It's been more than two days now, and nothing has come from Olive. Not a message and not a call. I couldn't sleep, so I shuffled my way to Sylus's room and slipped into the bedroom.  

Sylus was asleep, curled up comfortably, and completely unaware of my presence. I stared down at him and shifted my gaze to the other side of the bed, perfectly made and untouched. It was as if he'd made that part just for me, and I would have found myself smiling if I didn't know the kind of man he was. Not even in my wildest dream would this happen. 

The thought made me scoff, and I slipped into the bed, making myself comfortable. My bed was nothing compared to this, not to mention the tons of pillows he had on it for comfort. I would never not find that amusing.   

I skimmed my fingers over my loose hair, pulled, and smiled. Yeah, not even in his begging dream would I sleep in that stupid guest room he'd put me in. His room was better and so was his sweet soft bed. 

Sleep had come, and by the time I was woken up to the shuffles of footsteps ringing in my ears, it was already early in the morning.  I blinked my eyes a few times and slowly sat up on the bed, my hair falling over my face and obstructing my vision.   

"What are you doing up so early?" A yawn worked its way free from me.

Sylus didn't look at me or bother to answer me. He was instead focused on buttoning up the vest of his navy blue suit. "When did you sneak into my bed last night?" he asked.  

Whoa. "It sounds dirty when you say it like that." A chuckle broke free from me as I watched him choke on his saliva.  

His glares shot through my head like a sharp arrow. "Get out of that bed." 

"This is our bed. We are married." I dismissively waved my hand at him and gathered the chunk of my hair, shoving it backward over my shoulder. "I am your wife, do you need me to spell it out for you? W. I. F. E. Wife."  

Sylus grunted. "Your room is in the guest room; how many times do I have to remind you of that?" 

I smirked, tilting my side to the side to size him up. "Yet, you didn't bother to wake me up but allowed me to have my sweet sleep. Are you sure you don't enjoy my company, husband?"  

"Harley, I won't put up with you this morning. Get out of that bed."  

"Yeah, and who's going to make me?" I raised a taunting brow at him. "You, Sylus? Go ahead, make me." 

Irritation burned in his eyes.  

"Harley, get out of that bed," he repeated through tight lips. 

"And I said, make me."  

I dared him, betting with myself that no one had ever crawled under his skin like this. Not once had he even been caught on camera showing any emotion other than that fake smile he always had on for the public. I could already imagine their reaction if they ever saw what he looked like angry. 

But no, this man was all mine to bring undone.  

The thought brought a smile to my face before it vanished, my eyes suddenly wide as I watched him begin storming towards me.  

"What are you doing?" My voice shook.  

Sylus dipped his knee into the bed and reached for my arm, but I was quick to crawl back, instantly putting distance between the both of us. What the heck?

"Don't touch me!" 

"Didn't I ask you nicely to get out?" He slipped off his polished shoes and climbed into the bed to grab hold of me. But I went on all fours, hurrying to flee from him. His hand, however, caught hold of my ankle, and I yelped as he yanked me back towards him. 

He flipped me over with ease and grabbed both of my hands. They were spread apart and pinned above my head, leaving me trapped under him with nowhere to escape.  

I shuddered involuntarily. 

"What the hell do you think you're—" 

"You really don't want to dare me, Harley, and I mean it." 

"Or what?" I bit back at him. 

His left eye twitched. Any more of this, and I was sure his ears would begin to whistle like a boiling kettle. But it wasn't like I didn't warn him. There was a reason I looked like a mess at that church, after all. 

"Why are you so adamant about sleeping in here? You don't like me, and I sure as fuck don't like you, not even one bit. So what is your problem?" he asked. 

"Correction," I interrupted. "I don't just dislike you, Sylus, I hate you just as much as I hate my father. That is all the more reason this is enjoyable."  

His harsh gaze narrowed in a way that had me thinking for a second, but I didn't have the time to ponder, hissing at the feel of him tightening his grasp on my wrist, almost as if he intended to crush them. Dammit, he was annoying. 


"Eat the bed if you will!" Sylus let go of my hand and slipped off, settling his feet into his loafers. He sighed as he headed for the door, and I followed right after him. 

I banged my hand on the door before he could close it and grabbed his wrist. "Where are you going?"  

"To work," he grumbled. "Do you need something from me?" 

"No, but are you leaving me here? Alone in this house?"