"B, among everyone else who is in the house, I trust you the most. Do you know why?" Selena, who was pregnant with Tiana at that time, said as she opened the door to the bedroom, allowing her entry.

That was the first time that she saw that room. How majestic it was. Knowing fully about her secret crush on Logan, she hated Selena so much. Especially with what she had seen a few months before this.

She wanted to push her to the ground, deal with her and just ask her why. However, she was afraid. If she made another mistake this time, she didn't have anyone to protect her anymore.

She couldn't risk it.

She looked at Selena with a puzzled expression on her face as she responded to her question. "No, I don't know. Can you tell me why?" curious as to why she trusted her so much. Was she that gullible?

Selena caressed her stomach with so much affection that Briar, at that moment, really wished she could grow guts and expose everything, but for the sake of the future, she held it in.

"Among all the people I have taken in. You are the most obedient, you aren't greedy and know your place. Above all, the kids love you. Since they love you, it means that your character is good. How can I not trust you?"

Now recalling that absurd conversation, Briar's lips twitched as she found Selena to be a bit too crazy in the head.

As Briar opened the door and stepped into the bedroom Selena prided in so much, that she thought that even in death Logan would remain faithful to her. She scoffed inwardly.

'I wonder how many turns you have made so far in your grave, Selena! It's your abundant trust that led me here. Thank you!' she couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, her eyes sparkling as she thought of the other.

If Selena hadn't trusted her that much, would everyone trust her now?

Thanks to that trust, she was now walking into this room as the wife. Selena must be furious, right?

Anyway, that didn't matter to her. So, what if she is pissed off?

If she was, then let her come out of the grave. She didn't mind having a face-off. There were too many things that they didn't get to finish dealing with before she passed. They might as well have a showdown and get it over with.

Looking at the bedroom, Briar was wowed as she saw how magnificent it looked. It was very spacious, and that customized bed. Wasn't it a bit too big for one person?

She still remembered when the bed was brought to the mansion. It was a year ago, and it was a hassle for the movers to put it into the house.

To think that a year later, she was going to .... Wait a moment. Where was she going to sleep?

Briar raised her hands to her cheeks as she started patting them anxiously, a creepy smile rising on her face as she looked at the one bed in the room.

'Hahaha, Selena. It's been ages since I visited you. I think that one of these days I will visit your grave. Hahaha, you really need to hear this!' Briar laughed hysterically deep down her heart as several thoughts swirled in her head.

If that man didn't have a slight intention towards her except to use her to ward off his pursuers, then what was the point of sharing a room?

Even if they shared a room, sleeping on separate beds would have sufficed. But he just had to add in the clause that she should move into his room, sleep on his bed and if she wasn't mistaken, there was that crazy clause that if they had a child ….. wait a minute, if they had a child, then didn't that mean that they would ….. just thinking about it, Briar became determined to drop Selena a visit.

No matter what, she should thank her for helping her greatly.

Logan had been eyeing her for a long time now. She was very certain of it.

Whether she was being delusional or not, it no longer mattered. Since he dared to let her share the same bed, then he should be prepared.

She wasn't going to wait for three years. That was too long.

With determination coursing through her body, Briar happily pulled her bags into the room and headed for the closet.

There were two closets in the master bedroom. One for Logan and the other one, which Selena used when she was alive.

That closet now was all empty and showed no signs of anything being placed there for a long time.

As she organized her few clothes in that closet, a triumphant smile was on her face.

One way or the other, she was going to fill this place until Logan forgot that it once belonged to Selena.

One day, she was going to erase Selena's memories and replace them with hers.

Who wasn't selfish?

Organizing the clothes didn't take much longer. When she was done, she changed into fresh clothes before heading to the first floor.

The clock was ticking, and she had some shopping to do.

After readying the car, Briar drove away from the mansion in her yellow car and looked at the small bag on the passenger's seat where that secondary card was. A smile was on her face until she reached the shopping mall.

When she parked her car, she couldn't help but look at the magnificent shopping mall in front of her and read the mall's plaque, her smile even widened; MEYER PARK MALL.

'Does this mean that this partially belongs to me as well?' she couldn't help but be delusional.

As Logan's wife, wasn't he hers as well?

Laughing at her crazy thoughts, Briar shook her head as she walked towards the mall. No matter what, she needed to pick only the best clothes and not disappoint Logan.

She was a wife now and must carry the demeanor of one.

Of course, things would be tough and not easy. But when has it ever been easy?

Nonetheless, she was still looking forward to what the future was going to bring her. She had been preparing for far too long, after all.


Hillcrest High School

Meanwhile, at this school, at around lunchtime, boys and girls were in the cafeteria while others were playing in the playgrounds.

It was the moment for them to eat and relax. Studies were very straining after all.

Sitting in a certain part of the football ground, watching a group of boys having fun playing, a group of girls were busy munching on their food as they chatted in excitement.

Among these girls was a familiar face. Lyra, Briar's eldest stepdaughter, and the girls she was with were the same that she was video chatting the previous night when Briar came to check on her before bed.

"Are you really sure about this? I mean, Lyra, just take a look at this. She is no longer your nanny but a stepmother. What if she suddenly turns evil?" Eugene, her other best friend, asked, worry laced in her tone as she looked at Lyra.

Lyra flicked Eugene's forehead, finding her words a bit too similar to her thoughts the second she heard about the marriage between her father and second mother.

"Eugene is right, you know. These women, once they get married, would pretend for a bit that they still care for you, but since they have their own children, all hell will break loose. I don't think that you should tolerate her!"

"That's true. You all remember how hard it was for me when my father was with that two-faced woman."

Lyra, hearing her friends' thoughts, couldn't help but be tempted.

Indeed, people do change. She might have loved them well when she was a nanny, but after getting promoted, would that love still remain?

Seeing Lyra getting tempted, the girls winked at each other and started fanning the flames with vigor.

"Instead of just accepting this matter easily, you can test her and see what she is like."

"She might have a lover outside. How can she spend a decade without anything happening to her?"

"Yes, we can start by looking into that. There must be a conspiracy."

"Or we can use someone whom she doesn't suspect and see if she can fall for the person's tricks. We need to see whether she loves your dad, or she is just fooling around for the money."

"Isn't your dad's birthday approaching? Use that moment to see her actions. There might be other things that you have missed since you grew up with her."

"These women aren't good at all!"

Listening to them speaking so convincingly like that, Lyra knew that she was doomed.

She had been convinced, and maybe a bit of testing would make her feel at ease.

If she was going to accept someone as her second mother, she needed to know more than what she knew already.

"I guess that can be done. There isn't much on her, actually!" and now thinking about it, they didn't know much about her.

Except for her mother, who brought her. They didn't know where she came from or what her family did. Her father might know, but he was too busy dealing with a lot of things.

Before the whole family trusted the wrong person, she was going to follow her friends' advice and see if she could gain something.

If she is clean, then it will be well, but if there are any suspicions, then that is going to be a problem.

However, before she concluded, she was going to act along and play house. Who doesn't know how to do it?

'It seems that this holiday is going to be interesting!'