Chapter 35: I'm here to talk business!

The Celestial Martial Artist Party was a martial artist party that was formed last year.

There were a total of twelve members in the party.

There were three rank-one martial artists, four rank-two martial artists, three rank-three martial artists, and one rank-four martial artist.

On the other hand, the bald man carrying an alloy staff on his back was their leader and a rank-five martial artist.

Right now, there were only eleven of them because one of their members had been injured and was recuperating.

But just as they were about to enter the building …The female martial artist who was carrying the Barrett suddenly said, "Leader … something's not right."


The bald leader paused and asked, "What is it?"

The female martial artist looked up at Jiang He who was sitting by the window and said, "The clothes he's wearing … looks like a patient's uniform from a mental hospital?"

The other martial artists did a double take.

One of them could not help asking, "Could you be mistaken, Sis Cai?"

The female martial artist glared at him and said, "I'm a sniper and have the best eyesight. I even took a spirit medicine that strengthens my vision, so there's no way I'm mistaken … there are words on his chest, and it looks like Anning something …"

"Anning Mental Rehabilitation Center?"

One of the martial artists said, "That's right. That's the name of the mental hospital in Wu City. A nephew of my friend's aunt is being treated there."

"Your friend's aunt's nephew … isn't that your friend too?"

"Could it be him?"

Another martial artist asked. "The one who defeated the sixth disciple of Fang Tailai, the owner of the Thunder Dojo? I think he's called Jiang … Jiang He? "

A personal disciple of the Thunder Dojo being defeated by a lunatic was one of the hottest news in Wu City in recent days.

Most people in the martial artist circle had paid attention to it.

The bald leader's eyes lit up at that and he exclaimed, "If it really is him, he's definitely an elite … come, let's pay him a visit!"

Ah …

The other members of the party traded glances.

They could not understand their leader's train of thought!

Why would a lunatic want to pay him a visit?

Could he be trying to rope in the Celestial Martial Artist Party?

Still, the others could not say anything since their leader had spoken.

After all …

Their leader had always been like that. He liked to make friends everywhere, and would try to recruit any lone martial artists he saw.

On the fifth floor.

Beside the broken window, Jiang He could not help frowning when he saw a group of people entering the building.

"These people have also entered this building?"

"Are they looking for me … or are they going to set up camp here?"

The roasted chicken leg in his hand was already emitting an enticing aroma.

Jiang He tore off a piece and put it in his mouth. The texture was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, as well as the unique Feral meat aroma that bloomed in his taste buds, making his eyes light up.

He wanted to comment, but due to his lack of words, he could only say two words in the end.


Sheathing, Jiang was to to, was, was to him, Jiang, and Jiang.


Footsteps could be heard.

Jiang He, Jiang He, Jiang, Jiang, and the bald leader, Jiang, Jiang, Jiang.

With a smile on his face, he glanced at Jiang He's psychiatric gown and became even more certain of Jiang He's identity. Offering a fist-palm salute, he asked, "Are you Jiang He, brother?"

Jiang He nodded. "That's me."

The bald man took another step forward and extended his hand. "So it's you … Let me introduce myself. I'm the captain of the Stellar Martial Team. My name is Wu Xingchen."


A small team of Star Warriors?

Never heard of it!

A bald guy.

How could he have such a nice name when he was so big and burly?

Jiang He complained inwardly. Rising to his feet, he switched the drumstick from his right hand to his left, and wiped the grease off his right hand before shaking Wu Xingchen's hand. "So, it's an honor to meet you, Captain Wu."

That was how it usually went in wuxia dramas.

Regardless of whether he knew or heard of Wu Xingchen, Jiang He would greet him first.

After a few pleasantries.

Wu Xingchen then said, "Enjoy your meal, Brother Jiang He. I'll lead my brothers to set up camp next door."

The dilapidated building was in a good location.

Even Jiang He and Wu Xingchen had chosen it as a base.

