"So what if I took a little loot from your boss. It's not like I don't deserve it. Your boss has been selfish from the start. I always did those bank dealings with him, but he never let me in with the big dogs. Humph! It pisses me off that even when I am a senator of one of the world's most powerful countries, he still uses me like a puppet," Senator Williams' voice echoed inside the dimly lit room at the warehouse where Patricia, Isaac, and Nicole had agreed to meet.
After the recording stopped, Patricia and Nicole exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and satisfaction.
"Well done, Agent Phillips. I didn't expect you to acquire more evidence to help our plans so easily. But I guess the senator is a fool and an idiot. I can't believe that Montenegra has such a scaredy-cat involved in his business. What a shame..." said Nicole.
Isaac leaned forward, his blue eyes gleaming. "This is just the beginning. We have him cornered. Now, we need to move to the next phase."
Patricia nodded. "Right! We need to be prepared for any surprises. Senator Williams may be an idiot, but that doesn't mean his brain doesn't function properly at times. The man has been stealing from Montenegra and the people for years, and covering up his tracks well. So, we need to be very careful. We already know he isn't alone. A lot of other people are following in his footsteps. We need to corner them all to turn the tides in our favor." She walked to the window and looked out at the dark night sky.
"You are right. But how are we going to do that? Because I'm not going to kidnap another senator, congressman, or governor to make them confess. This was a ridiculous idea, and it was a close call. So, I'm not going to do it again," said Isaac.
"Don't worry, Agent Phillips. Relax. What you did was more than enough, and it's definitely going to help us a lot," said Nicole, smiling mischievously.
Isaac looked at both women and noticed Patricia smiling mischievously by the window. He sensed that they were up to something again. "How? How is it going to help?"
"You just gave us a detonator, Agent Phillips. And we are going to use it to blow the entire place down," said Patricia, moving away from the window and standing in front of Isaac. "We are going to need your help in investigating the rest of the dogs like Mr. Williams so that we can use the information to our advantage. We need to find a way to enter the big leagues. And if it means playing dirty, then we will. Right now, we just need to join the club. I just hope Senator Williams managed to convince his buddies. Otherwise, things won't work well for us."
"Don't worry, Patricia. I'm sure Senator Williams managed to convince his buddies. He knows he has a lot to lose if he doesn't cooperate," reassured Nicole.
"Besides, he's an idiot. I could see right through him. He's nothing but a coward, so he's definitely going to try and convince them," said Isaac as he pocketed the recorder.
"I will start working on strategies to approach our next targets. I will provide feedback tomorrow," said Isaac, moving toward the door to exit the room.
"Isaac!" Patricia called after him.
He turned around to face her.
"Thank you," said Patricia, smiling at him.
"It is always my pleasure, Sweeches," Isaac replied, flashing a dashing smile. "We will keep in touch," then he left the room.
Patricia smiled and turned to see Nicole eyeing her with a look of disbelief. "What?"
Nicole shrugged. "Seriously. I thought you were going to ask him out for some drinks. You know... to thank him for a job well done."
Patricia sighed. "I thought we agreed to keep it professional and avoid any extra activities. Besides, he called my feelings dumb and naïve. I mean... what kind of man calls a woman's feelings dumb and naïve. Uurrg! He is so unpredictable and so annoying."
Nicole chuckled heartily. "Then I guess you have to prove him wrong. Play a little hard to get, get on his nerves, and then make your move. He won't know what hit him. But either way, you can't do that by ignoring him. You have to get close and rile him up a little to show him what he's missing."
Patricia sighed. "So why don't you woo him, since you are so interested in him? You did say he's your type!" She started heading towards the door to exit the room.
Nicole looked at Patricia with disbelief and hurried after her. "Oh, come on, Patricia! Why are you being so stubborn? You and I both know you have the 'jitteries' for Agent Phillips. Otherwise, why would you be upset about him calling your feelings 'dumb and naïve'? I'm trying to help you prove him wrong. Show him that you are not what he thinks you are, but a bold, daring, courageous, and beautiful woman!"
Patricia stopped as they approached her car and turned to face Nicole. "And you think he doesn't know that? Hmph! Of course he knows that. But he just doesn't want to admit it! He likes to push my buttons, get me all riled up and annoyed! So no, I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of wasting my time on him!" Then she opened the car door and got in.
Nicole stood in her position for a while until she said, "O...oh...okay," then she got in the car as well, and they drove away.
Meanwhile, about six men were gathered in a lavish sitting room filled with expensive, luxurious furniture, smoking cigars, drinking whiskey, and watching a horse derby race on a big flat-screen TV. "Oh, come on, you bastard! Get him!" shouted one of the men. Another man chuckled and said, "Afraid of losing now, are we, Raymond? I thought, as a business tycoon and a governor, you knew how to pick good competition and not sloppy jerkasses that only win with a pinch of luck."
"Oh, shut up, Williams! As if you've had any better luck! At least I am a governor and I am going to be initiated into the big leagues. What about you, huh? You've been a senator for 15 years, doing all the dirty work, but never once got promoted to governor or initiated into the big leagues. Tsk...tsk... what a sad and sorry state you are in. But don't worry, I will make sure to vouch for you once I have been initiated," Raymond chuckled mockingly.
"Why don't you just shut up, Ray! Don't blame me when your head ends up under the bus the moment 'silver snake' decides to deal with you. I will get into those big leagues one day, you will see!" fumed Williams.
Just then, the door opened to reveal Jethro, wearing an impeccable, expensive red and black suit with golden cufflinks and a golden tie. The moment he stepped into the room, all the men became quiet and looked at him. Jethro went and took a seat on the head couch in the room.
