Twenty-Five Cats

As expected, just as the tea was brewed and before all the dishes were served, the Li brothers couldn't hold back.

"Shuo, I'm really sorry, but we just signed a contract with Yishan Photography Studio, and until it's up, we can't work with any other studios…"

Shuo Yu raised an eyebrow, her expression cooling.

She had contacted them three days ago, and they had been full of enthusiasm, promising they had plenty of availability.

But now, they had suddenly changed their tune.

When Shuo Yu's lips turned down and her brows furrowed, her entire face took on an intimidating air.

When her long, narrow eyes fixed on someone, it could make anyone with a guilty conscience feel uneasy.

Furious, Shuo Yu let out a mirthless laugh, her lips curling with sarcasm. "Go on, then. What did they offer you?"

The Li brothers had braced themselves for a scolding.

Not knowing her well, they didn't pick up on her contempt and felt relieved when they saw her smile.

The younger Li brother spoke up first, "Mr. Zheng offered us a special profit-sharing contract and promised to bring in a Goldfish Award winner…"

As they explained, Shuo Yu understood.

Most portrait photographers preferred to shoot famous people to build their reputation, capitalizing on their popularity.

From the Li brothers' perspective, the resources offered by the studio far outweighed what Shuo Yu, as a model, could provide.

"Well, I wish you both the best of luck. Since you've already signed with them, there's nothing more to discuss."

Shuo Yu chuckled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Before the Li brothers could react, she grabbed her bag and clicked away in her high heels.

When Shuo Yu reached the entrance of Catfish Café, she suddenly stopped.

She went inside, ordered a cappuccino, and sat down at a random spot.

After so many years as a model, Shuo Yu knew countless professional photographers in the industry.

But those people were always busy shooting magazine covers, runway shows, luxury cars, and high-end watches. It seemed overkill to ask them to come and work at the niche fashion district she was setting up.

The Li brothers might have looked down on her project, but Shuo Yu had contacted them because they were the least skilled on her list.

She figured they were running a small family business and didn't have much legitimate work.

Scrolling through her contacts, Shuo Yu bit her lower lip nervously and made a video call to Sister Ji.

"So, you still remember you have a manager, huh? You've been on vacation for half a month without even a greeting. Just keep resting! Call me when your month is up!"

The woman on the other end was in her forties but looked much younger. Her short, curled hair was neatly styled, and she was sitting in her office. Her voice was loud, almost piercing in Shuo Yu's ears.

Shuo Yu rarely softened her tone, but this time, the icy beauty who had turned heads with her long legs was speaking sweetly to the phone.

"I know you're busy, Sister Ji. You've got new models waiting for you to find work for them. I didn't want to bother you."

"But I did remember to send you Yunxi cake and Yunxi candy. Little Bei should have gotten them by now, right?"

At the mention of her autistic daughter, Ji Yun's expression softened. "Yes, thank you for remembering Little Bei. Funny thing is, she's mentioned you more times than you've called me."

Ji Yun took a puff of her e-cigarette, her red lips faintly visible through the cloud of vapor.

"Just so you know, I'm going to the hospital to see Little Bei tonight, so when I call you, make sure you pick up. Even though you've got the attitude to back it up, out of all the beauties and hunks I manage, Little Bei only likes you. She only recognizes you!"

Shuo Yu smiled. "I like Little Bei, too."

It was true.

Little Bei was just over ten years old, very pretty, with big eyes and a pointed chin.

She was a quiet, beautiful girl that anyone would like.

Unfortunately, Ji Yun and her husband had been too focused on their careers when she was young, neglecting her until she retreated into her own world.

Shuo Yu felt a connection with Little Bei, partly because she sensed a kindred spirit.

Both of them were introverted, only interested in their own things. But while Little Bei's condition was more severe, Shuo Yu was just a fan of two-dimensional characters.

Ji Yun glanced at her. "Alright, I'll call you later tonight. What do you need from me today? I'm busy over here."

Sensing that her manager had seen right through her, Shuo Yu's face flushed. "Can't I just call you without needing something? You complain when I don't call, and you still complain when I do!"

Ji Yun laughed in surprise. "So, you don't need anything? If not, I'm hanging up."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Shuo Yu sighed softly, giving her a playful glare, and then explained the situation with the niche fashion district.

She wasn't worried about her manager knowing she was interested in a side business. Although Sister Ji had a sharp tongue, she genuinely cared for her models.

She often encouraged older models to have other sources of income besides their modeling careers.

Sure enough, Ji Yun grew more excited as she listened, even setting down her e-cigarette.

"You're in luck. I have a newly debuted photographer who needs money urgently. She just talked to me this morning about taking on private jobs.

I'll give you her contact info. If you offer her a good rate, she'll definitely be interested."

Shuo Yu noted down the photographer's contact information.

Ji Yun suddenly remembered something and added enthusiastically, "Oh, and do you remember Xiaoxia? The makeup artist who traveled with you a couple of years ago? Her child is weaned now, and she's looking for work in Yunxi City. You could hire her, too."

