Birthday celebration in her mansion?

Francesca stood, staring at her for a while before walking nearer to her. She did the, well expected and the unexpected of her.


She took the cake from Tinuke and smashed it on the floor, causing a mess. Not satisfied enough, she raised her leg and begins to stomp on it until it was entirely ruin.

Well obviously, the servants that had stayed with Francesca for years know it's gonna turn out that way unlike Tinuke who just moved in to the house that year.

They had warned her against the idea but she wouldn't listen, saying birthdays are of joyous celebration and everyone deserves to be happy.

Now this is what she gets in return.

Tinuke stood transfixed, staring at Francesca with extreme shock written all over her face and her mouth partly apart.

After Francesca was done, she turned to her servants with her hot burning eyes.

"Fools! What's all these huh? Tell me! After several years of staying with me, have you ever witness any celebrations related to birthdays in this mansion huh? Answer me twits! Didn't I warn and told you all I don't celebrate birthdays and will never do. Well, oh-oh, it's so vivid that you're all fed up with your jobs".

With her last statement, the servants all went down immediately on their kneels.

"Please pardon us madam, we won't ever try such again". They all pleaded with wails.

" Please spare us madam, this is our only means of surviving". The butler (John) pleaded and Francesca faced him, glaring hatefully at him.

"Wow John! Wow! So you reminding me that now after you play dumb by giving me a fake news about Tinuke's illness even though she's perfectly okay to me. I can see you're really good at constructing stories. Well that will be great,cause after you're outta here,you can go sign up for a film maker job. Pathetic fools. Now everyone out of my house, you are all fired!". Francesca shot and the servants heart flustered.

"Ahh madam, please spare us...". They all wailed in tears, rolling on the floor.

"I won't repeat myself idiots, out now before I call the securities to throw you all out". Francesca threatened, pointing towards the entrance when...

"Momma!". Tinuke called and Francesca turned swiftly to her.

"HEY! Don't you dare momma me". Francesca warned and began ascending the stairs to her room furiously.


Immediately she stepped in to her room,the deadly headache seized up her head again and she groaned in discomfort before tossing herself on the bed.

It had been a long and happy day for her and had wish nothing will ever disrupt such happy day. Maybe she probably had overreacted a little when she found out what the emergence call was all about. Maybe she should have just stay calm and plainly rebuke them softly instead.

The headache pain hit again, distracting her thoughts. She isn't in a good mood of having any reasonable thoughts and all she needs that moment is a good nice sleep.

When morning breaks, she's gonna think of what to do. And slowly,she had her eyelids come in contact eventually.



Even though he still want some more sleep, the sweet, yummy aroma that fills the entire room won't allow it. He rolled on the bed with his eyes still tightly shut and while rolling,he accidentally knocked down something from the drawer beside him.

Frightened,he immediately snap his eyes open, sitting up.

"Who's there?". He bawled, folding his fist like some sort of a karate master ready for a fight.

He relaxed after realising he was the one who actually knocked down the alarm clock. He picked it up and replaced it back, before looking around confusedly.

"Where am I?". He asked foolishly before realising.

"Oh my..". He facepalm himself.

"How can I forget am home sweet home". Yoel smiled before climbing down the bed. He walked over to where he left his bag and decide to change from his pajamas to a short and a shirt then head downstairs.

He traced the aroma to the kitchen where he met granny preparing breakfast with the maid.

"Good morning ma". He prostrated flatly on the floor and granny turned to him, with a big smile on.

"My son Adeoye,my husband.". And then granny rendered him panegyric in their tradition.

"Kaaro,se a ji ree?". She then asked in the Yoruba morning greeting.

He rose to his feet, with a wide,bold smile, hugging grandma.

"Thank you ma, hope it's in good health we meet you". Yoel responded back in Yoruba language.

"Ah.., you surely meet us all in good and great health. Ah Oye, long time no see! It's been a while dear. Come, let me hug you,my son once more". Granny expressed joyfully and hugged him once more.

"I also have missed you a lot grandma,and I see you are taking good care of your sons that are with you..I mean don't you see how chubby they have become!". Yoel said and granny chuckled.

"it's not by my power oh, it's by God's grace and power".

