Chapter 183; They are probably fighting

............she had two outcomes: either die in the process or lose her womb, which she would still blame him for the outcome. He had to brace himself and accept the situation no matter how much she hated him, he didn't mind that she hated him so long as she was alive and thriving.

Tang Fei could tell that she didn't lose her memories, but rather, they were erased. Could she have done something unforgivable?

She couldn't wrap her head around the circumstances.

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Zhihao, Feihao, Tinghao, and Minghao went through the closet searching for a cotton-fitting tracksuit like the one they were wearing; it had a navy blue sweatshirt and white cotton trousers. They had pockets on the side, and the sleeves were long up to their wrists.

They searched through the closet until they found the two sets, one for their father and the other one was for their mother looking at the sizes and the entire outfit was unisex.