The city's lights blurred into streaks of gold and red as Lucian's car weaved through the late-night traffic. Evelyn stared out the window, her mind racing with the events of the past few hours. The world outside seemed so ordinary, so disconnected from the dangerous reality she now faced. Yet, deep down, she knew that the very streets she had once walked without a second thought were now fraught with hidden threats.

"Where are we going?" Evelyn finally asked, breaking the heavy silence that had settled between them.

"To meet someone who might have answers," Lucian replied, his tone clipped. His eyes remained focused on the road ahead, his grip on the steering wheel tight.

Evelyn knew better than to press for more information. She had quickly learned that Lucian operated on a need-to-know basis, and while it frustrated her, she also understood that he was doing it to protect her.

After a few more minutes, Lucian pulled the car into a narrow alleyway, hidden between two tall buildings. The shadows here were thicker, the air colder. It was a part of the city Evelyn didn't recognize—one of those places that seemed to exist outside of time, untouched by the bustling life just a few streets over.

Lucian cut the engine and turned to her, his expression serious. "Stay close to me. Don't speak unless I tell you to. This meeting could go south quickly."

Evelyn nodded, feeling the weight of his words. She wasn't just a bystander in this; she was walking into the lion's den alongside him.

They exited the car, and Lucian led the way to a nondescript door at the end of the alley. He knocked three times, each knock echoing ominously in the quiet night. A moment later, the door creaked open, revealing a man whose face was partially obscured by the dim light. His eyes flicked to Evelyn, then back to Lucian.

"She's with me," Lucian said, his tone leaving no room for argument.

The man nodded and stepped aside, allowing them to enter. Inside, the building was just as nondescript as the outside—bare walls, minimal furniture, and a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. The only indication that this place was more than it seemed was the heavy door at the back, which led to another room.

Lucian gestured for Evelyn to follow him as the man led them to the door. They stepped inside to find a spacious room that contrasted starkly with the rest of the building. Luxuriously furnished, it was filled with deep leather chairs, a mahogany table, and a fireplace crackling with warmth. But what caught Evelyn's attention was the man seated at the head of the table, his sharp features illuminated by the firelight.

"Lucian," the man greeted, his voice smooth and cultured. He stood, extending a hand that Lucian shook with a firm grip. "It's been too long."

"Graham," Lucian replied, his tone respectful but guarded. "Thank you for agreeing to meet us."

Graham's eyes shifted to Evelyn, and she felt a shiver run down her spine under his intense gaze. "And this must be the infamous Evelyn Blackwood," he said, his lips curling into a faint smile. "You've been causing quite a stir."

Evelyn wasn't sure how to respond, so she simply nodded. Lucian stepped closer to her, a subtle but clear indication of protection.

"She's under my protection," Lucian stated, his voice leaving no room for doubt.

"Of course," Graham replied smoothly, though there was a glint in his eye that made Evelyn uneasy. "Please, have a seat."

Lucian guided Evelyn to a chair, and they both sat across from Graham. The room fell into a tense silence as Graham poured himself a drink, offering the bottle to Lucian, who declined.

"So," Graham began, leaning back in his chair, "you've come to ask about the recent activity in the city. I assume you're aware that the Consortium's factions have been growing restless."

Lucian nodded. "They've been searching for Evelyn. We need to know who's behind it."

Graham took a slow sip of his drink before replying. "There's been talk of a new leader emerging among the faction that opposed your parents, Evelyn. Someone ruthless, with a vendetta against the Blackwood name. They've been consolidating power, pulling in resources from all over the world. Whoever they are, they're not just looking to finish what was started—they're looking to erase your family's legacy entirely."

Evelyn's heart pounded in her chest. "Do you know who it is?"

Graham's gaze flicked to her, and for a moment, he seemed to weigh his words carefully. "I have a name," he said finally. "But I need something in return."

Lucian's expression hardened. "What do you want?"

Graham set down his glass, his fingers tapping lightly on the table. "Information. The Blackwoods were known for their network, for the secrets they kept hidden away. There's something I need to know—something that your parents might have taken to their graves. Give me that, and I'll tell you everything I know."

Evelyn's mind raced. What secrets could her parents have had that would be valuable to someone like Graham? She felt a surge of frustration—she barely knew anything about the world she had been thrust into, and now she was expected to trade on knowledge she didn't even have.

Before she could speak, Lucian leaned forward, his eyes locked on Graham. "We don't have time for games. If you know something, you tell us now, or this conversation ends here."

Graham's expression didn't falter, but there was a flicker of tension in his eyes. "You're in no position to make demands, Lucian. The information I have is valuable. Without it, you're walking blind into a war."

Evelyn could feel the standoff brewing between the two men, and she knew that they were at an impasse. They needed Graham's information, but he wasn't going to give it up without something in return.

Suddenly, an idea sparked in her mind. She didn't know much, but there was one thing her mother had told her—a story from her childhood, something that had seemed like a fairy tale at the time but now felt laden with significance.

"There's something," Evelyn said, her voice cutting through the tension. Both men turned to look at her, surprised that she had spoken up.

"My mother," she began, choosing her words carefully, "used to tell me stories about a place—a hidden estate, somewhere far away. She said it was a safe haven, a place where our family kept their most valuable secrets. I always thought it was just a story, but… maybe it wasn't."

Lucian's eyes widened slightly, and even Graham looked intrigued. "Go on," Graham prompted.

"She called it Ravenswood," Evelyn continued. "She said it was hidden deep in the mountains, protected by old magic—or so the story went. If it exists, maybe that's where the secrets you're looking for are kept."

Graham's expression turned contemplative. "Ravenswood… I've heard whispers of that name before. If it's real, it could be the key to everything."

Lucian turned to her, his gaze intense. "Evelyn, are you sure about this? We don't know if it's just a story."

Evelyn nodded, her resolve firming. "It's all I have. If it's real, it might be our only chance."

Graham leaned back in his chair, considering her words. "Very well," he said finally. "I'll accept that. In exchange, I'll tell you what I know."

He took a deep breath before continuing. "The person you're looking for is named Damon Carver. He's the son of one of the original Consortium members—one who was exiled after your parents exposed their treachery. He's been biding his time, building his power, and now he's making his move. He's dangerous, and he won't stop until he has what he wants."

Evelyn's blood ran cold at the name. Damon Carver—the name was unfamiliar, but the threat it represented was clear. This was the man who had taken everything from her, who was now hunting her down.

Lucian's expression darkened, and he nodded curtly. "Thank you, Graham. We'll take it from here."

Graham smiled faintly, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Just remember our deal, Evelyn. If Ravenswood is real, and you find it… you'll owe me."

Evelyn felt a knot of unease in her stomach, but she nodded in agreement. "I understand."

With that, Lucian stood, signaling the end of the meeting. Evelyn followed suit, her mind spinning with the information she had just learned.

As they left the building and stepped back into the cold night air, Evelyn couldn't shake the feeling that they had just walked into something far more dangerous than they had anticipated. Damon Carver was out there, watching, waiting.

And now, with the name of their enemy revealed, the real battle was about to begin.