" What about my daughter, Ajike?". Grandma asked, referring to Tracey and Yoel check his phone to see if there's a mail from Tracey but none.

"I suppose she isn't up yet cause she was so much exhausted yesterday when we arrived". Yoel guess and granny smiled with a nod.

"I understand. Now go get your teeth washed and take a bath, breakfast will soon be done". Granny informed in Yoruba and Yoel left the kitchen.


Breakfast time to Yoel took so long as Thompson, Yoel and Tobi all sat together at the dinning room, discussing. Actually, Yoel and Tobi were the only ones both discussing as Thompson isn't ready yet to discuss with any of them.

Yoel decides to broach the topic.

"Hey Thomp!". Yoel finally spoke but he didn't respond as he kept feeding himself with morsels of pounded yam with vegetable soup.

"Better leave this one bro Yoel,we all know say na Marlians sergeant im be". Tobi interfere and Yoel gave him a warning look.

"Urm Thomp.. don't listen to him alright? I know what we both did yesterday wasn't fair enough. I should have listened to whatever you wanted to say but am sorry to say that I was really tired to listen to you yesterday... Please... Just forget about it and let's be cool, alright? I promise to listen to whatever you wanna say from henceforth once you let go of all grudges. Now bump this". Yoel bring forward his left fist towards Thompson who had stopped eating already, but isn't looking up yet.

"Come on bump it". Yoel urged and after a while of waiting,he reluctantly bumped it and Yoel release a smile.

"Mumu(fool)". Tobi muttered, struggling to peel off some particles of the hard cow meat he was holding with his teeth.

"Listen here bro, no think say you use one year senior me na im give you privilege dey talk to me anyhow..ah I swear, I go hit you o". Thompson warned now facing Tobi and Tobi eyes widened, dropping the meat on the plate.

"Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! You don grow wings gâñ ñí oo Thompson (you've really grow wings Thompson). Did you just say it at my face that you're going to hit me? Well, lemme see you try am". Tobi responded back in pidgin, moving his chair backward to stand.

"Come on guys,I just settled a misunderstanding seconds ago. Can you both please cut it out and let's eat in peace?". Yoel pleaded calmly,and with that, they sat back slowly each glaring at other.

"Good! Now let's eat". Yoel said before digging his fingers into the swallow dish.

There was silence for a while until Yoel decides to break it.

"Can I ask you a question about that female band BUTTERFLIES, Thompson?". Yoel requested not looking up from his meal but he got no reply so he looked up to see what the problem is again.

He realized both of them aren't having their meal anymore as their stare was at a direction, like they were staring at something or someone behind Yoel so Yoel was forced to turn and take a look.

Yoel was a bit surprised to see Tracey standing behind him, looking shy. She was wearing an extra oversized T-shirt that reach her laps and she didn't dress her hair in ponytail like she always do. Even without makeup, nice dress and having a bath yet, Tracey look so damn beautiful and sexy that no guy that passes her can't resist to stop and have another look at her. She was just too perfect to be true.

Both Tobi and Thompson weren't chance to see her well the night they arrived cos it was really dark. Barely did they know it was a missing angel from heaven that landed into their abode all this while.

"Hey baby, you're awake. Why are you standing there, come on.. come sit". Yoel said, gesturing with his hand and Tracey walked to a chair beside him slowly, like some sort of robot.

After having her seat, Yoel noticed the guys eyes were still on her and he became uncomfortable as his face wrinkled into a frown.

"Dudes, what's up!". He called loudly, snapping his finger at their face and they drove back to reality. They both gave a sheepish smile before Tobi cleared his throat.

"We're so sorry bro". He apologized but Yoel felt duty bound to scold them sternly.

" What's the meaning of all that? Have you both forgotten that she's my younger sister or didn't you know that once my sister is also your sister. One would thought you guys planned to eat her up alive with your ferocious eyes,you prøstītütés. I need you guys to be careful alot, okay?". Yoel warned sternly in Yoruba and they both nodded repeatedly.

" You won't be angry at us big bro, it's not really our fault yunno! We barely knew your younger sister is this pretty". Tobi said again in Yoruba with a grin and wink at Yoel who was secretly glaring at him.

Uncomfortable with the whole thing, Tracey decide to text Yoel.