindrops with voice magic while simultaneously intertwining illusion magic you can get this result. It isn't easy and it took me 200 years to develop it. There's only one other person who can manipulate the spell and that is Lady Maya which makes me quite jealous being she's so young. Justin not sure what she means hears Lasha speak.

Justin that particular spell that you two are talking about is complicated. Maya is just a freak of nature gifted in magic. Nina nods her head and adds to that. Later on tonight I can go ahead and go through the steps and processes on how the spell works if you would like master? Justin nods and response to that.

Please and that you Nina.

As the group makes their way into the palace they prepare themselves and put the night captain in his place.