HARLEY: Ahjussi

I couldn't possibly deal with this man.  

"You've got to be kidding me!" 

I glared at Sylus, who'd dragged me out of the elevator, walking me out of the house. He'd made me dress up this morning without a clue of what was going on, and now he still wouldn't let me know where in the world he was taking me. 

I wriggled, trying to snatch my hand back, but his grip was tight. "Sylus, where are we going?" 

"To see my family." He pulled the door of the BMW open, shoved me into the passenger seat, and locked the seat belt before I could protest. 

"Sylus—" He slammed the door shut in my face, and I watched him angrily from the corner of my eyes as he made his way over to the other side to sit on the driver's seat. 

"What makes you think I want to see your family?" 

"You don't have a choice," Sylus said, taking a reverse and speeding off into the road. A bunch of other cars driven by his guards sped after us, and I sat staring at him. "I do have a choice, Sylus. You just don't tell me what to do, and I'll do it. It doesn't work like that!" 

"HARLEY!" His head whipped to my side, and I held his gaze head-on. "Do not make this difficult."  

"Maybe if you'd told me instead of spawning it on me out of the blue, I wouldn't." My tone was flat, devoid of the anger I felt seething inside of me. How many days had it been since the incident? Five? And he was already dragging me off to his family. 


I was annoyed, glancing at him and averting my gaze to the road. "I may or may not make this difficult for you. Hope for the best." 

It was abrupt, but he'd driven over to the side, immediately stopping the car, and before I could even raise a brow, he fisted my shirt, jerking me so close that the scent of his cologne choked me. 

I frowned deeply. "Let go of me, Sylus." I grabbed his wrist, wanting to free myself, but this man wasn't budging. I mean, I knew he was strong, but I was literally digging into the skin of his wrist, yet he did not react to it. "Sylus."

Sylus's grip on my shirt grew tighter. "Do not do this with me, not today." And he let go, turning the engine back on to speed off down the road. 

The entire ride was in complete silence, and I didn't care one bit. He could be mad for all I care. Neither of us would be spared from this misery of a marriage. Opening my eyes was when the car finally came to a stop and the engine went off. 

I looked up to the massive manor, much smaller than Sylus's house, and chewed on my bottom lip. Seriously? I was this nervous? Sylus didn't understand. I wasn't good with crowds or people I didn't know and had never met before. They made me feel anxious and out of place, and I hated that feeling.  

I fidgeted. 

"Why are you so nervous? Is this too much for you?" 

My eyes immediately snapped to him. "It's none of your business. Don't pretend like you care." And I stormed after him as he glared at me and began walking to the entrance of the manor. 

We stepped in together, and upon arriving at what I believed was a guest dining room, we came to a stop. 

They'd been expecting us. 

A middle-aged man who looked everything like Sylus sat at the head chair, and on the right side of the table, a young woman who I assumed would be a bit older than me sat. She didn't have any resemblance to Sylus, but as someone who was a good observer, I could tell she was his sister. 

There was no one else, just these two. 

Sylus grabbed my hand, and the closer we got, I hunched slightly, bowing to the old man. "Hello, Ahjussi." 

"Ahjussi?" His voice was rough and cold, and while he pretended not to have his eyes on me, I could feel his peripheral vision on me, sizing me up as if gauging my value. The sister, on the other hand, was not at all hiding her displeasure. No, she disliked me. Why? I'd never met any of them before. 

I smiled, and the sudden ringing of Sylus's phone had me looking away. He glanced at his father and left the dining room, seeming to have an important call. 

The middle-aged man looked at me. "Have a seat." And I did. I sat down, swallowing the stupid nausea that was building up in my throat. I wasn't afraid, but I didn't like new faces. 

A piece of paper was slapped onto the table, and I dragged my eyes off Mr. Jones to the paper. "What is this?"

He stared daggers at me as if he expected me to know. 

"Divorce papers, Harley Legan. Sign them."