Maiding the castle

After seeing her mother in her dreams, Aria had faith that everything would be alright. Her group and her began their chores. Aria was sent to clean up the first child's room.

She entered the massive room and started to pick up the clothes on the floor.

"And who are you?", a voice asked.

Aria got startled and turned back at the sight of a tall, blonde guy, who seemed to be in his early twenties. "Aria, one of the new maids...sir", she answered.

"Oh, i see. Hurry up, pick that basket and do my laundry. Sweep my room, and also wash my bathroom. Make sure you are done before i get back", he said as he picked up his phone and left.

"What device is that?", Aria said calmly to herself.

"'s a phone, duh. Don't you know what a phone is? You've never seen one in your town before?", he asked.

Aria nodded her head negatively in response to him.

"Well, it's a phone, get it??", he asked. "I'm Frank, Franklin", he said to her.

"Okay, sir Franklin", she replied.

"How old are you?", he asked, giving her a lustful look.

"Nineteen, sir", she answered, bowing her head.

"So you are no longer a minor, i see", he said to her.

She nodded in response to him and continued her chores. He went closer to her, feeling her hair.

"You have a nice wavy hair", he said, caressing her neck.

"Thank you sir", she responded.

He gave a cheeky smile and left. Aria felt awkward, as she felt that he was trying to make a move on her. She shrugged the feelings off and continued her chores.

The nice lady from the ship came in to check on her a while later.

"How is work going , dear?", she asked.

"Fine ma'am. Thank you ma'am", Aria responded.

"I didn't get your name. What's your name?", the woman asked.

"Aria, ma'am", she answered as she got up from the floor.

"I'm madam Flora", the woman said to her.

"Madam Flora", Aria repeated.

"Yes", she replied.

"Are you done with your chores?", madam Flora asked.

"No ma'am. I'm not done with the laundry yet", Aria responded.

Madam Flora weng closer to Aria, and started to help her with the laundry.

"I'm done with mine, I'll help you out, so we can both go and have lunch", Madam Flora said, with a sweet smile.

"Thank you ma'am", Aria responded. "She is acting like a mother to me", Aria thought to herself.

They both finished Franklin's laundry and arranged his room, before leaving to have lunch.

Aria seemed to confide in Madam Flora, and thought to herself that, she can share her thoughts and problems with her. Considering that Madam Flora is the only one who cares about her...