Alice's mouth went agape when she heard her mother's unexpected question.

"Mother, you ….. how could you even think of such an absurd question?" she couldn't help but retort in shock at her mother's accusation.

The mother looked at her deeply as if her gaze could pierce through her soul and uncover all the dirty secrets she had been hiding, and it made her shudder with fear. She couldn't help but blurt out the truth.

"Mother, I love my brother so much. It's just that, every time he comes, he always brings that person. She is too fake. I don't like her!" she loudly complained, revealing her dissatisfaction and unwillingness to see that person.

When the mother heard that, a helpless expression appeared on her face as she looked at her daughter.

"What did she do to you to make you call her that? From what I know, she had been the sweetest girl we had seen around in over a decade!" she defended the accused party earnestly.

Alice upon hearing that scoffed as she walked towards her mother, her eyes filled with great animosity, it made the mother wonder if there were any issues between the two that she wasn't aware of for her daughter to hate the other so deeply like that.

Alice stopped in front of her mother, took her hands in hers, and said, "Mother, don't just judge the book by its cover. That girl is no good. I can only be relieved if she is no longer by his side!" without revealing the real reason why she was so against the other.

The mother, however, shook her head as she answered, "That can't be done. As long as your brother still has a use for her, then she stays. Just because you don't like her, and plotting some crazy scheme right now, I will not let your brother or your nephew and nieces lose someone who truly cares for them!" her tone was very firm and rejecting Alice's crazy offer.

Alice, upon hearing that, harrumphed as a glint of madness flashed through her eyes and angrily said, "Fine. Since you don't want to deal with her, then just wait. One day when she shows her true colors, don't say that I didn't warn you!" before leaving her mother in the room.

The mother looked at her daughter and shook her head.

What can a child like her see?

One day, she would get to understand the child and perhaps become the best of friends.

Unfortunately for her, she had no idea that the girls' grudge might not be as easy to solve as she thought.


Alice was pumped up as she marched into the massive garden, feeling frustrated by her mother.

Why did everyone think that person was good?

Were their eyes so blind and unable to see how treacherous and fake she was?

The more she thought about that person and seeing her in just moments, Alice felt like strangling something.

Overwhelmed by so many negative thoughts, she took out her phone from her bag and called someone from her contact.

After a few rings, the call was answered and a melodious female voice sounded from the other side, [Hello, Alice!]

Alice smiled, showing a completely different expression from moments ago and answered, "Hey, Anna. What are you up to?"

[Me? I am at the institute. I just finished practicing piano. Do you want something?]

Alice nodded appreciatively when she heard what Anna was doing. "Nothing really. I just wanted to talk to you. Since you are busy, then I won't bother you!"

[You …. Is something bothering you? Did someone anger you?]

Listening to the worried Anna, a smile blossomed on her face.

"Sigh ….. you know me well!"

[Just give it to me. I can help if I will do so!]

Alice found a bench to sit on as she gathered the right words to share with this friend of hers.

After finding what to say, she began to pour her grievances into the other. After sharing, Anna's response came a bit delayed but when it came, she asked, [That …. She is coming with brother-in-law again for dinner?]

Alice scoffed as she thought of that shameless person always hanging around her family without shame for what she had done and answered angrily, "Not just coming but spending the whole weekend. It's brother's birthday banquet, so obviously, she would be hanging around."

[Do you need me to come over?]

Upon hearing that, Alice's eyes lit up as she found a reason to annoy that person. She answered, "You can come tomorrow. Tonight, it's family dinner. Mother will go crazy if I invite anyone."

[Okay. Tomorrow is still fine. We can deal with her together.]

"Exactly. Hehehe, let's see if she will be so bold to come again next time!" Alice laughed sinisterly, her eyes glowing at the thought of teaching that person a lesson.

The two friends chatted merrily, making their plans with ease.

While they do so, the person in question is currently laughing heartily after Logan shared an event which happened to him when he was young.

Who would have guessed that he was quite naughty as he grew up?

Briar couldn't hold herself anymore.

Logan didn't feel upset seeing her laughing at him like that, but rather, he felt that it was a good thing that he shared something about himself.

Seeing her laughing like that, those dimples visible on her cheeks, he just felt that it was all worth it.

"Is it that fun?" he asked teasingly as he took her hand in his.

Briar pretended as if she wasn't affected by his touch and wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks with the other hand, nodding, "It's funny. Logan, you were truly a mischievous child when growing up. Auntie and Uncle must have had their days!"

Logan scratched her palm playfully as he responded, "You are getting bolder by the second, aren't you?"

Briar stuck her tongue at him, no longer concerned about anything. He was the one who started it. Why was he acting as if she was the one playing with fire?

Logan shook his head, seeing how playful she was.

It was good that she was like that. Seeing her like that, however, made him remember how young she was. Would she think that he was too old?

Suddenly, a wave of crisis fell on him.

Briar had no idea what he was thinking about and picked up the topic from where it stopped.

Without them both expecting it, they arrived at the ancestral home.

Seeing the massive mansion in front of her, Briar's heart started thumping once again, feeling nervous about what was going to come.

Logan was still holding her hand, so he felt it when she started showing her anxiety.

He patted her hand, forcing her to look at him, and said to her, "Remember that we are by your side. Nothing will happen. Trust me!" sincerity oozing from him.

Upon hearing that, Briar beamed, relief washing over her, though she was fully aware that the night wouldn't end without any drama happening.

If that person didn't start it, she was going to start it. She was going to make sure that she got an upper hand from the starting line.

She was here for a war.

Logan, unaware of what Briar was thinking, breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Briar's complexion improving.

The two of them finally alighted from the car and joined the kids who were prancing excitedly, ready to enter the mansion. Or rather, meet up with the relatives who were coming out of the mansion.

"Granny!" Tiana, who had been prancing around earlier, called out excitedly as she ran towards the elderly woman, walking towards them with a smile.

When the kids saw that, they all smiled as they followed Tiana to greet their grandmother.