An outing

Then suddenly, Tinuke rose from her seat and begins running towards Gypsy.

Her heart jumped as she watched her coming nearer.

"What the hell is wrong with this creep? ". Gypsy scream inwardly as she watch her come closer.


On getting real close to Gypsy, someone suddenly called Tinuke's name and she stopped. It was Francesca who did as everyone was already staring at her.

"What's wrong? ". Francesca asked with a furrowed brow and Tinuke smiled.

"Nothing! Just gotta do this". She responded before pulling Gypsy up and hug her affectionately.

"She's my favourite that's why". Tinuke said so as to clear the "why" questions floating on everyone's head in the room.

"Gosh really, you had never mention that before". Francesca said and Tinuke nodded.

"Yeah I know.. just waiting for the day to finally meet her before letting anyone know". She wore that beautiful smile, turning to Gypsy.

"Am so glad I finally meet you Gypsy. You're my bias and my role model too, I really love the way you sings and your dance moves. It entice my dream about becoming someone like you alot. You can't imagine how crazy I'm feeling right now in finally meeting you in person and here's a secret....I love you Gypsy". She whispered the last part to her and gave her another hug that send a cold sensation down her body and she couldn't help but shiver a little.

After disengaging, Gypsy gave Tinuke a tiny smile before she walks back to her seat.

"Aww.. I can't believe am so f**king jealous right now". Blueberry pouted and everyone except Melody chuckled.

"Get use to it. Jealousy is a normal attribute of human, so I guess Gypsy should gat no problem with that". Mel interfere while manipulating her phone, probably checking some latest mad fashions online.

"Seriously? Do you always have to interfere? ". Berry glared at Melody but she was less concern as she remain mute.

Tinuke was expecting Gypsy to interfere too but..

"What's wrong? Why won't she say anything? ". Tinuke blurted out and they all turn to her.

"Who? Gypsy? ". Melody questioned and Tinuke nodded in affirmation.

"She doesn't talk much and sometimes, doesn't do at all". Melody responded and Tinuke face puzzled.

"Why?! ". She asked, curiously.

"Why? Ion know... Her nature? Ion know!". Melody shrugged before standing on her feet.

"Shouldn't we get going now? Remember I need to get some new outfits ". She said.

" New outfits? For what? ". Emmanuel, who had remained silent all along turned to Melody.

"For my next video shoot of my yet release album of course. I need to look good and fascinating. I'm Melody Shine, they don't call me a beauty goddess for fun". She flaunted her hair proudly, with a smirk on.

Blueberry scoffed.

"More like a ugly goddess". Blueberry muttered.

" What do you mean you're leaving already? No you can't leave yet". Francesca said, standing up and clapped her hands twice as some sets of maids assembled themselves in an orderly line in the living room, inclining.

"Go set up the dinning room with several delicacies. Let's all dine and wine away cos it's my day today". Francesca announced and the girls including Emmanuel gasped.

"Your day? Wait, you mean your birthday right? ". Melody asked to be sure and Francesca nodded slowly.

"Are you for real celebrating it now? ". Blueberry exclaimed and Francesca snapped a finger, walking to her.

"Correct Berry, that's what birthdays are meant for, isn't? Having fun and creating beautiful memories out of it with your families and friends. So girls, and gentleman too, what do you say we rock.. ". She got interrupted by Melody as she helped her in completing the sentence.

"... The city".

Francesca turned to her with a frown.

"No! Not the city! I was going to say the dinning room. Let's rock the dinning room". Francesca corrected and Melody face creased into a puzzle look.

"Wait, what! ". She look aghast and Blueberry chuckled, attaching her phone to her selfie stick.

"You brought that? ". Francesca expressed surprisedly and Blueberry scoffed.

"Are you serious? This is my baby, everywhere I goes, she goes. And I've been contemplating for a while about what to update on my IG status. Well obviously, fate will always have it ways. I was thinking we should throw a less crowded party and invite some... ". Francesca cut her short.

