Chapter 8: It’s Never Too Late To Make Amends

Sinacore POV.

“I don’t need anything. No money. No favors.”

Cynthia pulled the rug under my feet. Literally. Here I was, offering her what could possibly be the deal of her lifetime, and she simply declined the offer of money. Without a second thought.

Not that she wasn’t in need. She likely didn’t come from money, which is why she was doing a cleaning job at the academy. And even though I had not quoted an amount for the compensation I had to offer her, she refused it without hearing the quote.

It was not just unexpected. It was too good to be true.

This woman, sitting in front of me with a cup of coffee in her hand, her wet blonde hair clinging to her shoulders like a vine on a dry brick wall, her round face and freckled cheeks exuding honesty and humility, her lean frame looking less pale now after the hot shower and sips of hot coffee, was a study in contradictions.

Or, so I thought.