The room was cold, empty, and dark, with no windows to let in the bright moonlight from outside. A low whimper broke the oppressive silence, coming from a figure huddled in one corner, seeking warmth. The room was completely engulfed in silence, except for the occasional sound of the figure's whimpers due to the cold.
After a few minutes, the door creaked open, and light from the hallway spilled into the room. Two bulky men entered, their imposing figures casting long shadows. Without a word, they covered the figure's face with a dark sackcloth and forcefully dragged them out into a brightly lit, expansive hallway with numerous doors leading to other rooms. The hallway resembled a prison, with gray, greasy walls, titanium-bolted doors, and faint, foul smells of sewer and sweat lingering in the air.
After numerous twists and turns, the trio entered a new hallway that stood in stark contrast to the previous one. This hallway was adorned with various paintings and plants, and a plush red velvet carpet covered the floor. After several more minutes of walking, they arrived at the end of the hallway and stood before huge gold and cream-colored double doors. The two men opened the doors and dragged the figure inside, throwing them onto the floor before stepping aside.
After a few seconds of tense silence, a deep male voice commanded, "Remove the cloth." The cloth was yanked off, and Patricia squinted as her eyes adjusted to the room's bright lighting. She found herself sitting on the red velvet carpeted floor of a large, opulent living room filled with luxurious, over-the-top furniture.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I can't believe my eyes. The great Patricia Milton, the world's second-best champion derby racer, in my humble home. I would have said what a pleasure and honor it is to finally meet you. However, since you're one of my biggest enemies out to get me and destroy me, I won't be rolling out the red carpet," the voice mocked.
Patricia turned her eyes toward the speaker and saw a handsome middle-aged man. He had dark brown eyes, plush pink lips, a sharp nose, and long wavy dark brown hair. His athletic body was plumped with muscles, and he sat on a golden white chair, looking down at her with a smug smirk.
The sight of this man filled Patricia with revulsion, and a wave of anger surged within her, screaming to be let out. 'This is him. The man who destroyed my family's life. The man who plans to introduce the impossible to the world while also planning its destruction. I thought I would take him down with the element of surprise and all the evidence I gathered against him, but no. He got to me first. Now I'm stuck in this am I going to get out?' These thoughts raced through Patricia's mind as she glared at the man sitting before her. If she had an invisible knife, she would have gladly used it to slit his throat and face the consequences later. But since she had none, she clenched her fists and glared fearlessly at him.
The man chuckled, "Wow, woman! I really like that fire burning inside of you. It almost tempts me to whisk you into my bed right now so you can truly set it on fire." He leaned forward in his seat and continued, "You came all this way looking for's a real pity that I caught wind of your game plan before you initiated it. But I must say, I'm impressed by your audacity to challenge me. Since you want to play it that way...I'll grant your wish. Bring them in!" he shouted, standing up from his chair.
The double doors swung open, and Patricia saw three figures being dragged inside with their faces covered in black sackcloths. One looked battered and bruised, while the other two appeared unharmed. The three figures were forced to the floor, and their cloths were removed.
"Sister!" cried the young boy and girl, who looked to be in their late teens, as soon as they saw Patricia. "Alisha! Zachariah! No!" Patricia screamed, trying to run toward them, but the two bulky men held her down. After a struggle, her eyes locked with those of the other figure, the battered and bruised man she had given her heart to, the man who had sworn to protect her no matter what. It was his protection that had led him to this position.
Patricia's heart squeezed in pain as she recalled the times they had spent together. She had never imagined she would fall in love with someone like him, mysterious, dangerous, cocky, and sometimes annoying. Yet destiny had brought them together because of one man and one mission, which they were both determined to accomplish. They had come this far, but how were they going to escape this tight situation and achieve their 'Happily Ever After' with all odds against them?
She never wanted this to happen. When she began the race, she never thought she would end up in a situation with no escape plan or answer. She felt doomed, and unfortunately, all her loved ones were going down with her because of her. She could do nothing but glare at the man who was at the center of this mess.
The man briefly glanced at Patricia and said, "Well, since you're all reunited now, Miss Milton," he said, standing in front of her, "I accept your challenge. You and I shall race! Since I'm a well-known generous man with a kind heart, if you win, I'll let you all go free, and you'll hold your champion trophy after beating the world's best derby racer in history. Of course, it will be in exchange for a special prize. But if I win... I'm sure you and your family will very much enjoy being my lab rats for the coming evolution that this world has ever seen! So, what do you say, Miss it a date?"
Patricia looked at the man before her and smirked, thinking, 'Well, if that's what he wants, I'll gladly comply. Since all this started with a race, it will end with a race.'