It was also on the fifth floor.

It was just two rooms away from Jiang He's room, and from the remnants of items inside, it must have been an arcade.

"Get some men to move the supplies up here."

Wu Xingchen instructed. "We'll start work after some repairs."

Sister Cai, who was carrying the Barrett, glanced at Wu Xingchen and said, "Captain."

With that, she gestured with her eyes.

Wu Xingchen turned to find Jiang He holding the 20-catty drumstick and leaning on the door, eating while asking, "Captain Wu, is your martial artist party here in the wildlands to hunt Ferals?"

Wu Xingchen smiled and nodded.

Jiang He mused to himself for seconds before saying, "I have an idea, Captain Wu … I think we could work together."


There was a flash of delight beneath Wu Xingchen's eyes as he asked, "How?"

If Jiang He was willing to seek him out …It meant that there was hope to recruit him into his martial artist party!

As for mental illness?

Wu Xingchen did not think that Jiang He was.

At the very least, Jiang He's speech and actions were no different from normal people in their brief chat.

"To tell the truth … I'm here in the wildlands to hunt Ferals and earn money."

Jiang He said truthfully. "However, I'm a lone martial artist and the amount of Feral materials I can bring back is limited, and it would be troublesome to return to Wu City again and again. So, I'm hoping that your Celestial martial artist party could help me deliver the Feral materials, and I'll pay you a corresponding commission … or I could sell the Feral materials directly to you so that you could earn a profit. How about that?"

The many Celestial martial artists did a double take.

Even Wu Xingchen was re-examining Jiang He from head to toe.

"And here I was saying that the brat wasn't sick … but now it seems that he really is sick, and very sick at that!"

How many Ferals could you kill alone?


Even if you're strong enough to get a lot of Feral materials, this is the wildlands … aren't you afraid that we'd go back on our word if you give us the Feral materials?

Wu Xingchen complained inwardly.

Nonetheless, Wu Xingchen said, "Brother Jiang He, that's a good suggestion … but aren't you afraid that our Celestial martial artist party would backstab you?"

"I'm not."

Jiang He took a bite out of his chicken drumstick and said seriously, "Your party's overall ability isn't that strong. If you dare to steal my goods, I'll just kill all of you and take your vehicles and resources, killing two birds with one stone."

"What did you say?"

His words left the Celestial martial artist party very uncomfortable, with one of the hot-tempered ones even about to draw his blade.

Nonetheless, Wu Xingchen stopped him and stared at Jiang He, saying seriously, "You have guts … I, Wu Xingchen, would consider you a friend just because of your guts. The Celestial Party's hideout is right here, and no matter how many Ferals you kill this time, the Celestial Party will take every Feral materials you get!"

"We'll charge you ninety percent of the Martial Arts Department's purchase price. You don't have a problem with that, do you?"

Jiang He smiled and said, "Alright, it's a deal!"

Nonchalantly throwing away the leftover drumstick, he took out the medicine he stole from the nurse's desk and consumed it.


[Reasonable diet, strength + 10kg.]


[Reasonable usage of medicine, strength + 10kg.]The difficulty of transporting Feral materials had been resolved. As for the ten percent difference in price …Was there any business that did not make money?

After taking his medicine, Jiang He returned to his' room ', picked up his combat blade and promptly jumped down from the fifth floor.

He sprinted all the way to the center of the ruined city.

And there …

Some Ferals were wandering around.

Over at the Celestial martial artist party, the hot-tempered one asked in confusion, "Why are you stopping me, leader? That lunatic is actually looking down on the Celestial martial artist party. I really want to teach him a lesson!"

Wu Xingchen glared at him and said, "You know he's a lunatic, and you still want to stoop to his level?"

He paused.

Then, he added, "Moreover, even Chen Xiang of the Rumbling Thunder Dojo is no match for him. You, a rank-three martial artist, want to teach him a lesson?"

(End of Chapter)