Attack on the village

"Granny, take your medicine, you need to get better.", Aria, a fair, slender, beautiful lady said to her sick grandmother. Aria is the only grandchild and her mother is the only child of her grandmother.

Aria's father died shortly after her birth. She grew up to be extremely beautiful, with bright hazel eyes, and a slim, pointed nose. Her rosy lips and soothing voice gives men a sense of calmness. Her beautiful black wavy hair. She is loved by all. Aria is respectful and good with words.

"She won't listen, still stubborn at her old age", a clear voice said from the kitchen. It was Aria's mother. She walked into the room and patted Aria's head, smoothing out her silky long hair. "Use your medicine, ma"

Reluctantly, grandmother used her medicine and coughed a bit. "Take care, grandma", Aria said as she calms her grandmother down.

Gunshots were heard from outside, followed by the screams of the villagers. "Mama, what's happening?", Aria asked.

"It''s the people from overseas, they come here sometimes to enslave our people, it has been happening for centuries.", Aria's grandmother answered.

"But...but...but why? How are you still not enslaved, if it has been happening for ages?", Aria asked.

"I don't know why...they...are enslaving us. We hide and try our escape from them...without capturing us", Aria's grandmother said, coughing badly. "You and your mother should run...and hide...", she paused to cough, "...they surely don't want old people"

"But you are sick, no one would be here to take care of you, mother", Aria's mother answered.

"Get up, we will all hide together", Aria said to them. They both listed the sick grandmother from the bed. They left the house and walked towards the end of the village. They hid the sick grandmother there and went towards another side of the village's end.

"Ahhhhhhh", Aria's mother screamed from the pain of the gun shot at her.

"Ma!!!!!!", Aria yelled, holding her shot mother in her hands, with hot tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Aria, run and leave, don't let them capture you, I'll be fine, I guess it's time to go and meet my husband. Time to say farewell to this wicked world. Goodbye Aria, goodbye mother" she said, as she takes her last breathe.

Aria wept profusely and chose to run away, with her dress stained with her mother's blood. She had barely moved far from her mother, when she was blocked by two soldiers.

"Where do you think you are running to?", one of them asked as the other one tied her hands.

"Grandmother, take care of yourself, I've been captured", she screamed loud enough for her grandmother to hear.

A slap landed on her face, as her screams were annoying the soldiers. Her cheeks turned red.

Her grandmother heard her screams and tried to get up to save her grandchild, "No! She's the only one left for me.", as she tried to run after the soldiers, she tripped on a stone, hit her head and died, with blood running down her face.

Aria and other captives were all taken down to the sea shore, where all other villagers were brought to. The soldiers assembled them and took them into a compartment in the ship. They were stuffed together there with barely enough space for them. The weeping, sweats and tears inside the compartment made the journey unbearable for Aria.

"I wish i could see my grandmother one more time", she said as she sighed and was sneezed on, by one of the captives.