Shuo Yu had known that asking Sister Ji would make finding people easy.

But the thought of having a heart-to-heart with her on a weekday made her hesitant. In some ways, Sister Ji was like an enhanced version of Shen Zhiyin—so enthusiastic that it could be overwhelming.

Looking at the messages from the photographer and makeup artist agreeing to work, Shuo Yu thought that she should have just asked Sister Ji from the start.

Feeling elated, she took a sip of her coffee to celebrate and hurried home.

With work out of the way, it was time to dive back into Cat Island Diary!

Today was the day for her interactive date card with Ji Mianmian, and Shuo Yu connected the game to her TV.

As usual, Ji Mianmian noticed her right after she logged in. The cat-eared girl was sitting in the shade near the training ground, cooling off.

The girl carefully observed Shuo Yu's lighthearted demeanor and smiled. "Good afternoon, Sister. You seem really happy today. Did something good happen?"

Shuo Yu responded, "Yes! I've been working on a project recently, and today I managed to wrap up most of it."

Shuo Yu shifted the camera to focus on Ji Mianmian and was surprised to see her apron full of foxtail grass and reed leaves, along with several neatly folded woven grass ornaments beside her.

Shuo Yu didn't question how Ji Mianmian could weave dogs, rabbits, and ducks that didn't exist on Cat Island. She was simply in awe of how talented her "wife" was, brimming with artistic skill!

Sensing Shuo Yu's intense gaze, Ji Mianmian smiled and offered the woven animals in her hands. "Sister, these are all for you!"

Her eyes sparkled with a layer of misty affection, inviting protection.

Shuo Yu carefully placed the six [Woven Animals] in the last slot of her inventory, right next to the foxtail grass cat Ji Mianmian had left in the cat house when they first met.

"Thank you, Mianmian! It must have been tough working with all that grass. Be careful not to cut your hands!"

When talking to the girl on the screen, Shuo Yu always opened up, revealing a warmth and enthusiasm that others rarely saw in real life.

After catching up, it was time for their [Interactive Card] session as promised.

Both women were uncharacteristically shy, their hearts racing with a mix of nervousness and anticipation.

Shuo Yu looked at the completed [Hot Spring Card] and [Flower Sea Stroll Card] and, after some thought, decided to use the latter first.

It was still broad daylight, and going to the hot springs now would just be a casual soak, not the intimate experience she was hoping for.

Using the [Pet] interaction, Shuo Yu lightly touched the girl's tail, her gaze darkening. "Darling, are you ready? I want to go for a stroll in the flower sea."

The cat-eared girl had been eagerly waiting. As soon as Shuo Yu finished speaking, she quickly responded.

Ji Mianmian tossed the grass off her skirt, then pushed herself up from the ground.

She happily bounced in place a couple of times, brushing off the dirt and grass from her apron as she said, "I'm ready!"

Although Shuo Yu often got close to her and petted her, having the little cloud person with a physical presence made the experience feel different.

Shuo Yu gave her a once-over, her tone full of surprise. "You must really want to go out with me today. Otherwise, you wouldn't have come out without your bow and arrows."

The training ground was where the cats on the island honed their combat skills.

Although Ji Mianmian's claws could retract like a cat's, they were fragile and not very strong.

Ever since she acquired her [Cat Power Bow and Arrows], she always carried them on her back along with two quivers when she went to the training ground.

Today, Ji Mianmian hadn't brought them, which Shuo Yu took as a sign that she had been waiting for her to log in so they could go straight into the interaction, skipping the process of returning home to drop off her weapons!

Shuo Yu had already explored every inch of the western ear beach, but it didn't look anything like the lush, beautiful flower sea depicted on the [Flower Sea Stroll Card]. She hesitated for a moment after hitting the use button, unsure of where to go.

Luckily, the game provided guidance, leading her to the flower sea in the southwest, hidden in the black mist on Cat Island.

As the little cloud person, formed from mist and surrounded by a layer of moisture, appeared on the screen, Shuo Yu grabbed her controller and activated travel mode.

She controlled the little cloud person to scoop Ji Mianmian up in her arms, leaping into the sky and leaving a comet-like trail of mist behind them.

"Ahhhh—so high up—Sister, no, don't do this…"

Most cats are afraid of heights, let alone this terrifying altitude, like a free-fall ride!

Ji Mianmian screamed in fright, clinging tightly to the little cloud person. As she got closer, she noticed that its misty features resembled Shuo Yu's, and she couldn't look away.

The earring in Shuo Yu's right ear faithfully transmitted the in-game sounds to her ear.

She heard the rush of the wind, the rustling of Ji Mianmian's skirt fabric, her soft whimpers, and the pounding of her heart.

"Don't be scared, darling. I'm here." If this were a real hug, Shuo Yu would have been tempted to lean down and kiss her, to steal her breath.

Feeling the vibration of the controller as the little cloud person jumped, Shuo Yu looked forward to the game's experience with all five senses even more.

As always, she longed for, and fantasized about, the warm touch of holding Ji Mianmian, who was so excited that sweat beaded on her forehead…