Chapter 46: Martial Maniac!

Martial artists hunting Ferals in the wildlands, it was normal for them to call their family and friends in their spare time.

That was why the Celestial Martial Party member who was on the phone was not noticed by the others at first.

He himself did not pay much attention either.

He was holding his satellite phone in his right hand.

He was holding a skewer of meat in his left.

Something big?

What did Wu City have to do with him when something big happened every day?

His friend's voice could be heard from the other end.

"You've got it right, kid … a grandmaster is definitely dead!"


The Celestial Martial Party member who was on the phone promptly raised his voice by several decibels. Rising to his feet with a 'whoosh', he did not even realize that the skewer in his left hand had fallen to the ground as he could not help exclaiming, "What did you say?"

"For real?

My son is trying to fool me? "

"That … that …"

"Fang Tai Lai, the Thunderbolt Dojo's principal, and his eldest disciple, Xiang Rongshan … is a Sky Demon Cultist?"

Everyone in the Celestial Martial Party was stunned at those words, and all of them turned to look at him.


"Was it Captain Zhou of the Martial Arts Department (MAD), or Chief Liu?"

"None of them?"

"I heard he's a lunatic … you've got to be kidding … eh."

The Celestial Martial Party member who was on the phone suddenly paused, and could not help turning toward Jiang He.

The other Celestial martial artists turned to look at Jiang He as well, their eyes shaking in shock!

"What is it?"

Jiang He blew at his bangs, his lips curling as he said, "Why are you all looking at me like that …"

Before he could finish his sentence, Gu Ruoyun stopped him.

His phone rang.

Whipping out his satellite phone, he glanced at the caller ID and said, "Sorry, I have to take this call." Picking up, he 'accidentally' put it on speaker and smiled. "Yanchen … what's up?"

Yun Yanchen's voice could be heard from the other end.

She spoke rather quickly.

There was disbelief in her voice as she exclaimed, "Thunderbolt Fang Tai Lai is dead, Jiang He!"

"Yes, he's dead!" Jiang He replied.

"Everyone in Wu City is spreading the word that Fang Tai Lai was killed by a naked lunatic … and some are even saying that it was you!"

"What the heck?"

Jiang He's voice abruptly raised a few octs.

He hurriedly turned off the speakerphone and glanced guiltily at Wu Xingchen and the others. Then, he hugged his phone and walked out of the corridor, shouting angrily, "Nonsense, nonsense … Since when was my butt naked?"

"When martial artists fight to the death, isn't it reasonable for them to tear off their clothes?"


"Martial cultivation is a dance between life and death … Fang Tailai and Xiang Rongshan have already noticed me. If I don't kill them, I'll be the one to die."

"As the saying goes, take his life when he's sick. This is the principle!"

"Fang Tailai is injured. This is the best opportunity. Of course, I have to seize the opportunity to strike!"

"How could I have the strength to kill a Martial Dao Grandmaster head-on?"

"I used my intelligence and a little bit of help from the poison left behind by my fourth brother…Alright, alright, I still have something to do. I'll hang up first!"

Everyone in the Star martial artist team perked up their ears and listened carefully.

Jiang He hung up, cursing as he entered.

"Why has society become like this now?"

"How much courage does it take for me to barge into the Thunderbolt Dojo alone and slay two Sky Demon Cultists, Xiang Rongshan and Fang Tai Lai on my own? Forget it if those dogs aren't cheering me on … they're actually slandering me, saying that I'm a butt-naked lunatic! "

Jiang He plopped down on the floor.

Jiang He picked up an iced beer and chugged an entire bottle in one go.

Meanwhile, one of the Celestial Martial Party members was holding his phone, discreetly clicking on a picture his friend in the city had sent him.

The picture was of a man standing upright with a blade in hand.

The man was tall and straight, and his build was identical to Jiang He's, although his back and buttocks were exposed … dazzling white!

That person carefully forwarded the picture to a group called 'Celestial Family'.

All at once, the Celestial Martial Party members had weird looks on their faces.

Back to Jiang He.

After scolding for a while, he felt a little thirsty, so he asked Wu Xingchen to bring him two bottles of beer and some barbecued meat back to his room.

"It's only 8 o 'clock. It's still early. Let's practice our saber techniques first."

Jiang He leapt off the window, blade in hand.

He found a more spacious place, pulled out his saber, and began to practice the basic martial arts saber techniques.

After this period of cultivation, Jiang He's grasp over blade techniques had reached the level of flowing water. Even so, he did not stop cultivating.

In Pockmarked Wang's words …He needed to train the basic usage of the saber technique into his muscle memory.

Only then would he be able to use his saber as he pleased in battle!

Basic Martial Arts Fist Arts and Basic Martial Arts Body Arts were the same.

In Jiang He's own words …Since I'm unable to cultivate profound martial arts, then I'll cultivate the basic martial arts to the limit!

Just like a certain bald-headed demon king.