" Don't bother Berry, I don't want it that style. I promised Tinuke an outing, not involving a third party, just me and her and I don't want any distractions either. Crazy fans can be so tiring so please, don't". Francesca pleaded and Blueberry moaned.

"Oo.. kay. But what about we take some selfies instead... I mean my boss can't be celebrating her birthday, and my feeds aren't celebrating her too. That will be pure wickedness". Blueberry suggested and Francesca sighed.

"Alright. Suit yourself". She gave in and Berry cheered.

Francesca was now face to face with Gypsy whom was already walking towards her, and engulfed her into a hug, an heartwarming one after getting to her.

"Happy birthday momma". She complimented and Francesca pulled away, while clicking at her tongue and at same time shaking her head slowly.

"I've told you countless times to call me anything but that. That's what Tinuke won't stop doing also and it always makes me feel like a 60 year old lady with kids". Francesca complained and Gypsy chuckled.

Francesca was quick to notice the sad face behind that chuckle.

"You don't seem happy! Anything the matter? ". Francesca asked and Gypsy sighed. She afterwards shook her head in denial but Francesca knew she isn't saying the truth.

"Keeping things from me now uhh? Love to get kick out of the band for disobeying me right? ". Francesca threatened seriously and Gypsy let out a sigh again.

Though she knew Francesca won't carry out her threats, she decides to open up.

"What's the point? Today is your special day and I have nothing to offer. I mean, you can afford anything and.. ". Francesca shut her up by placing a finger on her lip with a frown on her face.

"You stop right there lady. "Francesca warned, waving a finger at her face.

"You wanna get me mad huh? You only found out minutes ago it's my day today and now you're feeling bad you have nothing to gift me? What crazy talk is that? I don't care whatever gift you're giving cos it will always be tag a special property of mine from my favorite band member". Francesca cooed and Gypsy cheek heat up in embarrassment.

Francesca afterwards turn to the rest that were discussing within themselves. Tinuke had already head to her room, probably to have her bath.

"Listen up guys, I need to go have my bath. While at it, you can all help yourself at the wine room over there". Francesca said as she began ascending the stairs.

"And oh, boss. Put on something adorable, something fashionable, something flashy.. you know what I'm talking about. My PP will soon be here". Blueberry grinned and Francesca stared cluelessly.

"PP! What's... that? ". She asked, standing on the stairs with her left palm on the railing.

"My personal photographer, he's a professional from New York. I recently hired him weeks ago. You will definitely love him". Blueberry explained, taking some shots of herself from her phone.

Francesca muttered a 'kk' then shrug as she continues ascending the stairs. A maid came to her with her phones.

"Your phones ma'am". She said, handing her both her Samsung Galaxy S7 phones that were both ringing at a time.

One was from her Bestie that wasn't in town that moment and the other was an unknown ID. She concluded in going for her Bestie call first before taking any random calls.

"Hey Besty... ". She called happily after picking up the call, making a right turn to her room.


TIME: 8:30AM

"So dāmñ good, it's been years I've had such food. What you're gonna get up there are nothing but junks that only adds to your weight unnecessarily". Yoel confessed and belched then chuckled.

"Excuse me". He apologized before sipping at his cup brimful of an orange drink called Fanta.

The boys were currently at Yoel's room, relaxing on bottles of chilled drinks after breakfast. Tracey was with granny, probably having a talk with her.

"At least better than having to drink that tasteless grocery called gari". Tobi opined and Yoel face lighten.

"Hey,I remember that. It's been a while too and I'll be having that as lunch". Yoel informed and Tobi made a disgusted expression.

"Yuck bro! That tasteless stuff. Are you really serious? ". Tobi expressed with crumpled look.

"I remembered I wanna ask you a question". Yoel reminded, changing the topic.

"Wha..". Tobi got interrupted by Thompson.

"Bro. Yoel, you really good at this? ". He asked, referring to Yoel's guitar he was holding. That was the reason he had been quiet all along, not interfering in their discussion. He was busy admiring the guitar.

"It's mine so won't I be a fool not to? Wanna see me play? ". Yoel asked and Thompson hand him over the guitar.