Chapter 32: You have slain a Vicious Beast, Strength + 20kg!

"Fifty billion! Fifty billion!"

"I wouldn't get that much even if you cut me into pieces and sold me by the gram!"

Jiang He complained inwardly, even as he clicked on the purchase option.


"You can buy it in separate volumes?"

[First volume of the Great Sage Fist, 25,000,000 Great Xia dollars.][Second volume of the Great Sage Fist, 50,000,000 Great Xia dollars …]It turned out that the Great Sage Fist could be bought in separate volumes, with the first volume corresponding to the first tier, the second to the second tier, and so on until the ninth volume corresponding to the ninth tier!

Still, Jiang He soon noticed another problem.

There were only seven volumes of the Great Sage Fist on the MAD's official website.

After checking the reason …It showed that the author of the Great Sage Fist was working hard on it.

"Does that mean …"

"Xiahou Wu has only created the seventh tier of the Great Sage Fist. He hasn't created the eighth and ninth tiers yet?"

That was for sale too?

And at the price of the ninth tier?

Jiang He could only complain inwardly.

After all, he couldn't even afford the first volume!

"Twenty-five million … I'm a mental patient. Where would I get that much money?"

He turned off his computer.

After taking a shower, Jiang He lay down on his bed.

Still …

Tossing and turning, he couldn't sleep no matter what, and kept thinking about the Great Sage Fist.

Until three in the morning.

Not only did Jiang He not fall asleep, he was even more spirited.

Leaping out of bed like a carp, he muttered in confusion, "That's weird … I usually fall asleep soon after supper, and logically speaking, my biological clock should have formed a habit. Why am I having insomnia tonight?"

After pondering for a long time …Jiang He breathed a long sigh and muttered, "I get it now …"

"The Sky Demon Cult and the Thunderbolt Dojo must be giving me too much pressure!"

"I'm afraid I'll be killed by the Heavenly Demon Cult and the Rumbling Thunder Dojo!"

Moreover, given how the Sky Demon Cult and the Thunderbolt Dojo were …They might stab you in the back when you're walking down the street.

If you went out for a meal …They might poison you!

Even when you were sleeping, an assassin might suddenly jump out and punch you in the head. If you went to the toilet, a burly man might jump out of the ladies and beat you to death!

"This …"

"This … If that's the case, how can it be?"

"I would have no appetite, no sleep, no proper diet, no proper medication, no proper training … in the long run, even if I'm lucky enough not to die at the hands of the Sky Demon Cult and the Thunderbolt Dojo, I would definitely go mad from the formless torture, crippled!"

"They … What a ruthless scheme!"

Jiang He could not help shuddering at the thought, a look of horror appearing beneath his eyes!

The fear in his eyes gradually turned into anger, and a hint of determination flashed in his eyes!

"Rumbling Thunder Martial House!"

"Heavenly Demon Cult!"

"F * ck your grandpa … I will never forgive you!"

Make money!

I want to earn money to buy the Great Sage Fist!

Holding his phone, Jiang He typed in [How to quickly earn 25 million].


A lot of answers popped out.

"Deposit 2 billion in the bank, with a year's worth of interest …"

"Buy a lottery ticket and bet 10 bets on the first prize!"

"Rob a bank …"

"Hunting ferocious beasts …"

Among these answers, the method of "hunting Ferocious Beasts" was the most reliable.

Ferocious Beast materials were extremely precious. If one could kill a high-ranked Ferocious Beast, it was possible to sell it for forty to fifty million, let alone twenty-five million. Many martial artists liked to go to the wilderness to train. One reason was to hone their martial arts, and the other was to obtain Ferocious Beast materials to make money!

"I can't just sit here and wait for death!"

"Kill the Direbeast!"

"Earn money … Then buy the Great Sage Fist and buy treasures to increase my strength. Wait until my strength increases, I will definitely smash the Thunder Rush Dojo and kill that nuisance Thunder Hand!"

He did as he said.

Jiang He first went downstairs to the nurse's desk to steal the medicine he usually took.

He returned to the ward and found the S-grade alloy knife that Pockmarked Wang had given him. He also found a few sets of clothes, shoes, toothbrush, toothpaste, cleanser, face oil, and towel that Yun Yanchen had bought for him in the cupboard.