When a person's physical fitness and strength reached an unimaginable level, even an ordinary punch would have the power to give Lan Xing a middle mark!

"My current situation …"

"It seems that I could develop in that direction."

"If my physical strength could reach millions of catties, I wouldn't even need to poison a grandmaster like Fang Tailai. I could blow him up with a single punch!"


Around seventy kilometers away.

Ningdong Town.

Four Heavenly Guardians of the Sky Demon Cult were seated in a circle inside an abandoned building with a sign that read 'Ningdong Town Power Station'.

They were all dressed in black robes and wearing different masks.

A bonfire crackled between the four of them, with a fat piece of barbecued meat roasting over it.

Suddenly …

A middle-aged man dressed in black robes hurried in, kneeling on one knee as he said fearfully, "Lord Heavenly Guardian … something has happened in Wu City. Xiang Rongshan and Fang Tailai's identities have been exposed, and they have sacrificed themselves to the Holy Faith."


One of the Heavenly Guardians growled. "I've just met Xiang Rongshan today. Both master and disciple had pledged allegiance to the Holy Faith for almost ten years and had hidden themselves well … how could they have been exposed so suddenly?"

The black-robed middle-aged man said, "Another spy in Wu City has sent word … that Xiang Rongshan and Fang Tailai's exposure has something to do with a mental patient called Jiang He."

"Jiang He … Jiang He?"

The Heavenly Guardian frowned behind his mask and said, "I know that man. He was once a rather famous prodigy, and I had Fang Tailai poison him … it is said that after his meridians, Sea of Qi, and superpowers were destroyed, he began cultivating physique refinement … it seems that Fang Tailai was right — he has completely freed himself from the evil poison."


The other three Heavenly Guardians were taken aback as well.

"The evil poison is a secret recipe the Holy Lord brought from behind the Heaven's Gate. Though it only works on those below grandmaster, there is no antidote … could the Great Xia have developed a way to break the evil poison?"

"This is serious. We must report this to our lord as soon as possible!"

"Contact the spy in Wu City and gather all information on Jiang He as soon as possible …"

Even as they conversed, one of the Heavenly Guardians stood up and instructed, "Send word to our brothers and have them evacuate deeper into the mines … since Fang Tailai and Xiang Rongshan have been exposed, the elites of the Martial Arts Department (MAD) might find this place."


Every Sky Demon Cult disciple withdrew from Ningdong Town.

They headed east.

They were all abandoned coal mines, and the Martial Arts Department (MAD) would never be able to find them unless they conducted a carpet search!

Even so, this place was filled with Ferals.

There were many high-ranked Ferals as well.

A carpet search …It was too difficult!

Soon after the Sky Demon Cultists withdrew.

Two figures appeared in Ningdong Town.

One of them was wearing a black windbreaker, with a long, narrow alloy combat blade hanging from his hip. It was Zhou Tong, the captain of the MAD's enforcement team.

The other person.

He appeared to be around forty years old.

He was wearing a suit.

From his appearance, he appeared scholarly and weak, as if he did not know martial arts.

"Chief Liu."

Zhou Tong looked around and said, "It seems that the Sky Demon Cultists had indeed set up camp here … they must have guessed that we were coming and left ahead of time."

The man in the suit known as Chief Liu stepped out of the abandoned building, and with a light tap of his foot, he landed on the roof of a building.

Zhou Tong made a move and darted up behind him.

The man in the suit looked out at the distant night sky and asked, "Zhou Tong, where do you think the Sky Demon Cultists would be hiding?"

Zhou Tong thought about it and said, "There are too many abandoned mines in Ningdong Town … we wouldn't be able to do anything to them if they hid in one."

"Why not?"

The man in the suit turned to look at Zhou Tong and smiled. "There have been too many official duties in the bureau over the last two years, and I couldn't get away … since I'm here in the wildlands, I might as well take a look around."


His figure disappeared from the roof of the building in a flash.

His voice could be heard from a hundred meters away, saying, "You return to Wu City first. I'll take a look around … and see if I can catch a few rats!"


Zhou Tong's face dropped.

He remembered Chief Liu's nickname — Liu Feng the Martial Madman!

He would do anything once he went mad. Still, Liu Feng had not made a move in Wu City after ascending as a grandmaster, which was why people had forgotten about his madness!

Hence, he made a move and rushed toward Wu City.

Even as he hurried.

Even as he took out his phone and made a call.

"Hello, is this the Western Xia branch?"

"I'm Zhou Tong … I have something important to talk to Chief Chen about."

A minute later.

A calm voice spoke from the other end of the call.

"I'm Chen Jingzhou. Zhou Tong … why are you looking for me?"

"Something's happened, Chief Chen … our Chief Liu has gone to the wildlands, and it looks like he won't be back for some time. Without Chief Liu holding the fort in Wu City, I'm afraid that the Supreme God of the Sky Demon Cultists would have some ideas!"

(End of Chapter)