

This story will be quite different from my other works.

I'll be focusing on the quality of the plot, creating a drama where all the characters feel alive—whether they're supporting characters or villains. I realized I've been rushing through my current and previous works, neglecting character development on the side.

And FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, I'm announcing that this story will include romance! Yay!

But don't worry, it won't be the cringe romance you might see in some stories out there. This will be a mature romance. I've watched enough romance dramas to finally feel confident in creating one myself!

Along with the plot quality, I'll also be working to improve the overall quality of my writing.

No unnecessary words, more depth in world-building, and better scene settings.

Unlike my other stories, this one will have 2,000 words per chapter because, again, I'm aiming to seriously upgrade the quality of my storytelling.


The story begins during World War II (Captain America's time), set against the backdrop of a real historical event (which I'll be using to my advantage).

There will be some conflicts with Captain America and other elements, as Tommy is just an ordinary human with the supernatural ability to turn back time after he dies. But I won't spoil too much.

Let's just say there will be conflicts involving the Mafia, Hydra/Nazis, the Army, interpersonal drama, and a surprise twist later on.

In my story, Thomas Shelby is of British descent, but here's a sneak peek at his character page (which I'll post later once I start sharing the story):

[Thomas Shelby]

Born in 1918 of British descent, his parents were originally from the UK but chose to migrate to the US around 1915 in search of a better life. They anticipated signs of the Great Depression in the UK, which indeed occurred later in 1930. Unfortunately, they died shortly after.

Some characters from Peaky Blinders, like Arthur and Johnny, will appear in the story, but their backgrounds will be adapted just as I have adapted Tommy's. And they won't be Tommy's siblings but someone with their own background.

I'm not sure what else to cover, so feel free to ask me anything that's on your mind.