In the end.

He also found a hiking bag under the bed.

He stuffed all his clothes and daily necessities into the hiking bag, slung it over his shoulder, picked up the 880-catty S-grade alloy combat knife, and jumped out of the fourth-floor window!

Out of the mental hospital.

Jiang He waited for over ten minutes before he managed to flag down a taxi.

He got on.

"Sir, please take me out of the city," Jiang He promptly said.

The taxi driver glanced at the psychiatric gown Jiang He was wearing and quickly said, "You're still young, kid. You mustn't take things too hard … it's the wildlands outside the city, and it's extremely dangerous there, especially at night. Most martial artists wouldn't dare to simply wander around the wildlands."

"Don't worry, sir," Jiang He said. "I'm a martial artist."

Why would the taxi driver believe the words of a lunatic?

No matter how Jiang He tried to persuade him, he just wouldn't budge.

"Sir, you're refusing to take me. I can complain about you."

Jiang He drew his blade and said, "Do you believe that I'm a martial artist now?"

Even as he stared at the sharp blade that was inches away from him, the taxi driver did not say a word. He started the car, drove out of the city!

In order to resist the attacks of the Direbeasts, the base cities and acropolis had built a steel grid outside each city. Between the steel grid and the city was an "industrial zone" with many factories, farms, processing plants, and so on.

Outside the electric fence.

There were fortifications, each of which was equipped with powerful modern weaponry and garrisoned by military forces. In times of war, those fortifications would be the first line of defense for a city!

Outside the electric fence was the agricultural zone.

It was also known as a 'safe zone', with military forces and Martial Arts Department (MAD) personnel patrolling and sweeping the area to prevent Ferals or the Sky Demon Cult from destroying the crops.

Humans were iron, just as rice was steel.

In any era, food was the most important product!

Nonetheless, the taxi driver did not dare to keep going after they left the electric fence.

Being a reasonable person, Jiang He naturally would not force the taxi driver to do anything against his will. Quietly putting away his blade, he asked, "How much is the fare?"

The taxi driver glanced at the blade in Jiang He's hand and shrank, saying, "Sir, you've risked your life to hunt Ferals in the wastelands in the middle of the night to protect us civilians. How could I take your money?"

Very moved, Jiang He got off the car and thanked him, "Don't worry, I'll try my best to kill a few more Ferals in the wastelands … Hey, what the hell, why are you running so fast?"

Even before he finished, the taxi had turned on the spot and sped into the city, leaving only its taillights behind in the blink of an eye.

"Are all taxi drivers these days … that good at driving?"

He exclaimed in awe.

Jiang He turned to look into the distance.

The boundless wastelands resembled a ferocious beast in the night, exuding a sense of mystery and danger.

The cool night breeze blew over Jiang He's body, energizing him.

He took a deep breath.

Jiang He strode towards the wastelands.

Passing through the agricultural zone.

Up ahead.

It was a vast forest.

There were several buildings that were decades old beside the road, but they were now in shambles and overgrown with all sorts of vegetation. Signs of desolation and ruin were everywhere.

After walking for a while.

Jiang He turned to find that Wu City was no longer in sight.

He looked up at the horizon to find that the first glimmer of dawn had appeared over the eastern horizon.

It was summer in the Xibei, and it was already bright at six.

Jiang He only left the mental hospital at four in the morning. After leaving the city and sprinting over forty kilometers, it was now past five.

"It's going to be dawn soon …"

"Aren't Ferals rampaging in the wastelands?

Why didn't I run into a single Feral? "

Jiang He complained inwardly as he left the path and dove into a nearby thicket.

Soon after he entered the thicket, the sound of something piercing through the air could be heard behind him. Jiang He promptly turned to find a dark silhouette lunging at him!

Jiang He punched out by reflex!


The dark silhouette was sent flying backward, crashing heavily into a tree that was over half a meter thick, snapping it and dropping to the ground. It twitched twice before it stopped breathing.


The tree fell to the ground.

It crashed so hard that the earth quaked!


[You have been through a battle. Strength + 10kg.]


[You have slain a Feral. Strength + 20kg.]

Jiang He: "???"

[End of chapter]