He then cleared his throat and said, "Good evening, gentlemen. Thank you so much for accepting my invitation. I know that all of you are busy men, so I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with me."
"Enough with the formalities, Jethro! Just tell us the purpose of this sudden meeting and let's get it over with. We are busy men, as you say, and we don't want to waste time!" one of the men dressed in a dark navy suit said.
Jethro narrowed his eyes at him and then said, "Very well, Governor Rockworth. I called this meeting because there is someone who wants to join our club. I know we are all in positions of power now, but we were once derby racers, riding those tracks for glory and fame. Although we are considered the low rank, the hooves and tail of the golden horse, we still play important and crucial parts in the league..."
"You mean you play the important part in the league, Jethro, since you are now dining with the big dogs at the high table instead of dining with us 'Chihuahuas' at the bottom table. So stop pretending like you care and just tell us what you want," interrupted Governor Rockworth.
Jethro narrowed his eyes at him once more, anger evident on his face. The other men began to murmur because of Rockworth's comment, making Jethro's blood boil even more. But instead of lashing out, he kept his cool. He needed these men to accept his Patty doll into the club and as a derby racer. So he was going to make sure they were convinced enough to accept her.
"Very well, gentlemen. Let's get to the point of this meeting, shall we." He then signaled his man to hand out some photos to the men.
The moment Senator Williams took hold of the picture, his eyes widened. It was the same picture that the man handed him two days ago when he was kidnapped. 'This is the same picture that man gave me. And he did mention that Jethro was going to call me to inform me about her. So were those men sent by Jethro? But how did Jethro know about the money? What the hell am I missing here?'
"What is this, Jethro? Who is this? One of your whores?" asked Rockworth in a mocking tone.
Jethro kept his cool, although he wanted to land a punch on Rockworth's smug face. Unlike the rest of the men, Governor Rockworth was very powerful and owned a global real estate business that was very influential. However, despite his power and influence, he was not part of the big leagues of the club. Montenegra did not trust him enough to involve him with the big dogs. Someone powerful was a potential traitor, so it was best to keep him under control but also pleased so he wouldn't go rogue.
"Her name is Patricia..."
Then he leaned slightly in his seat and continued, "Milton."
The moment he mentioned her last name, the room broke into loud murmurs.
"Patricia Milton! You mean Simon Milton's daughter?" asked Rockworth as he examined the picture.
"Yes, Patricia Milton, Simon Milton's daughter. She wants to join our club and become a derby racer," replied Jethro.
"But for what reason?" asked a man in a dark green suit who looked a bit older than the rest.
"That's what I want to know as well, Congressman Saccoth. So tell us, Jethro. Why do you want to bring a deceased racer's daughter into our club, huh? Does she even know how to race?" asked Rockworth.
"She wants to carry on her father's legacy. And yes, she does know how to race. She wants to honor her family. Besides, she is Milton's daughter. Simon was the world's second-best champion derby racer, and we all know he was the best. Even better than you-know-who. So imagine if she joins us... if she is as good or better than her father, we can be sure to land ourselves in the big leagues. You know we are in competition with the VOCs..." The moment he mentioned that name, the room erupted into murmurs. "Those slimy snakes!" "I wish I could just strangle one of them! Bloody devils!" "They are always winning! They already have six of their members in the big leagues, and we only have one!" "Just because they are from the world's most powerful country doesn't mean they all get to have a share at the biggest table!"
These were the murmurs roaming around the room.
"I know we are in competition with the VOCs. But...why should we put our trust in a woman, even if she is Simon Milton's daughter? That doesn't mean she can be as good as him," said Rockworth.
"But a name can also bring power. We all know that Simon was the best racer and he was feared by all! Even the 'Golden Horse' himself feared him. So even if she is not that good, her name and relation to the best racer can be beneficial to us. And we can use it to find our way into the big leagues," said Williams, and immediately some of his friends started agreeing with him.
"Or she could shame us and bring our branch club to the ground. Let's not forget that she is a woman. And since when do women know how to race! They belong in the home and beneath us in our sheets, not on the track! Who does she think she is? And what is she trying to prove by being a derby racer? I am not going to accept this!" exclaimed Rockworth.
The room erupted into arguments. The majority agreed to let Patricia join since they were friends with Senator Williams, but the ones who were refusing were more powerful and influential, making the matter complex.
"I challenge her to a race!"
The room quieted down the moment that voice rang through the room.
Everyone turned to where the voice came from. It was Congressman Saccoth who had spoken.
"I, Philip Bedevere Saccoth, challenge Ms. Patricia Milton to a race! If she wins, she will join the club without questions asked, and I will be her loyal supporter and trainer along with the other derby racers that follow my lead. But if she loses, she will not get into the club and will never be allowed to contest again!" declared Congressman Saccoth.
The men started murmuring and soon agreed to the decision. Jethro knew he could not do anything to stop it. Once a derby racer declared a challenge, there was no turning back or any opposition to it. That was the law established from the beginning of the sport. So now he hoped that Patricia would really surprise him like she promised and win the race. Otherwise, she would never be allowed to be a derby racer again until the current leader of the club dies or retires, and knowing the current leader, it was not going to happen anytime soon. Another problem was that Congressman Saccoth was a very good racer, even tagged as one of the world's best, so racing against him wouldn't be easy. Jethro slumped in his seat and sighed, rubbing his chin as he thought, 'You better surprise me, pretty doll... you better surprise me...'
Patricia placed down her phone and turned around to face her siblings and best friend with a bewildered expression.
"So, what did he say? Are we in or not?" asked Alisha.
But Patricia did not reply and kept looking at them.
"It's bad, isn't it?" asked Nicole.
"What is?" asked Zach.
Patricia took a deep breath and said, "The race has begun."
A look of determination flashed on her face.