Chapter 208; That's fine with me!

Xu Xie wasn't in the mood for a random chat with strangers; she just wanted to see her friend, and that was the person that brought her over here. So, joining the kids at the playing ground was better than being seated.

Secretary Li was getting worried, so he got up from the couch with his wine glass, "Huo Wu, Huo Qi, take care of the situation here, and for our dear guests, this place doesn't have servants, everything is self-service, you can get drinks from that dispenser or hard drinks from the wine cabinet over there, you can choose whatever you want to have." With that, he strolled away over to the mansion with his wineglass swirling it around while taking sips from time to time.

Everyone present was speechless, with whatever just happened, they didn't dare to run their mouths wild.