A visit from master's friend

Sir Otto, who just came back from a journey, called on his maids, giving orders on what to do, as he went up to his room to rest.

Having laid down for a while, there was a knock on his door.

"Who the heck is there? Can't I rest after returning from a voyage? Whosoever you are, leave my door. Now!!", he yelled at the maid, who had knocked on his door.

"But sir, a friend of yours is here", the maid said, from outside the room.

"Whosoever it may be, i don't want any visitor", he responded.

The maid walked away, going to tell the Master's friend about his response. The friend gave the maid a stern look, before going up to the Master's room.

"Oh, you don't want visitors, right??", the friend said, as he knocked on the door.

"Oh my days! Frederick, i had no idea it was you. Come on in, old friend", Sir Otto responded, as he opened the door for Sir Frederick.

They hugged and laughed a bit, before sitting on a sofa.

"It's quite surprising to see you, y'know. Unannounced as well.", Sir Otto said.

Sir Frederick chuckled, "I came for some things. Luckily, i met you, i was told you just got back from a journey."

"Yes my friend, yes. What is it that you need me for?", Sir Otto asked.

"Nothing much. I need more maids at my place. The villages i waged war against are full of disabled and elderly people. Just do this for me, friend".

"That's little, i'll give you about twenty. Till you are able to capture people.", Sir Otto responded.

"Thank you friend. How about your son? Ehmmmmmm...Frank! Isn't he ripe for marriage?", Sir Frederick asked.

"He is, but he is unwilling to settle down. He flirts around, having sex with different women. Some even reported him for assault. But since he's my son, he isn't getting punished", Sir Otto replied, as they both laughed.

"I was thinking of linking him up with my daughter. But she is still hung up with that filthy boy. I told her to leave him for people of higher status, but she refused, threatening to kill herself", Sir Frederick said, as he let out a loud sigh.

"These children... Well, we'll find something to do about it. What drink do you want? Let's enjoy ourselves, those children are doing the same as well", Sir Otto said, and they both chuckled. "Whiskey or Beer?"

"Whiskey", Sir Frederick responded.

They made a toast, and continued joking around. Sir Otto promised to give his friend some maids, to help him around...